INKISH.TV proudly presents: Reza Sezavar · CEO · Hamta International Group · Iran, Tehran
Hamta International Group is a family owned company in Iran that have specialized in various industries. One of them is the printing industry where CEO Reza Sezavar among his duties introduces companies from outside Iran into an industry that is ready to invest. After decades of embargo’s, a quite big industry needs investments and Hamta International Group is ready to service partners. Quite interesting inside in a country that for many has been a closed territory. We at INKISH.TV has already decided to see if we can raise sponsors for a tour to Iran to see the potential – interested?
0:22 My name is Reza Sezavar. I’m CEO of Hamta Group. This company is a family group that started 1946, and it’s a family business that’s started by my grandfather. This company has actually been doing different services for Iranian market. We try to be a gate for graphic companies, organizations, who are looking for doing the business with Iran. Actually, we have a plan to make it easy for them, because a lot of the question these days have been, ‘what’s going on inside of Iran?’, ‘can we work with Iran?’, and then, ‘what’s happened in Iran?’ So, in the printing organizations and the printing industry, they know us very well inside of the Iran, so this is a well-loved company inside of Iran. That’s why, we come into Drupa to show a whole lot of the work we are ready to talk with you, and then we are ready to introduce you to the right people inside of our country.
1:21 What kind of services does your company provide?
1:25 Our company give valuable services to Iranian customer, because we have engineering, we have technical software, and then we have electronic engineers, sometimes mechanics. So, when the people want to decide to invest in Iran market, the printer is coming to us and ask how they invest, and then what is the next step. How can I do, and then develop my facility or everything? We help them how they work, and it actually always work, because the people trust us. This company is not just show up. This company have roots between the people.
2:08 We have a training systems inside of our company. So, when the people wants new technology coming in the world and be present for Iranian market, at the same time we have a training systems for Iranian printers. And also, my engineer always flies around the world for them to learn more training from Tokyo to Canada. So, I think this services is just for services inside of Iran. But for foreign country, how we help the international companies have understanding about Iran is very huge work, because normally they don’t think this is interest market. Many companies ask me if, ëWe can work with Dubai, but we cannot work with Iran?’ I said, ‘No. This country is 18 million population country, and you’re talking about 20 million. So, I think understanding Iran market is very necessary for whole of the trading part of the world.
3:09 Is Iran a developing market?
3:12 I believe that Iran is the future in the Middle East, because Iran have a 70% educated young people, at the same time we are a developing country. We have a huge investment that recently done by foreign country not because of just we have an oil industry or petrochemical industry, but because we have a potential market not for just to sell their market. They’re thinking maybe they can reproduce their products inside of the Iran for the CIS country, because the CIS country feel more free with the Iranian market. They trust for many years. This trust is made in. And then, right now is the right time for European countries also, for whole of the world to bring the business in this area. They find that this is the most secure area in the Middle East.
4:08 So selling equipment or getting financing in Iran is not an issue?
4:12 Actually, still some issue remain in Iran with the western country that I hope is very fast solve these problems. But, if you just consider, there is an investment in the printing industry is not a small investment. Sometimes, a couple of many years they must put that’s just a small development happen. So, vetoed finance is very difficult, but I see demands that they have proud, the dignity, and they try to develop vetoed finance. And, what I see in the printing industry of Iran just must be someone loved their job to do that, because they do investment. We taught any help of the financing of the banks, and financing of their foreign companies. So, what I see, we have a very good future. We are very optimistic. We know some companies that already have big plans. But, here in this show, I have a visitors that just tell us about what they have, what they plan to have, what’s their dreams, and it’s making me very optimistic.
5:29 We have something around 1,200 printers that’s professional printers, but we have a very big industry. You will be surprised if you just come to Iran and have seen movie inside of Iran, because we have the printers that – They are very modern printers, and we have a newspaper. The manager of this newspaper today was here. Every day, have more than 600,000 impressions daily, they have. So, they use three big Mitsubishi machines. So, they have a plan to new investment that happen. And, I’m happy to tell you what I see from what I face from Iranian in this show. All of them have a development plan.
6:11 Any last words about Iran?
6:15 In our culture, we never attack to any country in the world. We are a very peaceful country. We love the people in the world. And, if you can to Iran, Iranian Hospital is very famous. I think it will surprise anybody just to travel to Iran and visit our country. And me personally, I said everybody is always welcome, just contact our company or website, and they can ask help. Any help that we can do, we do our best to say welcome to all of you.