Manu M · Fast Forward · Desk · 100 years · Shyam · Oh Georgia · Sunset
That’s where it all gets started in 2012, 23 December, 9 a.m. in the morning. Now, it’s been almost nine years with Nilpeter Dubai looking after the entire Middle East operations. I like to keep things a bit tidy and clean. Otherwise, I feel a bit uncomfortable. Last year was a special year for Nilpeter. Because that’s when we celebrated our 100 years. Being a part of Nilpeter I always consider us as a very fortunate thing which happened to my life. Because that company – it’s a marvelous, super cool company. So Nilpeter has a unique goal to do business with people who believe what we believe. He is my director, Mr. Shyam. So, he was the one who hired me in 2012. The relationship is very special, I would say. When you put your ultimate trust in someone else. And that generates a great bond, which is, you know, indescribable. So, he’s basically a super cool chap. He’s a good reader. A philosopher sometimes. And a very honest and smart businessman. So, I always take tips and suggestions from him. And the best and the funny part is – it works. This is from Georgia basically. So, I had a chance to visit that place. And that’s where I took that picture. The nature plays a key role, I think, in everybody’s life. Overwhelmed with the pandemic situation. So, I think the best thing to do is whenever we feel depressed or anxious or confused to spend some time with the family or friends. Or maybe just alone. And many companies whom I know personally had a great 20/20 business year compared to previous years. So, we must adapt to come over this particular stage as well. You know, let’s not lose the hope. Hope – It’s a good thing. Maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.
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