INKISH.TV Proudly presents: Scott Eganhouse · VP Business Development · TEC Mailing
Being at an exhibition is ALSO about having a fun time – of course, and at GraphExpo at least the two guys from TEC Mailing Solutions had some great fun and also caught some attention from visitors and other exhibitors. We got a chance to talk to Scott Eganhouse VP Business Development and got a nice conversation about what TEC Mailing Solutions does and why they were dressed like clouds.
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0:09 At GraphExpo, we met 2 really nice guys who would easily win the best suit competition if there would be one. And that got our attention, so we were curious what was it all about.
0:20 Well, it’s a nice suit. It’s print on fabric technology, and I think that’s where it’s going.
0:26 And why are you dressed like this?
0:29 So, we’re a cloud-based provider, and this is a good way to promote the cloud and print at the same time.
0:36 What does your company do?
0:39 So, we do address hygiene and presorting the cloud, and help people do fulfillment mail for direct mail campaigns and statements and transactional documentation.
0:51 Why is being Cloud-based important to you?
0:54 Yes. So, a lot of people are looking to directory updates, and extend some more offerings that functionaries don’t have to take a long time to learn. And, that’s, you know, with the shrinking of the population that’s aging, that knows a lot about mails, this is a way for us to like get more people in the mail, and not be intimidated by some of the difficulties of direct mail campaigns.
1:17 So you validate and make addresses better?
1:20 We validate addresses, we do a national change of address, and then we send that through presorts for the maximum postal discount. So, it allows people to save money while they’re injecting their mail in the USPS mail screen.
1:33 Will the savings from consolidated postage cover the expense of your services?
1:36 The only reason people spend any money on this stuff is to save money. So, there’s three ways, basically. One is an automation discount to provide the IMB, the intelligent mail barcode. The other one is through density, amount of pieces in the zip code. And, the other oneís through logistics, drop shipping in different areas. And, those three pieces can save you a little bit of money or a ton of money depending on how you do it.
1:58 And what are you doing here at GraphExpo?
2:00 Weíre rolling the cloud and promoting frontman. Thatís it. We, need more people mailing stuff, we need more people printing it, and send it out to people. And, it’s proven to be an effective strategy for really helping other people grow their business, so it’s exciting.
2:15 We are standing at the Firstlogic Solutions booth. Are they you partners?
2:19 Firstlogic is a terrific partner of ours. They have the Cadillac data quality components, and one of the things we’ve helped them do ñ they’ve got some terrific on-premise solutions for people who want to really get into manipulating data. It’s not something we do too much of, but we also extend some other services out into the cloud to allow people who are doing more simple, simplified kind of processes into the cloud. So, great partnership with Firstlogic, absolutely.