The Finishing Line · Müller Martini · Andy Fetherman & Adi Chinai · Müller Martini & King Printing

This is a truly great Learn With Us session where CEO Andy Fetherman from Müller Martini gives the audience a great introduction to how Müller Martini enables printers, and to support the story, Andy Fetherman has invited Adi Chinai from King Pringint in Massachusets to talk about the partnership the two companies has. A great session, and as usual amazing technology.

Bruno Müller · CEO · Müller Martini

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Ingolf Fritzsche & Ron Reddmann · Müller Ma...

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Christoph Müller · Instruktor & Leiter · ...

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Christoph Müller · Instruktor & Leiter · ...

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Adrian Mayr · Head of Product & Partner Mana...

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