
Wed November 11th

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Jeff Zellmer · Over The Skype · Kodak

In this 'Over the Skype' session Carla Menéndez from INKISH.Mexico talks with Global VP of Sales and Strategy, Jeff Zellmer from Kodak. Of course, they talk about Kodak as a company, and, of course, they talk about the next line of Inkjet presses recently announced. Enjoy!

Tue November 3rd

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Denis Ochanine & Marie Paya · Over ...

Denis OCHANINE, President of AGG Print and Marie Paya, Head of Marketing & Communication of AGG Print reveal the strategy and business model of this pioneering and visionary company, which draws its inspiration from society's consumption patterns to anticipate its customers' expectations and offer them differentiating visual communication. Denis and Marie use Alexander Osterwalder's and Yves Pigneur's strategic canvas to describe their market segments, their value propositions and the channels that are very often at odds with the current market. They then explain to us the key activities and resources that support their strategy that allows them to be successful with their clients. This interview illustrated by a slide show, is a source of inspiration for many companies who wish to reflect on their business model.... So, don't hesitate and take advantage right away of the unique vision and expertise of Denis OCHANINE and Marie Paya of a beautiful digital printing company AGG Print --- Denis OCHANINE, président de AGG Print et Marie Paya, responsable Marketing & Communication de AGG Print nous révèle la stratégie et le business model de cette entreprise précurseur et visionnaire qui s’inspire des modes de consommation de la société pour anticiper les attentes de ses clients et leur proposer une communication visuelle différenciant. Denis et Marie nous décrivent à l’aide du canevas stratégique d’Alexander Osterwalder et d’Yves Pigneur, leurs segments de marchés, leurs propositions de valeur et les canaux très souvent en rupture avec le marché actuel. Ils nous expliquent alors les activités et les ressources clés qui supportent leur stratégie qui leur permet de rencontrer le succès auprès de leurs clients. Cet entretien illustré par un diaporama est une source d’inspiration pour beaucoup d’entreprises qui souhaitent réfléchir à leur business model …. Alors, n’hésitez pas et profitez tout de suite de la vision unique et de l’expertise de Denis OCHANINE et Marie Paya d’une très belle imprimerie numérique AGG Print

Tue November 3rd

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Gunilla Saltin · Over The Skype · Mondi ...

Even in the difficult Corona times, there are bright spots and real great moments. As part of the INKISH@Work Tour in Switzerland, Andreas Weber, CEO INKISH D-A-CH, had an Over the Skype conversation with Gunilla Saltin, CEO of Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper, based in Vienna, Austria. The top manager, who comes from Sweden, inspires us with her smart and clever messages that have not yet been heard in this form in the print and paper sector. Here at a glance what we were talking about: Focus 1: Innovations What are in your POV the core results of the virtual Press Conference from Tuesday September 22nd, 2020 (what is new, special, groundbreaking?) Focus 2: Management What is the special challenge for you in person and what is the most interesting thing about your job as CEO of Mondi UFP? How do you set accents for the employee and company culture in the context of the Mondi Group? What does your approach mean for customer orientation and go-to-market at Mondi? Focus 3: Outlook What trends do you see coming? Or how will the importance of print develop from your point of view? ---- Selbst in schwierigen Corona-Zeiten gibt es Lichtblicke und wirklich großartige Momente. Im Rahmen der INKISH@Work Tour in der Schweiz führte Andreas Weber, CEO von INKISH D-A-CH, ein Over the Skype-Gespräch mit Gunilla Saltin, CEO von Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper. Die aus Schweden stammende Top-Managerin inspiriert uns mit ihren smarten und klugen Botschaften, die im Druck- und Papierbereich noch nicht in dieser Form zu hören waren. Hier auf einen Blick, worüber wir gesprochen haben: Fokus 1: Innovationen Was sind aus Ihrer Sicht die Kernergebnisse der virtuellen Pressekonferenz vom Dienstag, dem 22. September 2020 (was ist neu, speziell, bahnbrechend?) Fokus 2: Management Was ist die besondere Herausforderung für Sie persönlich und was ist das Interessanteste an Ihrem Job als CEO von Mondi UFP? Wie setzen Sie Akzente für die Mitarbeiter- und Unternehmenskultur im Kontext der Mondi-Gruppe? Was bedeutet Ihr Ansatz für die Kundenorientierung und Markteinführung bei Mondi? Fokus 3: Ausblick Welche Trends sehen Sie? Oder wie wird sich die Bedeutung des Drucks aus Ihrer Sicht entwickeln?

