ChatGPT and Ultimate TechnoGraphics · Dave Tanner · Vice President · Boone Graphics
Boone Graphics is located in Santa Barbara, about 2 hours drive from Los Angeles, and besides the traffic in LA, the rest of the tour was super nice. When we got to Boone Graphics, we were kindly received and got into a super nice meeting room with all types of print – and the rest of the day was interesting. Learning about how ChatGPT is used to write XML documents to be used with Ultimate TechnoGraphics Impostrip and Bindery was a surprise – but the story and how Boone Graphics navigates in the industry was just super nice. Enjoy!
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Apology from the editor:
As Boone Graphics ALSO uses both Impostrip and Bindery from Ultimate TechnoGraphics, Editor Morten B. Reitoft asked about the use of Impostrip Bindery but used the phrase ImpoBind, which obviously isn’t the name – sorry for this – hereby disclaimed!