Day 1 · PRINTPACK India 2019 · Greater Noida · India
One of the most amazing things about visiting PrintPack India is an amazing belief in the future. Everybody talks about growth and this leads to great optimism also from vendors. Yesterday, we attended a dinner and cocktail party sponsored by APTech and ProVin. Leader after leader from both Japanese and Indian companies expressed satisfaction over the trends and, of course, the signed deals. We will during the next day’s present interviews with various people from the show. Stay tuned and we will for sure give you a small taste of PrintPack and India.
This is Morten from INKISH.TV, and I am here at PRINTPACK India, just outside India Expo Center in Greater Noida. Jan and I, we came this morning from Denmark and Sweden. And it’s nice to have good weather. It’s nice to meet some people.
Just met a guy. He stopped us because he knew about INKISH.TV. Isn’t that crazy? Three, four years ago we were totally unknown, and then we meet somebody who knows us here in India, like several thousand kilometers away from where we’re living.
Stay tuned for some information during the next a couple of days.