Integrated Inkjet Solutions from Fujifilm is now its own entity · Stefan Steinle · Fujifilm

Inkjet is by all means on the radar everywhere – and at the Peak Performance Print Experience event in Brussels September 28-29th, 2021 – we got the chance to talk to Stefan Steinle. He is the Sales & Business Development Manager for the new entity Fujifilm Integrated Solutions. So what is it? Well, imagine an inkjet printhead. Place one or more heads in a bar with all the needed electronics, pumps, vacuum, cooler, power – and you now have a print bar that can be up to 2 meters in width. Now, place it almost anywhere you need print – and you have an idea what this is all about. It can be used in mailing applications, offset/web offset solutions to extend with variable data, all managed by Stefan Steinle and his team. Very excited, and well – check for yoursel

LinkedIn Profile:

Stefan Steinle · Fujifilm · FEFCO Technical...

27 Oct 2023

Mon March 3rd


Nick Bruno · President · Harris & Bruno ·...

Nick Bruno speaks with Pat McGrew at #HID25 about the coatings they offer in the digital space and explains that they have learned a lot from the offset space and have also worked with several partners throughout the years. They also discuss the competitiveness and sustainability perspective of using coatings over laminations, so dig in and learn!