Fri October 30th

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Succès dans la création de valeur durabl...

Subtitles in English and French available: Jean-Pascal Bobst, PDG de Bobst Group SA, partage ses points de vue et ses stratégies avec Jacques Michiels, notre CEO INKISH Benelux. Dans cette conversation vraiment ouverte et révélatrice, Jacques Michiels obtient les réponses à ses questions les plus pressantes et parfois assez personnelles. Cette année, BOBST célèbre son 130e anniversaire - preuve de sa résilience, de ses compétences et de son succès dans la création de valeur durable. Jean-Pascal Bobst explique comment ils peuvent pérenniser les affaires de leurs clients ainsi que les leurs. BOBST est présent dans plus de 50 pays, gère 15 sites de production en 8 pays et emploie plus de 5500 personnes dans le monde. Ainsi, en tant qu'entreprise technologique de premier plan dans le monde de l'emballage, Bobst est grandement responsable de façonner cette partie de l'industrie et Jacques Michiels interroge sur les développements de nouveaux produits, l'innovation, les personnes, la durabilité et les défis auxquels Bobst sera confronté au cours des 3 prochaines années. Jean-Pascal Bobst dévoile qu'ils construisent de nouvelles technologies de traitement des substrats pour augmenter la durabilité tout en innovant dans l'impression numérique avec leur technologie à jet d'encre Mouvent. Cela étant aussi bien une technologie numérique autonome à l'impression d'étiquettes (Labels), mais également intégrée dans l'impression UV flexo «hybride» comme dans leurs machines tournant en Béta en ce moment. --- Jean-Pascal Bobst, CEO of Bobst Group SA, shares his views and strategies with Jacques Michiels our CEO of INKISH Benelux. In this truly open and revealing conversation, Jacques Michiels gets the answers to his most pressing and sometimes quite personal questions. This year, BOBST celebrates its 130th anniversary – proof of their resilience, competences and success in long-lasting value creation. Jean-Pascal Bobst talks about how they can futureproof the business of their customers as well as their own. BOBST has a presence in more than 50 countries, runs 15 production facilities in8 countries and employs more than 5500 people around the world. So, as a leading technology company in the packaging world, Bobst is greatly responsible for shaping this part of the industry and Jacques Michiels asks about new product developments, innovation, the people, sustainability and the challenges Bobst is facing in the next 3 years. Jean-Pascal Bobst unveils that they build new substrate processing technologies to increase sustainability along with innovating in digital printing with their Mouvent ink-jet technology, this as well as a stand-alone Label printing technology, but also integrated into the UV flexo “hybrid” printing machines turning in Beta as we speak.

Fri October 30th

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Robert Godwin · Over The Skype · Rent-A-...

I must admit that I have given up counting how many 'Over the Skype' interviews I have done since the COVID-19 pandemic took over the world - BUT - I love each and every interview I have done. In this 'Over the Skype,' I am talking to Robert Godwin - an American who now lives in Chile. I was curious about one of his businesses,, but I believe it was almost the only thing we didn't talk about in this 48 minutes long conversation. Robert Godwin has such great storytelling skills and knowledge that I am sure you will love every second.

Thu October 29th

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Success in long-lasting value creation ·...

