Print Samples are also about Name Dropping · Print Sample TV · Pat McGrew
Print Sample TV is all about showing great samples to inspire buyers, designers, and the industry. When presenting great samples and pairing these with the technology used this, of course, makes sense. When we create covers and headlines, we try to make headlines that, of course, relates to the cover photo. We try to make a cover photo that makes you curious enough to click on it.
If you are a printer and getting into making your print samples, you, of course, have similar considerations. Use all the means you can; like great design, excellent substrates, great print, great enhancement, great binding, great packaging, and why not ‘name dropping’?
Of course, be aware that you will have to ask for permission to use names, logos, company names, etc. in your marketing.
But now it’s time to Watch, Like, and Share the finale episode of the Symeta sequel.