Jacob Hededam Hummel at the INKISH NON-EVENT 2019 · Copenhagen
INKISH hosted for the first time ever our NON-EVENT. The Non-event is celebrating the people that have been in front of the camera, or been supporting INKISH during the past years. This is a new recurring event, and the idea is to give space for the people we have featured to connect in a new way. We invited 150 people, and 32 decided to join us. Our guests came from Japan, Canada, USA, UK, Belgium, Sweden, and Denmark – and we are confident that next year, even more, will come.
We asked most of our participants to talk LIVE during the dinner – and here is Jacob Hededam Hummel from Denmark. Jacob Hededam Hummel is employed by Heidelberg GmbH, but work out of mostly Denmark and the UK, and that is among other reasons because Heidelberg is now working in clusters, but also since Jacob Hededam Hummel is specialized in Heidelbergs workflow and automation solution Prinnect.
Now, I am very pleased to actually introduce my next guest here at the non-event, which is Jacob [foreign language 00:00:19] from Heidelberg [crosstalk 00:00:20]. Great to see you.
Good to see you.
Thank you [foreign language 00:00:22].
I hope you’re enjoying yourself here at our first non-event.
It’s excellent. Thank you. It’s brilliant-
Yeah. That’s great.
It’s nice to meet other people from the industry.
Yeah. Jacob is out of Denmark, so we have a slight Danish accent, both of us, but I think we will just keep it in English anyway. Right?
I think that’s best. Yeah, probably.
It’s best, yeah. Jacob actually impressed me quite a lot. We were at a … I think it was at the workflow summit last year in Stockholm where Jacob and his team from Heidelberg, was not showing only Prinect, which is the workflow suite from Heidelberg, but also you showed Smart BI. What is Smart BI?
Well, Smart BI is a fragmentation of our software portfolio. It’s the collection point and the analytical point of basically all the data that it produced within your print shop. So not only looking at one device, how to optimize that specific process, but actually looking at the entire end to end process within the print shop, all the way from the print buyer and downstream until you deliver the specific product. And-
When I met you last time I was in, that was the sign and print in odinson. Yeah. I was actually watching you from a distance where you were giving a demo where you had like a virtual printing company showing at least some of the prinec, I don’t know if you showed the-
We did, Yeah.
smart BI [inaudible], but one of the things that was, I wouldn’t say it was a surprise, but it was amazing that was sure that you actually took the example asking your customers to enter their own data into, is that true?
Yeah. So you actually, when you did a demonstration of Prinec and smart BI, you gave it based on like metadata from the customer’s own printing shop.
Sitting with their own data. It’s always easier to explain an issue and explaining the solution when they actually can recognize, okay, this is, this is, this is actually me and I can see where I’m getting at.
So when you, when you’re put in these data that people delivers to you.
Do most people grasp, this right away, that they see something that has that value or is it something that you need to work on as well?
Oh, very often when we present companies data, their first reaction is, well that’s not us. That is definitely not us-
And so even though they had given [crosstalk 00:02:41].
but basically it’s always that reaction we get, we really that good or really that bad, or it’s where we struggling. It’s, it’s, they all have gut feelings about where they can improve. But when you actually, and we should have talked about this 10 years ago, That’s the conversation we had, but now that we are able to actually say, this is the proof of where you’re, bleeding and this is where you should improve. It’s like, Oh, that was not my gut feeling. I thought it was here that we actually had the biggest issues.
Then I have to ask you a question because when you show that kind of information based on, I think there’s been put a lot of hours into developing software that can actually interpret those data.
What is your experience when people that implement your software, do they see the same results or is that differs a lot from the simulated world or-
Well often nine out of 10 in our little industry here it’s the, the main pain points are similar all over the world all-
so you have a lot of similarities.
It’s like we have an industry list of pin points. It’s like a standard where our bleeding and it’s just like because our mindset is so locked into different processes, we are still working in silos, which means we often have the same problems and it’s much more easy to understand where the problems are. If you can show them and you can actually prove them by data. And that is, we all knew the problems were that now we can just exactly say this is where you are really bleeding. That’s where you need to improve.