Jean-Pascal Bobst, CEO of Bobst Group SA, shares his views and strategies with Jacques Michiels our CEO of INKISH Benelux. In this truly open and revealing conversation, Jacques Michiels gets the answers to his most pressing and sometimes quite personal questions. This year, BOBST celebrates its 130th anniversary – proof of their resilience, competences and success in long-lasting value creation. Jean-Pascal Bobst talks about how they can futureproof the business of their customers as well as their own. BOBST has a presence in more than 50 countries, runs 15 production facilities in8 countries and employs more than 5500 people around the world. So, as a leading technology company in the packaging world, Bobst is greatly responsible for shaping this part of the industry and Jacques Michiels asks about new product developments, innovation, the people, sustainability and the challenges Bobst is facing in the next 3 years. Jean-Pascal Bobst unveils that they build new substrate processing technologies to increase sustainability along with innovating in digital printing with their Mouvent ink-jet technology, this as well as a stand-alone Label printing technology, but also integrated into the UV flexo “hybrid” printing machines turning in Beta as we speak.

Wed October 28th

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Bruno Barbier · Over The Skype · ImpriFr...

This session "Over The Skype" is the opportunity to discover IMPRIFRANCE, a network of independent French printers spread over the whole territory which gathers 68 members including 1 school of graphic and multimedia professions. Bruno Barbier, its president, describes the profiles of the printers within IMPRIFRANCE, how new members are recruited, and the advantages for a printer to be part of such a group. Buno Barbier also presents us with a summary including the update of the website and a brief review of current actions... This session is also an opportunity to understand, thanks to Bruno Barbier's analysis, the primary concerns of IMPRIFRANCE printers in this context of health, economic and social crises following the Covid 19 pandemic which is still raging in France, to learn how IMPRIFRANCE, particularly through its collective strategy, its partnerships within the group, provides support and solutions to the network's business leaders. Bruno Barbier concludes by giving us his vision of the printing industry with the increasing importance of the cash flow, whether in the short term for the survival of printing companies or in the medium term to relaunch the return to activity once the crisis is over, but also the importance of becoming increasingly agile for these companies, especially to respond to the new behaviors of customers who will emerge from the crisis with an even stronger negotiating power. This interview is very rich in information as the groups are important today to enable printing companies to respond to the current crisis and the challenges of tomorrow. So don't miss this interview and the fascinating analysis of Bruno Barbier!!! --- Cette session « Over The Skype » est l’opportunité de découvrir IMPRIFRANCE, réseau d’imprimeurs français indépendants répartis sur l’ensemble du territoire qui regroupe 68 adhérents dont 1 école des métiers graphiques et pluri média. Bruno Barbier, son président, nous décrit les profils des imprimeurs au sein d’IMPRIFRANCE, comment se font les recrutements des nouveaux adhérents, et les avantages pour un imprimeur à faire partie d’un tel groupement. Buno Barbier nous présente également un résumé notamment la mise à jour du site et un bref bilan des actions en cours… Cette session est aussi l’occasion d’appréhender, grâce à l’analyse de Bruno Barbier, les préoccupations premières des imprimeurs IMPRIFRANCE dans ce contexte de crises sanitaire, économique et sociale suite à la pandémie du Covid 19 qui sévit toujours au sein de l’hexagone, d’apprendre comment IMPRIFRANCE, notamment par sa stratégie collective, ses partenariats au sein du groupement, apporte son soutien et des solutions aux chefs d’entreprise du réseau. Bruno Barbier conclut en nous donnant sa vision de l’imprimerie avec une importance de plus en plus grande de la trésorerie que ce soit à court terme pour la survie des imprimeries ou à moyen terme pour relancer le retour à l’activité une fois la crise passée, mais aussi l’importance de devenir de plus en plus agile pour ces entreprises notamment pour répondre aux nouveaux comportements des clients qui sortiront de la crise avec un pouvoir de négociation encore renforcé. Cette interview est très riche d’informations tant les groupements sont aujourd’hui importants pour permettre aux imprimeries de répondre à la crise actuelle et aux défis de demain. Alors, ne manquez pas cette interview et l’analyse passionnante de Bruno Barbier !!!

