Mark Subers on Why PRINTING United? · Mark Subers · President Printing United/NAPCO · USA
Mark Subers is the President of PRINTING United and NAPCO, and in this video, we ask Mark Subers why there is a need for a new large expo – PRINTING United. The event takes place in Dallas, TX, USA October 23rd to 25th 2019 and just two weeks after Print19 in Chicago.
PRINTING United grows out of the SGIA expo that for many years focused on Large Format printing. With PRINTING United NAPCO and SGIA are joining forces to attract both more visitors as well as more exhibitors.
Looking at the exhibitor map here: the space is already limited for exhibitors who have still not decided to go. This is, of course, great news for the visitors since this indicates a massive interest from the industry.
In this film, Mark Subers talks about the event and rest assured INKISH will, of course, cover the event with a daily LIVE show report.
Remember to watch, like, and share this video.
We’re here to talk a little bit … Our table is about and our sponsorship is about Printing United and Brand United, bringing brands, and Printing United, our large expo, as you know, October 23rd to the 25th in Dallas. But the reality is it’s all … We want to support this conversation as we move forward because we think it’s really important to bring all people together.
Really, it’s really a one roof approach to a printing expo, trying to put all technology together and all segments of the market together in one spot. So, we’re building off of SGIA Expo, which has traditionally been garment and screen and industrial. NAPCO Media, my side, brings packaging, commercial, and the implant market … very unique. And our tour is aces. When you push us together, we really serve all segments of the market. Currently, at this state, we’re months and months away from the event. We’re 93% sold out on the floor. Everyone’s being represented. All the major OEMs are there. We’re really, really excited about what it is that we’re bringing to the table.
Well, I don’t know that it’s size so much as it is scalability. So, what we’ve always shot for and the whole impetus of this was we know that it’s convergence. It’s happening in the market. So, these commercial people are getting into wide format. They’re getting into some lightweight digital packaging. We wanted to give them a one roof approach, so both for the printers and the OEMS, we want to … the manufacturers and suppliers … a better return on investment. What does that mean? Printers get to spend less time out of the office and in an environment where they can go to one show and get everything they need, see all the technologies. One spot. Less hotel rooms, less flights, less time out of the office. What do the suppliers and manufacturer’s get? Really, the same thing from their side. They have less dollars to work with, so if we can provide one show where we bring all of their constituencies together … Perfect, for instance, is somebody like Rico or Canon, who had a booth at SGIA, bringing their wide format technologies. Now, for Printing United, they’re bringing their production and wide format technologies where we’re bringing all the audiences to them. So, it scales better for everyone, and that’s really, at the end of the day, a better ROI for everyone involved.
We have a baseline of 25,000 historically that register for SGIA every year. That’s fantastic. What we need to know is this event is still for them. Just because we’re combining a couple other segments together does not mean by any stretch of the imagination that we’re abandoning the traditional segments and audiences and communities that have traditionally been SGIA. What we’re doing is [inaudible 00:02:55] on their brethren in some other areas. At NAPCO Media, it’s one of the strengths that we have. We look at the printing impressions or the basically print and packaging group at NAPCO Media. We have 200,000 people in our file. That’s a significant amount of people. We’re looking for a modest growth from 25,000 to 32,000. Represents about 2.7% of our overall audience. It’s not really a big lift. We also have all the channels for which to deliver this message, editorially, through video. We send out 46,000 e-newsletters a day just in our commercial brand. We have a 12-time monthly magazine that goes out to 50,000 people a month. Telling the narrative and telling the story about why we’re doing it and driving them over changing hearts and minds and getting them involved, it’s a great idea whose time has come. It’s not our idea. The market’s been asking for this for 10 years.
We’re just going … Well, Ford Bowers, the CEO and President of SGIA and I, we met at the EFI Connect three years ago and said, “What’s your strategy? What’s your strategy?” We run a lot of [inaudible 00:04:06] on a digital packaging summit more hosted by our boutique events, and he wanted to know what we were doing, and I’m like, “Well, what are you guys doing?” And we collaborated and went, “Well, wouldn’t this be interesting if we could do this, and as organizations, we can.” So, “should we” was the question. We went out and did research in the industry across all segments, and it’s part of our convergence report. It can be downloading from Printing Impressions site, There’s a significant amount of convergence happening where commercial guys are looking. It’s fantastic what’s happening in the industry. We think we’re [inaudible 00:04:43] space around that, and again, it’s nothing that we’ve invented. We’re just the first ones to move with it and take advantage of … not take advantage of it, but build it for the community, and that’s really what we’re looking forward to doing because we can.