Feed Your Print With Unique DNA · Pat McGrew · Print Sample TV

Everybody who has watched Print Sample TV for the past years knows how important design, papers, print, and the message is. However, suppose you want to be so unique and to make it impossible to counterfeit your print. In that case, it could be pharmaceutical products or anything else where you want to be sure that the packaging is the real thing – then DNS – Diversified Nano Ink – is the answer to your prayers.

I’m Pat McGrew, and this is Print Sample TV. Welcome back for another episode. We travel the world looking for really cool print samples, but we also look for really cool technologies. And a couple of episodes back, I talked about the folks at Diversified Nano. Diversified Nano Solutions Corp. Is based in San Diego, California, and they do something that absolutely blows me away. They create inkjet inks that have unique properties that give you the opportunity as someone who prints with inkjet technology to do some things that are frankly, pretty astounding.

I first came across them when they were creating neon inks for inkjet devices. And I thought, well, that’s really cool, because pretty much everyone was confined to cyan, magenta, yellow and black. Recently they’ve really been on a run. They have created inkjet ink with biomarkers. I met them at Printing United 2019, and they told me about something new that they were doing. And the folks at SCREEN with their Truepresses are actually using a lot of the Diversified nanotechnology. It’s AR Ink is the thing that caught my eye.

We talk about augmented reality a lot, and so this is the technology that allows you to use an app in your phone or a tablet to bring the printed page to life. And we love this idea that you could bring any print sample to life. So imagine producing print samples that could then tell their own story. Especially if you’re doing complex work or enhanced work. Things that have a lot of layers to them that might need some special preparation to do. Imagine if you could hand a piece of print sample to someone and say, “Hey, I know we’ve told you how this works.” But when you go back to your office and you want to explain it to your staff, just pull out our app and hang it over this piece of paper, and it’ll tell the whole story to your staff. You don’t have to remember everything I said. And then you just shoot a video. You link it to the piece and the paper comes to life. It’s pretty cool.

So the folks that Diversified Nano now have biometric, magnetic and invisible dyes and different types of pigments that they can use to create augmented reality ink. And I won’t pretend to try and explain how it all works here, but I want you to know this technology exists. And it’s something that they’d be delighted to talk to you about, but it just tells me that technology is changing, especially in the world of inkjet where the ink is so much of the magic of what can go on. So, remember if you are an inkjet device owner, you’ve got a chat with your hardware vendor to make sure that this ink has qualified for their device, but between their augmented reality ink, their INKcrypt technology, and something that they have that I love called TripWire, which provides some security benefits to the, the stuff that you print. It allows you to create a uniquely traceable print, is the way I would put it.

I just think that from a technology perspective, what the folks at DNSC do, and what I know they will do in the future, actually very, very cool. Kudos to the folks at SCREEN for jumping on it and, actually at Printing United, they were actually showing some of these print samples. And if you think about anything from security printing, check, printing, proxy statements, any kind of financial or insurance, personal health, personal financial information documents that you might want to secure, this is the kind of technology that can help you get there.

So thanks to the guys at Diversified Nano, and we hope you’ll come back for another episode of Print Sample TV.

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