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Ukraine stripped · Morten B. Reitoft · Editor-in-Chief · INKISH

This is Morten from Inkish. It's my last night in Ukraine after four intense days. There weren't many direct threats, but the experience was unique. Crossing from Poland to Ukraine, I had little idea what to expect. My friends here assured me it was safe, and I trusted them. This mission felt important personally and for INKISH to tell crucial stories supporting our industry and democracy. Books have historically represented knowledge and free speech. They are one of many information sources today, but their role remains vital. When Martijn from Cloudprinter.com told me about the bombing of Faktor Druk in Kharkiv, I realized the gravity. This attack by Russia on a printing company producing schoolbooks was an attempt to destroy education and culture. Language is a key part of identity. An attack on a printing company is an attack on democracy and free speech. The Russian invasion aims to erase Ukrainian culture, starting from the 2014 annexation of Crimea. The West's lack of action then has had lasting impacts. Visiting Kharkiv, I saw the devastation firsthand. The printing company, once producing a million books a month, was severely damaged by missile attacks, killing employees and destroying equipment. Despite this, the resilient staff is determined to rebuild. The war's impact on civilians is profound. Many have lost lives and limbs, and the societal fabric is torn. In Kharkiv, I saw how war disrupts daily life and education. The printing company needs work, not money, to recover. Supporting them by giving them printing jobs can help them rebuild. This mission was eye-opening. The Ukrainian people are fighting for their culture and democracy against an aggressor. It’s crucial to support them and stand against such aggression globally. If you believe in democracy and free speech, consider supporting Ukrainian businesses and sharing their story. Thank you for listening. I hope you understand the importance of this cause and appreciate the peace and stability in your own lives. LinkedIn Profile:

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Russians Attack Ukraine · Rob Ens

Hello, everyone! This is Morten from INKISH. Today’s episode is a bit different from what we usually do. I’m excited to talk to my good friend, Rob Ens, from Toronto, Canada. Welcome to INKISH, Rob! Thank you, Morten. It’s a pleasure to speak with you. Likewise, Rob! It wasn't too long ago that we met in Düsseldorf at Duba. It was great you could come and see me, even though I was a bit stressed. That was one of the main reasons I went—to see you in action. And it was worth it! Recently, you reached out to me after I announced my plans to visit Ukraine next week. I'm going there to cover a story about a printing company, Faktadruk, which was deliberately bombed by the Russians on May 24th. Seven Heidelberg operators were killed, and more than 20 people were injured. Seeing the devastation on CNN and other major networks, it's a miracle more people didn't die. You mentioned this resonated with you because your family has roots in Ukraine and faced similar hardships after World War I and before World War II. I’d love to hear your story. But first, can you share your thoughts on the current situation in Ukraine? I usually avoid discussing politics online, but here we are. I support Ukraine. I have many Russian and Ukrainian friends, and I love them dearly. However, my family lost their land and privileges in Ukraine, and many family members died during the Bolshevik Revolution. So, I deeply sympathize with the Ukrainian people. They want to live in peace, and I believe they deserve our support. I bring this up because I, too, have Russian friends. Most of them now live in Denmark, the USA, or Canada. Of course, I still have connections in the industry in Russia. I believe that most individuals are not to blame for the war. In my opinion, which is political, Vladimir Putin bears most of the responsibility for the tragic events in Ukraine. There are similarities to the Bolshevik era you mentioned, which was around the 1920s, right? It was around 1919. My family kept detailed records and even wrote a book about it. The story feels different when read from a distance. Let me tell you a bit about the background. This book, housed in the Mennonite Archives in Winnipeg, was partly written by my great-grandmother when she came to Canada. I hadn’t read it until the war broke out, and it was an emotional experience. My great-grandmother wrote in factual terms about their hardships. Mennonites, originally Germans living in Ukraine, were pacifists invited by Catherine the Great to farm the land. They thrived peacefully for over 100 years. My great-grandfather, a learned teacher and lay preacher, was tragically killed by bandits during the revolution, which targeted landowners. The family faced immense hardships, including typhus brought by occupying soldiers. Despite these challenges, my great-grandmother's resilience shone through, seeing even the foggy day of her husband's funeral as a blessing for its safety. Hearing these stories makes us appreciate our fortunate lives today. They remind us of the resilience and hope that can emerge from the most difficult circumstances. Do you still have distant relatives in Ukraine, or did your entire family leave or disappear from there? Most of our direct relatives left Ukraine. An aunt who visited in the 1970s, whose husband had been sent to a Siberian gulag, initially thought our life in the West was staged because she couldn’t believe our prosperity. This underscores how fortunate we are to live in a part of the world with security, education, free speech, and other freedoms. That’s why I decided to go to Kharkiv, despite the risks. Faktadruk is one of the largest printing companies in Europe, printing schoolbooks for all of Ukraine. When the Russians attack such a significant institution, it’s a deliberate attempt to undermine Ukrainian culture and education. Ukraine is a vast country, as big as the entire Midwest in the US. Covering this story is essential to highlight the impact on the printing industry and the resilience of the Ukrainian people. Your heart drives you, Morten. You consistently seek the truth, which is why we admire you. I believe you’ll uncover important stories that can’t be orchestrated. I received a message from a Ukrainian woman who hopes I’ll see some of Kharkiv’s beauty despite the war. Documenting the damage to the printing company and its importance to the industry is crucial. Rob, do these family stories still resonate with your family, or do they fade over time? I’m the one reviving these stories. My cousin, a historian, and I keep history alive, ensuring we understand both sides. My uncle shared insights about the challenges wealthy landowners face, emphasizing the need for benevolence. Thank you for sharing your story, Rob. After my trip to Ukraine, I might call you again to share my insights. I’d love that. Stay safe, and I look forward to hearing from you.