Wed October 28th

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Eli Grinberg · Over The Skype · Scodix

In this Over the Skype episode, CEO Eli Grinberg from Scodix talks about how Scodix got started and the ambitions of replacing analog enhancement technologies. Of course, we also got the chance to talk about how Scodix sees the current market situation and why they are launching six new machines. I have known Eli Grinberg for many years, but this was the first time we finally got time to sit down and talk - GREAT - enjoy!

Fri October 23rd


drupa 2021 to be canceled · Andreas Webe...

*This is our opinion based on intense research that we will write about in a series of articles on INKISH NEWS in the week from October 26th-30th. We are confident that Drupa 2021 WILL be canceled - or at least, our analysis of the situation points in that direction. The conversation between Andreas Weber, CEO INKISH D-A-CH, and Morten Reitoft, Editor-in-Chief, INKISH, is an appetizer to a week with articles about drupa. For the past many weeks, we have talked to people in the industry, other exhibition venues, media, sub-contractors, hotels, restaurants, and many more about the situation in Düsseldorf. The COVID-19 situation is, of course, the reason for the uncertainty, but why isn't drupa canceling drupa 2021? As with so many things, it's because of money. The drupa machine is vast, and the impact on the printing industry and the city of Düsseldorf is unimaginable. The situation for exhibitors is not comfortable. Lots of money is tight to drupa, and Messecenter Düsseldorf, and how drupa is handling the current situation, is most likely influencing the tradeshow's very future. Signup to our newsletter on INKISH NEWS and get notifications when articles about drupa are released! Signup link:

Thu October 22nd

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Sophie Viel · Over The Skype · printecom...

I am delighted to invite today Sophie Viel, President of Printecom, for this "OverThe Skype" session, in particular as part of the initiative launched in the United States by the famous print ambassador Deborah Corn, the “Girls Who Print” initiative, which aims to support companies, initiatives and projects led by women in the Graphic Industries worldwide. This year “GirlsWhoPrint” Day will take place on October 22nd and INKISH will be happy to support this event. Sophie Viel tells us about her career, the creation of her company Printecom 4 years ago and today her news, the launch of her platform: Through this interview you will discover the genesis of this project, the targeted markets and the 4 universes that make it up: Printebrand : objects, events, print, signage, etc. Printegreen: Plant communication, Made in France, Eco-friendly textiles and promotional items... Printedeco : personalized corporate decoration (frames, promotional carpets, personalized decorative objects) and corporate furniture with logo ... Printeprotec : Safety at work: reflective objects, first aid kits and Anti-Covid protection, etc. Sophie Viel stresses the importance of the support and personalized advice that accompanies her Internet store. Sophie ends this interview by sharing with us the next evolutions of her platform with an enlarged catalog and product range, an online order follow-up, a reinforced quality control, ... Take advantage of the experience, energy and professionalism of Sophie Viel, a Girl Who Print in France and visit her online ordering platform now: --- Je suis ravi d’inviter aujourd’hui Sophie Viel, présidente de Printecom, pour cette session "OverThe Skype" ce, notamment dans le cadre de l’initiative lancée aux Etats-Unis par la célèbre ambassadrice du print Deborah Corn, l’initiative Girls Who Print, qui vise à soutenir les entreprises, les initiatives, les projets menés par les femmes des Industries graphiques dans le monde entier. Cette année, la journée "GirlsWhoPrint" aura lieu le 22 octobre et INKISH sera ravi de soutenir cet événement. Sophie Viel nous raconte son parcours, la création de son entreprise Printecom il y a 4 ans et aujourd’hui son actualité, le lancement de sa plateforme A travers cet entretien vous découvrirez la genèse de ce projet, les marchés ciblés et les 4 univers qui la composent : Printebrand : objets, événementiel, Print, signalétique… Printegreen : Communication végétale, Made in France, Textiles Ecolo et objets publicitaires écologiques… Printedeco : décoration d’entreprise personnalisée (cadres, tapis promotionnel, objets déco personnalisés) et mobilier d’entreprise avec logo… Printeprotec : Sécurité au travail : objets réfléchissants, kits premiers secours et protection Anti-Covid… Sophie Viel insiste sur l’importance de l’accompagnement et les conseils personnalisés qui accompagne sa boutique Internet. Sophie finit cet entretien en nous partageant dès à présent les prochaines évolutions à venir de sa plateforme avec un élargissement du catalogue et de la gamme des produits, un suivi de la commande en ligne, un contrôle qualité renforcé, … Profitez de l’expérience, de l’énergie, du professionnalisme de Sophie Viel, a Girl Who Print in France et visitez dès à présent sa plateforme de commande en ligne :

