Grafkom I/O 2016 teaser
November 8-9/2016 GRAFKOM I/O 2016 in Norrköping, Sweden. INKISH.TV will cover this extremely exciting event and if you have the opportunity you should go. GRAFKOM is about sharing information and at this years event you will find speakers, vendors and have a fantastic opportunity to network with hundreds of business leaders.
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What we’re doing at our GrafKom events is that we come together. We come together and we share our experiences and ideas. One example this time was Bisnode who came together with their graphic supplier PÅMedia. For we believe that there is a lot of knowledge out there in the industry and among our printing companies which needs to get out and be shared with each other. It’s going to be very exciting to listen to how they work together. For example, we also have the IT Manager for IBM Sweden here to tell us about how to use BigData.
We believe that there are a big number of customers with ideas of their own that need to be spread and combined with our seminars we create a forum, an environment, where we can share our ideas and thoughts about the future and its possibilities in a simple way. What we do with our events is that we ask our members what they want to learn. It’s also up to us, the board of GrafKom, to come up with good ideas.
For GrafKom we develop the program together with the network. And it’s also the network who contributes to the content. GrafKom I/O increases focus even more on new business opportunities. That, we believe, will help the industry to develop and to create new business.
Besides this Ulf and I bring in our own ideas and, we also bring competent people from the outside to this event. So in a way it’s easy because it’s the network that shares its knowledge. This time GrafKom I/O will take place in Stockholm, Barkaby. We have one of the foremost experts within e-commerce in Sweden who will come and explain about e-commerce within business to business and how it’s developing rapidly right now.
GrafKoms visitors are printing companies, small and large, various types of vendors, vendors who sell machines, suppliers of paper and all sorts of software providers. There are also schools, which represent the younger generations who also need to enter the industry. And finally there are the clients of the industry. We have a very broad audience, which is essential for GrafKom to be a successful event.
Globalisation is a very important part of development of the graphic industry today and we are continuously working on providing opportunities to gather new knowledge about this topic. For instance, this time Print Provider from Denmark will come and talk about their approach which helps the industry to work at a more global scale on its production. It’s going to be very exciting.
GrafKom is a network. Where we gather people interested in graphic communication, not only the producers but also the customers of the graphic industry. What we are trying to establish is a forum, a way to communicate with, and help each other to find new business and new ideas.
Our goal is for every member, at some point, to stand on stage and share their knowledge.
Communication is of course a great concept and graphic communication is a part of it. And therefore we want to find ways to combine this in the best way possible. And for our members to find new ideas and of course, make more money.