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Meccanotecnica Walktrough · Stefano Formentini · VP Sales & Marketing · Meccanotecnica

Meccanotecnica is a family-owned company located in Bergamo, about 40-50 minutes east of Milan. A beautiful landscape, the best food in the world, and then - in the middle of Bergamo, you find Meccanotecnica, where we meet with Stefano Formentini. We, of course, meet because of Drupa, but maybe more importantly because Mecannotecnica, known for its fantastic machines for sewn books - both offset and digital, is now introducing its first perfect binding machine - and what an entry. We go through the machine in this walkthrough so you can hear and see what makes this setup fantastic. Enjoy!

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Patrik Moser · CEO · Steinemann DPE

In this interview with CEO Patrik Moser, he also emphasized that he is the CTO. Steinemann DPE produces the machines exclusively sold through the Kurz network. In the interview, we talk about technology, how it is part of development, and what people should expect at drupa. Enjoy!  

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Patrik Moser · CEO · Steinemann DPE · Walkthrough B3 MaxLiner 2D

Here, CEO Patrik Moser, for the first time, shows the new MaxLiner 2D - a new cut-sheet version specifically made for commercial printers. Fast setup time, high speed, and high quality are the ingredients that make this machine unique. When Patrik Moser talks about the 2D version, it's essentially since it's printed on the back of the foil and transferred to the substrate, you won't be able to have a raised varnish the same way as when you print directly to the substrate. Both technologies are good and can be used for different applications. Great to learn from!  

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Christoph Müller · Instruktor & Leiter · Müller Martini · Walkthrough Connex

Christoph Müller gives convincing examples in this walkthrough of why Müller Martini Connex is valuable software. Connex enables the user to have different numbers of pages in signatures to minimize blanks and waste. It also shifts the images so the paper is according to binding type—all in a super automated and convenient way—but check out here for yourself! And, you will also be able to use your printing equipment more efficiently!

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Rosemarie Breske Garvey · President · Blooming Color

A few days before Rosemarie Breske Garvey and her team headed to Indianapolis to be part of DSCOOP, we visited Blooming Color in a sub-urban in Chicago - and it's super great to see Rosemarie Breske Garvey again. The last time we met was at DSCOOP Rockies in Denver, and now, I guess you understand that we are visiting a very dedicated businesswoman working with HP. A few days before our visit, the LAST offset press was removed from the site - and the digital transformation is complete. We are visiting Blooming Color because they use Ultimate Tech Impostrip and Bindery in the company, and with an increasing number of orders of one, the Ultimate Tech software has become a cornerstone in the company. Enjoy the film, and GREAT visiting this super smart company. Long live Commercial Print.

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Hans Gut · Chief Marketing Officer · Hunkeler

Even for CMO Hans Gut, the Müller Martini acquisition of Hunkeler came as a surprise but was a logical step in a time when consolidations are part of company growth. With a vast potential for both companies, the future is bright. Hans Gut, several times in the interview, emphasizes that Hunkeler will keep also working with competitors to Müller Martini - respecting the legacy and the people - and, of course, once again, a firm commitment to Hunkeler Innovationdays that takes place next time as an even bigger event in February 2025. Great talking to Hans Gut and also getting some commitments for the future.