Mon October 5th


Ellen Manning · Over The Skype · Eagle S...

In this 'Over the Skype' session, we talk to VP Marketing & Sales, Ellen Manning, from Eagle Systems. You will get the insides from how Ellen Manning got into the printing industry - and yes, it was on a drupa show. More importantly, we get the chance to talk about why foiling becomes more and more important for printers around the world. As you can see already from the cover photo, Ellen Manning is a 'sparkling' woman - fun and always good to hear engaging stories from engaged people! Enjoy this one!

Sat October 3rd

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Andreas Weber & Jacques Michiels · ...

Over The Skype with Jacques Michiels, CEO INKISH Benelux The INKISH webinar series on #SmartFactory / Industry 4.0 in the team of Yves d'Aviau de Ternay, CEO INKISH France, Morten B. Reitoft, INKISH HQ and Jacques Michiels, CEO INKISH BENELUX, sets standards. Indeed, the experts have made a lot of plans to develop future scenarios for the print industry. The conversation was about the following questions: - What is it that drives you? How do you get it? - Where are we standing? Where do we have to go? - What exactly is important about the #SmartFactory? What is it all about? - What are the benefits for print shops? - What are the total findings from the webinar series? - What are the most important recommendations for action that can be derived? The webinar concept is very extensive and quite complex. But it's not just a topic from experts for experts. What is the best way to get started in order to optimally deal with the situation? Our colleague Rainer Wagner from LATAM noted that the topic of AI / artificial intelligence was neglected. Is that correct? Is it still too far from thinking in the print industry? How will you and Yves follow up on the topic? What happens next? The answers are extremely conclusive and extremely interesting. But see for yourself! --- Over The Skype mit Jacques Michiels, CEO INKISH Benelux Die INKISH Webinar-Reihe zu #SmartFactory / Industrie 4.0 im Team von Yves d'Aviau de Ternay, CEO INKISH France, Morten B. Reitoft, INKISH HQ und Jacques Michiels, CEO INKISH BENELUX, setzt Massstäbe. Die Experten haben sich in der Tat viel vorgenommen, um Zukunfts-Szenarien für die Print-Branche zu entwickeln. Das Gespräch rankte sich um folgende Fragen: - Was treibt Euch an? Wie kommt ihr drauf? - Wo stehen wir? Wo müssen wir hin? - Was genau ist am Thema #SmartFactory wichtig? Was verbirgt sich dahinter? - Welcher Nutzen entsteht für Druckereien? - Was sind die Erkenntnisse aus der Webinar-Reihe in Summe? - Welches sind die wichtigsten Handlungs-Empfehlungen, die sich ableiten lassen? Das Webinar-Konzept ist sehr umfangreich und durchaus komplex. Aber es sit ja nicht nur ein Thema von Experten für Experten. Wie findet man am besten den Einstieg, um sich mit der Sachlage optimal auseinanderzusetzen? Unser Kollege Rainer Wagner aus LATAM merkte an, dass ihm das Thema AI / Künstliche Intelligenz zu kurz gekommen ist. Stimmt das? Ist es vielleicht noch zu weit weg vom Denken in der Print-Branche? Wie werden Yves und Du das Thema weiterverfolgen? Was passiert als nächstes? Die Antworten sind äußerst schlüssig und hochinteressant. Aber sehen Sie selbst!

