Think Smart Factory · Kyoto November 11th-13th 2019 · Yoshihiro Oe · Horizon International
Think Smart Factory is an upcoming event in Kyoto, Japan. As you can hear in this presentation, of the event, by Yoshihiro Oe, General Manager from Horizon International, the event is not so much like an exhibition. Rather than having booths where each exhibitor presents its products and services, Smart Factory is an opportunity to see equipment working together and see end-to-end productions. The “end-to-end” also includes the workflow part that is typically before print, of course.
The event is developed by a group of companies including:
Canon Marketing Japan. Inc. / DAC ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. / FUJIFILM Global Graphic Systems Co., Ltd. / goof, inc. / HP Japan Inc. / Hunkeler AG / JSPIRITS Inc. / KONICA MINOLTA JAPAN, INC. / RESOLOGIC. Inc. / Ricoh Japan Co., Ltd. / RYOBI MHI Graphic Technology Ltd. / SCREEN Graphic Solutions Co., Ltd. / TECNAU
INKISH will be covering the event, and we can’t wait to get to Kyoto. As Yoshihiro Oe also states in this interview, Kyoto is wonderful this time a year. Hope to see you there!
We had a IGAS exhibition last year and at that time we have a concept of Think Smart Factory. This is not only by us, this is together with industry-leading companies in Japan and outside Japan, we together form a kind of group and then we promote Think Smart Factory idea. Drupa is obviously next year, but we don’t have any event in this year, 2019, and we want to keep our concept and idea and message to customers. So that is the reason, together with all the leading companies, we set up a Think Smart Factory event 2019 in November. This Think Smart Factory event, the TSF we call, is very unique event. A normal exhibition is each vendor or exhibitor has a separate booth, but we don’t have any of the booths divided section, no. Everything together, so if we have a book solution we collaborate with a desktop printer company to form a book solution system. A direct mail solution, we form another direct mail solution system, and that is for stitching and all the other things. So this is, let’s say some kind of a simulation of the printing company, from the order taking, and then the process of the data, sending the data to the press, and the print is happening, and then finishing, and delivery. Everything is automated and connected and that is a very important part of demonstration or exhibition in TSF. Yes, all included. So order-taking, software, MIS controlling the total workflow, and we use JDF for setting up equipment. We also send back a JDF to the upstream device, so the status of the work, or status of the machine, also can be recorded. This is another important thing, with the visualization. They want to see what’s happening in each one of the device. The manager or control system is organizing all the flow. So this is a completely let’s say, end-to-end workflow solution. Yes, of course. This event is happening in Kyoto, Japan. By the way, Kyoto is very nice place–
Oh, so that time of year?
In November, yes. It’s the best season, I should say. But not only the Japanese customer but also we are inviting many customers from outside Japan. And this event is really the place to think about, what is really Smart Factory for the printing industry? So we probably cannot fulfill everything when the customer visits our TSF event, but customer can have idea we can discuss together and then continue to discuss, and this will lead to drupa 2020, and then going on. So this, creating the opportunity to discuss how to make the print factory smart. So that is the real concept of the event. Yes, as a manufacturer, we want to replace everything.
Every year.
Every year, it’s every day!
Every day. That is, yes, of course, as a manufacturer, a very important part, but we want to connect everything and to form a really good connected workflow in the existing customer’s place. Of course, there must be some new equipment necessary, or new software have to be installed, but once everything is connected, then I think it will be beneficial, efficient, and profitable for the printing company. We have a Think Smart Factory 2019 website and anyone can register from this one, or you can discuss or talk with our representative. In each country, we have over 100 different countries, we have dealers. So those dealer knows about the event and how to register.