Ultimate Impostrip® Enables Better Paper Usage · Audrey Jamieson · President · Marketing Kitchen
In a suburb close to Toronto, INKISH visit Marketing Kitchen. When entering the premises, we soon realize that Marketing Kitchen produces great products and that the company has a great sense of humor. Funny posters with employees keep you smiling and well – just nice! Marketing Kitchen is a Direct mail/marketing company helping its customers send out marketing and communications. Creative solutions are developed together with the design/marketing companies ordering from Marketing Kitchen. Marketing Kitchen is a full production site with both b&w printers and their Konica-Minolta KM1, which both Audre Jamieson and her operators are very satisfied with. We are at Marketing Kitchen as the company uses Ultimate Technographics Impostrip. Marketing Kitchen uses Impostrip for automating many of their repetitive jobs, but what has made a huge financial impact for the company is how Impostrip helps Marketing Kitchen to utilize the B2 format better on the KM-1. Great company, and many great and innovative ideas!