Thu October 1st

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Koenig & Bauer mit großer Zuversich...

Subtitles in English available The Inkish@Work road tour through Germany in August 2020 initially led to Radebeul not far from Dresden. The development of printing technology has had an outstanding tradition in the region for a long time, especially due to the proximity of the book publishing and trade fair city of Leipzig. Ralf Sammeck, CEO of Koenig & Bauer Sheetfed and as a board member at the same time Chief Digital Officer of Koenig & Bauer AG, answered questions from Andreas Weber, CEO INKISH D-A-CH. The conversation clearly showed how you can be well prepared even in times of Corona if you follow a smart, future-oriented plan over the years, react flexibly to changes, focus on customer benefits and cultivate a great team spirit . Ralf Sammeck made clear the benefits that can be drawn from digitalization for print. Not only with regard to the printing machines, but above all also the software / workflows, the services and the communication with customers around the globe. And how to successfully bring customers closer to their needs according to innovations and production scenarios in a new form. The result: With its rich tradition, Koenig & Bauer now seems to be very relaxed in the fast lane. And continues it’s successful strategy to achieve success even in times of crisis. // Die Inkish@Work Road-Tour durch Deutschland im August 2020 führte zunächst nach Radebeul unweit von Dresden. Drucktechnik-Entwicklung hat in der Region seit langem eine herausragende Tradition, gerade auch durch die Nähe der Buchverlags- und Messe-Stadt Leipzig. Ralf Sammeck, CEO von Koenig & Bauer Sheetfed und als Vorstandsmitglied zugleich Chief Digital Officer der Koenig & Bauer AG, stand Andreas Weber, CEO INKISH D-A-CH Rede und Antwort. Das Gespräch zeigte deutlich, wie man selbst zu Corona-Zeiten gut gerüstet sein kann, wenn man über die Jahre einen klugen, auf die Zukunft ausgerichteten Plan verfolgt, flexibel auf Veränderungen reagiert, den Kundennutzen in der Fokus stellt und den Team-Geist pflegt. Ralf Sammeck machte anschaulich, welcher Nutzen für Print aus der Digitalisierung gezogen werden kann. Nicht nur bezüglich der Druckmaschinen, sondern vor allem auch der Software/Workflows, den Services und der Kommunikation mit den Kunden rund um den Globus. Und wie man in neuer Form Kunden ihren Bedürfnissen gemäß Neuheiten und Produktionsszenarien erfolgreich näher bringen kann. Das Ergebnis: Das Traditionsunternehmen Koenig & Bauer scheint sehr entspannt auf der Überholspur zu sein. Und verzeichnet durch die Fortführung seiner erfolgreichen Strategie auch in Krisenzeiten weiterhin Erfolge.

Wed September 30th

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Abel Ben Hamou · Over The Skype · Artési...

