Klavs Holm at the INKISH NON-EVENT 2019 · Copenhagen
INKISH hosted for the first time ever our NON-EVENT. The Non-event is celebrating the people that have been in front of the camera, or been supporting INKISH during the past years. This is a new recurring event, and the idea is to give space for the people we have featured to connect in a new way. We invited 150 people, and 32 decided to join us. Our guests came from Japan, Canada, USA, UK, Belgium, Sweden, and Denmark – and we are confident that next year, even more, will come.
We asked most of our participants to talk LIVE during the dinner – and here is Klavs Holm from Denmark. Klavs Holm is the CEO of Medit Consult a leading workflow- and management consultant company in the media industry.
Klavs, thank you very much for coming.
And thank you for invitation.
Yeah, this is our first non-event. So what do you think of it so far?
First of all, I don’t agree that it’s an non-event. I think it’s a very important event and I’m very happy to be here. So congratulations with the success. It’s really important. It’s important because we meet. Yeah?
And we meet with a lot of interesting people.
Have you met people that you didn’t know before?
No, but I have met them on the different circumstances than the usually. And that’s also important. Yeah.
Because the reason why we did this one was because we thought that when people meet at trade shows, they have a role, they are representing the companies. They have to work on the booth, they have to work against the customers. But I think the industry, because we have such in a changing environment these days, need to also to, maybe not to know each of us pets and children’s and wives, but to actually have an understanding that we’re human beings and we wanted to have this event with absolutely no hidden agenda, good food and nice people. We have 32 people here. I think the mood here is like, it’s just fantastic basically right?
It is. With or without red wine. It’s a [crosstalk 00:01:28].
I got a lot of these. So Klavs, one of the things that you have been working with, especially in the past year is change management.
It is change management because the industry is changing a lot. It has been, I’ve been a consultant for 20 years.
20 years?
20 years. And the industry has been changing for 20 years, but somehow-
So that is not new.
But somehow the changing is different now, because the industry, yeah, you can start arguing is the industry anymore because they’ve changed-
So the industry changed from something to something new and it’s still continuing to change.
At some point, the whole industry have changed all the time, but it has been the same journey they have been on, all the companies. They have moved together.
That’s the entire industry that has developed.
It’s in a time, what you see now is the company develops in different directions and that’s quite interesting and challenging. Yeah, that’s new.
And when you look at your … I mean your four, five, six people in your company, right?
Yeah. So when you look at the consultancy work, you do when it’s business consultants, is that typically owners who have difficulties seeing where the change is taking them and how to manage in that space?
Difficult to see where to change to, but also how to do it.
So it’s also very practical based.
It’s also very practical. We come from here and we want to move to there, but how to do it, not undermining the whole existing company and business. But that’s interesting for us and it’s interesting for companies.
As a consultancy company, how do you, I mean I guess it requires that you get up to certain … You need to be a little bit ahead of the CEOs and the management and the boards of these companies since you can offer these services. Do you do that by getting inspiration from somewhere or do you read a lot or it’s just a matter of having the right skill set employed at the right time? How do you see that?
To be honest, a part of it is to come to events like this.
Because you?
Because you talk to people, and then everybody has their own journey, their own story to tell.
Okay, so you learn from listening also from what other people have done.
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah. So if you should have closing statements since you are the last one today, you have like a closing statement for the value of the non-event, is that like inspiration?
It is conversation. It is inspiration. And that’s also, I’m not hired by Inkish, but I want to congratulate your team. Why I’m also here is that I think it’s so important that we share these stories that you share on Inkish because we all learn. We are not to [inaudible 00:04:20] to copy other companies. That’s not a goal for anyone, but we can get in … We can learn from each other, and then we can think of new ideas and new ways to do it that fits to our company, our own style and knowledge. So that’s why I’m here. That’s why I support this kind of event and theN support Inkish because I think it’s fantastic and I think the industry needs it. For sure I need it.
Thank you so much. I appreciate your time. I appreciate your support during all the years. Klavs may be my-go to person when it comes to, when we have issues or troubles or problems, then he’s my advisor and my mentor in many ways. So thank you my friend.
And now I have already told you that the thing that the advice I give I get from your own channel, so maybe you should start watching Inkish as well.
I will start watching Inkish.