The TASKalfa Pro 15000 already exceeded one million print · Gertjan Kleinbloesem · Verloop Drukkerij
Kyocera is a well-known name in the graphics arts industry, yet was the introduction of a production cut-sheet inkjet printer a surprise to many. How long time does it take to get market acceptance? When will customers start to invest in technology from a “new” vendor? And what is the result of these investments? Many questions and one of the companies who took on the investment is the family-owned printing company Verloop Drukkerij. In this film, Operational Director Gertjan Kleinbloesem openly explains the considerations – and even more important how the TASKalfa fits into their operation. And he is positive. The TASKalfa delivers on both quality, consistency, service, and reliability the TASKalfa delivers. Enjoy the film!