INTRODUCTION TO FILM Web-to-print is not only for the pure players. Abel Ben Hamou, Sales and Marketing Director of the Artésienne printing company interviewed by INKISH France tells us how this beautiful commercial printing company, constituted in the form of a "Société Coopérative de Production" (SCOP) since 1967, is approaching online printing without any complexes, recently in B2C with the first bricks of their online shop "Impri'Scop" offering masks, protective visors and other products enabling companies to meet the constraints and requirements of distance... or in B2B by developing microsites in the colours of the charter of its major corporate customers. He explains to us how the company approaches these different projects, whether in the choice of technological solutions and/or in the management of the change so important in the success of such projects. This interview is very rich in lessons for a "traditional" printing company that wishes to understand this online order taking channel that is more and more requested by customers whether they are individuals, VSEs, SMEs or large accounts. Take advantage of the Artésienne’s lessons and visit the first floor of its rocket's online Web-to-print shop: INTRODUCTION AU FILM Le Web-to-print n’est pas réservé aux seuls pure players du web. Abel Ben Hamou, directeur commercial et marketing de l’imprimerie l’Artésienne interviewé par INKISH France nous raconte comme cette belle imprimerie de labeur constituée sous forme de SCOP depuis 1967 aborde l’impression en ligne sans complexe, récemment en B2C avec les premières briques de leur boutique en ligne "Impri'Scop" offrant masques, visières de protection, et autres produits permettant aux entreprises de répondre aux contraintes et exigences de distanciation... ou en B2B par le développement de microsites aux couleurs de la charte de ses clients grands comptes importants. Il nous explique comment l’entreprise à aborder ces différents projets que ce soit dans le choix des solutions technologiques et/ou dans la conduite du changement si importante dans la réussite de tels projets. Cet entretien est très riche d’enseignements pour une imprimerie « traditionnelle » qui souhaite appréhender ce canal de prise de commandes en ligne de plus en plus sollicité par les clients qu’ils soient des particuliers, des TPE, des PME ou des grands comptes. Profitez des enseignements de l’Artésienne et visitez le premier étage de la fusée de sa boutique en ligne Web-to-print :

Wed September 30th


Michael Poulin · Over The Skype · Canon ...

In this 'Over the Skype' session, we talk to Director, Product Marketing, Michael Poulin from Canon Solutions America. As you can hear in the conversation, we have spoken with Michael Poulin at the last Printing United - LIVE from the Canon booth - about partner programs, etc. In this session, we also touch upon partners, but of course, more about the inkjet devices from Canon iX-series, color-stream, and pro-stream - and, of course, all the important things to know before investing in inkjet. Great talking to Michael Poulin again.

Mon September 14th

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Christophe Dudit · Over The Skype · Impr...

This session "Over The Skype" is the opportunity to discover ImpriClub, one of the most important group of printers in France. Christophe Dudit, its president, describes the profiles of printers within ImpriClub, how new members are recruited, the advantages for a printer to be part of such a group. Christophe Dudit also gives us a summary and a brief review of the actions underway and what companionship within ImpriClub means. This session is also an opportunity to learn how the printers within ImpriClub apprehend the crisis and even the health, economic and social crises following the Covid 19 pandemic which is still raging in France and to understand their primary concerns today. Christophe Dudit concludes by giving us his opinion on the initiatives of certain major clients, ordering parties to repatriate their printing to France and his vision of tomorrow's printing industry in the short and medium term. This interview is very rich in information as the groups are so important today to enable printing companies to meet the challenges of tomorrow. So don't miss this exciting interview! Cette session « Over The Skype » est l’opportunité de découvrir ImpriClub, l’un des groupements d’imprimeurs les plus importants en France. Christophe Dudit, son président, nous décrit les profils des imprimeurs au sein d’ImpriClub, comment se font les recrutements des nouveaux adhérents, les avantages pour un imprimeur à faire partie d’un tel groupement. Christophe Dudit nous présente également un résumé et un bref bilan des actions en cours et ce que ce que signifie le compagnonnage au sein d’ImpriClub. Cette session est aussi l’occasion d’apprendre comment les imprimeurs au sein d’ImpriClub appréhendent la crise voire les crises sanitaire, économique et sociale suite à la pandémie du Covid 19 qui sévit toujours au sein de l’hexagone et d’appréhender aujourd’hui leurs préoccupations premières. Christophe Dudit conclut en nous donnant son avis sur les initiatives de certains grands donneurs d’ordre à rapatrier leurs impression en France et sa vision sur l’imprimerie de demain à court et à moyen terme. Cette interview est très riche d’informations tant les groupements sont aujourd’hui importants pour permettre aux imprimeries de répondre aux défis de demain. Alors ne manquez pas cette interview passionnante !!!

Sun September 13th


Matthew Parker #10 · What do you do to c...

