Peak Performance Print Experience · Reporting from Fujifilm event in Brussels – Day 2
On September 29th, Fujifilm delivered an excellent presentation of their latest products. The second day focused on Fujifilm Jet Press 750s, and about 50-60 people from the UK, Benelux, and Scandinavia showed up. The agenda was to hear, see, and even touch the new Fujifilm Jet Press 750s. INKISH covered the event with numerous interviews you can find on INKISH.TV. On day two, we took the opportunity to look at many aspects of Fujifilm’s graphic offerings as well as the Peak Performance Print demonstrations – so enjoy this really great film – filmed and edited by Jan Majnik, INKISH – of course 🙂
Mon January 20th
Mark Stephenson · Fujifilm · Hunkeler Inn...
We are warming up to Hunkeler Innovationdays #HID25, and once again, we offer free interviews to all exhibitors before and during Innovationdays. We are excited and thrilled to welcome our first guest, Mark Stephenson, from Fujifilm. Fujifilm is one of the most interesting companies to follow these years, with tons of acquisitions, new employment, and consequently so much new and exciting equipment. At Innovationdays, Fujifilm will focus on their Inkjet series of printers - and I am sure you can look forward to engaging presentations by the entire Fujifilm team!