But then when you, when you implement the software-
and you’re getting into the printing company and they can see-
This is where my pin point is, are they able to work on it and make it happen?
Yeah, while it’s st-
So they see the results-
They receive results and it’s not, it’s an enabler into selling them, don’t get me wrong here, but selling them additional software-
because 99% of the issues can be fixed today by software solutions and that is why Heidelberg not just deliver, develop the, smart BI’s so the BI part of what is needed within the printer, we actually develop a whole concept of how to improve a print job, which we call the smart print shop. This is the end twin concept. So instead of having 200 different pin pionts, we have six key improvement areas.
If you look at the price of smart BI compared to the repayment time of the…If you say that most printing companies have the same pin points-
What is the repaid side?
So individually, like every coffee company, so big company, big problems, small, small problems.
Okay, so it’s not, like you cannot say that. If you are… I’m just asking because if the pin points are more or less the same all over the world. I thought that you said that. Okay. Yeah. The price of investing is X and typical if you have repayment time of six months, 10 months, 12 months, five years, whatever-
Two weeks-
The difference,Yeah.
sometimes two weeks.
Yeah. And so the reason I’m asking is just because that is, I guess that a lot of people, whatever, whether it’s per day or smart BI or any of the other smart solutions in the market, I’m just thinking that to some extent you, I think that one of the obstacles you have as a proof is, okay, I paid this amount of money for this. When can I actually become profitable in that investment?
I guess that is one of the reasons why you haven’t sold this to every print in the world is exactly that reason right?
Yeah. And that is of course an ongoing discussion and we are getting better and better to prove the RI on those parts-
Because you get more but get more and more customers-
So you can prove it more and more like accurate data right?
Exactly and with the smart BI as a foundation with the prinic business manager as the software solution to the problems we have over the last you know, this one and a half few sold more than 600 solutions out there.
Exactly. To fix those-
In Denmark?
Issues with Reproland solution within the world.
Okay, I’m just kidding with you.
And that’s totally okay. That’s really…and we don’t care if this-
I have a red wine your beers over there.
My beers getting warm over there. So we don’t care if this is a lifeCell company. If this is a inkjet company-
Yeah because you basically deliver to-
Toner company.
This is actually-
You don’t even know if it’s [inaudible 00:06:38] right?
No, it doesn’t matter.
Isn’t that funny? Because that opens basically about 500,000 printing companies stores, right?
Yeah. And the reach is, really interesting for us. The business model opens up for… We usually when you sale Lash softer solutions, it’s only, we aimed at the large-
Print shops, but the new business model, it’s mid size and small size as well as family, mom and pops companies. That is what we see. As you know, right now the growth area Drupal is coming, and-
There is, it’s, I always liked those Drupa years because there’s really attention in the industry-
This is why ive been in the industry because everybody expects to get something out of it. Right?
We have something we want to show-
Yeah, Yeah.
We can’t show it yet. We can’t even talk about, we can maybe relieve something.
I could tell you that everybody I’ve talked to about it. We have some really exciting announcements for next year, but we can’t tell now. I know it’s just, yeah. What a surprise, right?
But [foreign language 00:07:30]. I’m the software guy you know this and, I think for the first time ever. I think Drupa will be a software show.
Because we all have really, great equipment, production equipment. None of us can make it work without software any longer-
We can only reach print biases well by software. So now this comes to be a softer show.
It’s kind of funny because a Fabian [foreign language 00:07:53] from a [foreign language 00:07:48] –
Is here and he said to me earlier today said, I’m a software guy. I’m only interested in software. I said, you should talk to some of the hardware guys, because in the old times it was hardware only and software only, but today it’s in my opinion, its a fact. Can’t live without having both, right?
You can’t earn money on just having hardware. You can drive productivity out of hardware without having right infrastructure. And that is today. [inaudible 00:08:14] Not, sorry, it’s not by hands. It’s by software. It’s by automation. Thank you.
Thank You.