Matthew Parker is an author, speaker and finally host on his very own Matthew Parker PrintChampion channel on INKISH.TV. According to recent studies, are you aware that a vast majority don't want to have meetings, but prefer to buy online? What can you do to get through to the print buyer? As usual enjoy. Watch, listen, like, and share!

Sun September 13th


Matthew Parker #12 · How will you stand ...

Matthew Parker is an author, speaker and finally host on his very own Matthew Parker PrintChampion channel on INKISH.TV. Do you have a personal brand? In this episode, PrintChampion, Matthew Parker explains why you should spend time on your brand and your company's offerings, services, etc. This is important - Not enough people are thinking about this. You Should. As usual enjoy. Watch, listen, like, and share!

Sun September 13th


Matthew Parker #11 · Amazingly New Marke...

Matthew Parker is an author, speaker and finally host on his very own Matthew Parker PrintChampion channel on INKISH.TV. Google, Amazon, and other large companies have discovered that Direct Mail and print have a high value. In this episode, PrintChampion Matthew Parker encourages you to make a small DM campaign to test the product we sell ourselves. As usual enjoy. Watch, listen, like, and share!

Sun September 13th

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Jack Strimber · Over The Skype · Kornit ...

In this "Over the Skype" session, we speak with Jack Strimber, General Manager for Latin America at Kornit. Kornit is a company dedicated to textile printing that seeks to enter the Mexican market. Jack spoke about the benefits of direct-to-garmet printing, as well as the trends in this sector. En esta sesión "Over the Skype", hablamos con Jack Strimber, Gerente General para América Latina en Kornit. Kornit es una empresa dedicada a la impresión textil que busca ingresar al mercado mexicano. Jack habló sobre los beneficios de la impresión directo a tela, así como de las tendencias que marca este sector.

Sun September 13th


Jos Steutelings · Over The Skype · VIGC...

In this Over the Skype session, Jacques Michiels from INKISH Benelux talks to an exciting gentleman, Jos Steutelings. Jos Steutelings is the Managing Director of VIGC, who, among other things, does events that have become very popular. In this interview, we discuss the Hackaton event; an event developed together with Ernst & Young. Innovation for the industry, and due to the COVID-19 virtual. Virtual enables this to be an event with a broader potential, so listen to the exciting conversation, and prepare yourself for a great event.

Wed September 2nd


Koenig & Bauer with Strong Confiden...

No question that the COVID-19 has influenced all companies in the global printing industry, but Koenig & Bauer has, despite a lower order intake, a strong belief in the future. In this Conversation, Koenig & Bauer Sheetfed CEO, Ralf Sammeck, shares his views on where he sees his company in the future.

Sat August 29th


Erik Holdo · Over The Skype · Konica Min...

Erik Holdo works for Konica Minolta Business Solutions USA. In this 'Over the Skype' session, we get the chance to talk about technology, printing companies, the COVID-19 pandemic, exhibitions, and maybe also how new technology can offer everybody new ways to experience products in the future. Great session that we really enjoyed!

Thu August 20th

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Tatiana Duarte · Over The Skype · Andigr...

Tatiana Duarte is the Executive President of Andigraf - Colombian Association of Graphic Communication With a background for working to government export agency and also in private companies she was contracted by Andigraf 18 months ago to promote the transformation of the association in requirement to the printing industry market transformation as well. Along with a new board of directors componed of owners and managers coming from companies working in new growing markets as functional printing, visual communication and labels, mixed with traditional printers and relevant suppliers, Tatiana is developing a very good job in developing a new way of communication and promoting relevant content. In the same way Andigraf has taken an important role during the Covid pandemic in generating information and new opportunities to all members. This includes the first virtual trade show they promoted at the end of June with a very successful vendors and attendees participation. Tatiana maybe represents the way Printing Industry Association must transform to thrive in a challenging times like we are living now with serious effects in our industry. So, we are proud to present Tatiana Duarte to our Inkish audience. Along with her we also introduce our new partner in Inkish South America, Carlos Silgado Bernal. A very skilled and recognized professional in Latin America printing industry