Patrick Walczak · Fast Forward · Home Office · Everybody Matters · Converting
That picture shows a nice home where I work right now. The sunlight may be visualizing that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. We’re getting through this together. And for me, it was important to stress that has been a long time. But you always should stay positive and optimistic. And I’m working for an organization who provides me the strength and this positive attitude. This is basically the reason why I sent you this picture. I’m a German. So Germans like it in a much structured way. Sometimes upstairs, sometimes downstairs, sometimes on the sofa or a couch. My work situation was completely different. I was traveling about 150 days a year. US, Asia, Africa, Latin America. I was all over the world. It is important to understand that when you work remotely, you easily feel disconnected. My organization, BW Papersystems or the Barry-Wehmiller Group. We have a culture which helps us to stay connected. And I feel that I matter. It talks about the leadership style and that everything what matters is the people within an organization. We have 40 hours a week where we touch the people in our organization as an employer. 40 times more than any church probably. You have a huge impact whether the person is happy or not happy. People are more satisfied and more fulfilled. They go home and they are better family, fathers, mothers, sisters. That has an impact on the family. Bob always says: That is the answer to world peace. This machine is cutting paper and board to sheets. This is one of the larger machines we typically build. Things go well and the team spirit is up. It’s a very small machine, very compact, maybe as large as my desk here. Cuts very sensitive materials at a high speed. So, for example, the pharmaceutical leaflets. You see me on this picture. That was one of the few moments where I was in contact with customers. We could show the machine. It was really fun to talk to people.
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