
Ricoh PRO Z75 Launch Event · · Rafael Mari

In this interview we talk to one of the owners of, Rafael Mari. Realisaprint delivers online print in France, North Italy, and Spain, with plans for even more countries. The entirely digital company decided to become a launch customer with Ricoh on their new Pro Z75 inkjet printer. In this interview, we discuss digital print, finishing, and how Realisaprint came to the Pro Z75 decision.


Ricoh PRO Z75 Launch Event · Partnership · · Sander Sondaal & Rafael Mari

In the Ricoh PRO Z75 launch introduction, Sander Sondaal talks about partnerships and how important it is. Rafael Mari - one of the two founders of Realisaprint, joins the conversation and confirms how important a partnership is - and - well, listen and learn!


Ricoh PRO Z75 Launch Event · · Sander Sondaal from Ricoh Europe

Delivering a new and very anticipated machine is interesting, and in this interview with Sander Sondaal from Ricoh Europe, you will get insights about the journey. Why did it take longer time than anticipated? How does Sander see this in the market - which will also be dived deeper into in a separate film on INKISH - but listen, and enjoy! Soon we will also have the walkthrough we refer to in this film :-)


Ricoh PRO Z75 Launch Event · Technology · · Sander Sondaal from Ricoh Europe

In this interview with Sander Sondaal, Editor Morten B. Reitoft asks questions that explain how the machine delivers. From the B2 sized drawers to options with pallet feeding, to the print technology inside the PRO Z75, and also for whom the machine is for. During the day you can see samples, more details of how the machines work, and more - so stay tuned!