Print Sample TV By Pat McGrew · Digital printing on Currogated material
Digital Printing for packaging is one of the more important subjects these days and many vendors are working on solutions to print on corrugated material as part of this development. In this Print Sample TV episode, Pat McGrew show you some really cool print samples produced with the HP C500.
Hi. I’m Pat McGrew back with another episode of Print Sample TV. This short snippet is about digital corrugated. Very specifically print samples created by the team at HP when they introduced their C500 sheetfed digital corrugated printing device. It’s inkjet. It’s speedy, and it’s an interesting technology to try and create a print sample around because most of the targets for this type of device are going to be packaging people. So you want to create a print sample that really speaks to that group of potential buyers.
The team at HP did a really great job. So this is … These are a couple of print samples that were printed on the C500. The C500 is again, a sheet-fed device. It gives you the freedom to print on coated stock, and uncoated stock. And there’s a lot more of this stock coming into the market as new machines come into the market. HP is certainly not the only one with a sheetfed digital corrugated press at this time. But let’s concentrate on their samples for a second. So this one is an uncoated paper. It’s from Mondi, and it’s their ProVantage Komiwhite. It’s 135 GSM. It’s a micro-flute so if you’re used to looking at fluted packaging, and it is a really nice quality. This would be really appropriate for any print provider who supports maybe pallet wraps or fruit boxes or any of a number of other things that require micro-fluted corrugate.
But the interesting thing is that they not only had an uncoated sample, they also showed us and shared with us, a coated sample. Now this is a Metsa Board. Pro WKL Kemi Light Plus 175 GSM coated stock. So if you note, the two images, they really are very different. The coated stock really makes the grapes pop, the fingers pop, and really qualifies as what I look for in a print sample. Something that not only shows a depth of field of the color and great texture, and great holding of the colors on the fingers, but also with the fruits. So from a print sample perspective, I think the team who produced the PageWide C500 press samples really knocked it out of the park.
Now they showed us a bunch of folding carton boxes as well, but the favorite one that I have is one that not only showed some great digital corrugated board printing technology but some great knockout technology. So when you’re looking at creating your own print samples, if you’re a print provider, think about equipping your sales team with some really innovative things. Even if it’s something that you can’t finish at the moment, start to give your clients some ideas. And if you’re a print vendor, continue to create really great print samples that give printers ideas of how they can sell the device that you’ve created.
Nice job HP. Nice job PageWide Web Press team. I’m Pat McGrew. This has been Print Sample TV. Come back for other short snippets on really cool print samples, over time.