INKISH.TV proudly presents: Grafkom I/O Norrköping, Sweden
Once again Grafkom I/O was fantastic. The bi-annual event, simply gives inspiration by offering the audience great speeches about content that matters. The network is obviously equally important. We at INKISH.TV is so proud, that we have this small opportunity to share and spread the words about this conference. As mentioned before – wish all countries had their Grafkoms.
Watch this episode and listen to the two exciting interviews with Maria Westman from Brand New Communication and Thomas Petersson, Chairman of the Board in MIS provider Omikai.
0:51 Yeah, it’s a great mix of competences. I think we will have a lot of fun here.
1:08 It says that actually if I involve you more in what my knowledge is, you will probably have something more out of that, and that can be involvement in my business, or in my competence or something, and that’s something we really want to communicate in content marketing.
1:35 Our members actually produce and deliver content marketing for their customers.
1:47 The most important thing is to analyze your audience to see how can you actually tell the full story in how do you put it, how do you package it, and which kind of channel do you want to put it in, because in some of the new digital channels is more suitable to have like really short stories, but if you want to have the full version, maybe you have to do that in another new way – maybe it’s a film or something, where you actually can compromise the story in a really good way.
2:31 If you have one story in the center, and then you have like multiple channel strategies to put it out, you can also edit that, so it fits the audience in that channel.
3:27 I think the reason for the legend piece is probably because I was there pretty early in the industry, right. We started this company IFS, which became one of the leading business ERP systems and still is, actually, although it has been recently acquired by the EQT, the Wallenberg family in Sweden. It’s still an independent company, which is quite unique I think, in this business.
4:00 I think everyone probably knows that there is a big difference between the beginning of the ë80s and now, right? You have a completely different behavioral pattern in how you use mobile phones, in how you build system and all that, but my point was really that most of the big ERP systems you find in the market today have their history back in 1980s, and you can still see that a lot remained really from the technology and not at least from the thinking. I mean, you build systems differently today, you don’t build them the way you did database-driven and process-driven, like you did it in the beginning of the 80s and 90s with very engineerable approach. Today you have like a completely different, more sort of a user-friendly, user-experience approach when you actually design the system. So, my point was – if you have a chance, pick a new system which has its roots in the web industry, in the web or internet era, if you like it.
5:02 If you are a part of a relatively well-defined industry like the graphical industry, I think absolutely you should pick a partner, you should see your business system supplier as your partner. He should not only be engaged in giving you IT, he should be a partner for business development, especially now with the new economy rolling in onto us. Your business system supplier should be your partner, you should be able to discuss with him, and you have to see the spark in the eyes of the ERP supplier, as I said towards the end of my speech. He should really be engaged in your business, rather than just in your IT strategy. I think that is crucial, really.
5:49 I think if you choose an old system from a supplier which is not really in the game anymore, you are sort of bound to fail. I think you should put your money on a new supplier you can find and still trust, of course. You have to be the judge yourself in how risky you want to be or how fragile this supplier’s financial stability can be, but in essence I think you are much better off if you find someone with a very new and young technology.
6:22 I was really happy actually, when I met Omikai. I’ve been sort of actively looking for segmented industry ERP players, with these sorts of fundamental characteristics for quite a while and that was exactly it. The first thing I told Matias, who is the CEO of the company first time I met him – I’ve been looking for you for a long time. So, it was love at first sight. I mean, they have the right drive and I think they are doing the right kind of things. They are doing everything that I think you should do, right? They are choosing the new technologies, they’re extremely market-driven, they don’t dwell only in the technology and the insight on themselves, they really engage with the customers, they have a good business model, rental model, I think they have found the right price level, and they are also addressing an industry in great change. There’s a huge need for not just someone who replaces the existing business systems, but I think there is a place for a business system which actually helps this industry to go into the next phase. I really think so, I mean, very aggressive and market-oriented player who wants to be a partner or the supplier. That’s what I think.