Drupa 2024


Elie Khoury · Founder · Alwan Color Expertise · Reporting from Drupa 2024

Mark's quest for American exhibitors or stories allowed him to talk to Elie Khoury, who talked about a jam-packed show. Alwan Color Expertise shows a spectrometric color management system that enables a printer to match print output with a reference image/color - interesting!


Bruno Müller · CEO · Müller Martini

The interview features Morten B. Reitoft from INKISH speaking with Bruno Müller from Müller Martini about the significant transformations the company has undergone over the past 35 years. Bruno Müller discusses the evolution from his early days in the newspaper division to adapting to major shifts in the industry, particularly the decline in newspaper production and the rise of digital printing technologies. Bruno highlights the company's focus on listening to customer needs and adapting its culture, products, and strategies to market demands. He emphasizes the challenges of managing spare parts for older machines, which were not originally designed to last as long as they have. This has necessitated a shift in the company's approach to production, moving towards modular designs that use common components to streamline operations and reduce complexity. The interview also touches on the recent acquisition of Hunkeler, describing it as a strategic fit that complements Müller Martini's strengths and enhances its product offerings. Bruno Müller notes the importance of evolving business models in response to digital technology advancements, which is crucial for staying relevant and competitive in the printing industry.


Frank Schaum · EVP Business Segment Print · Heidelberger Druckmaschinen · Reporting from Drupa 2024

In this interview, Pat McGrew talks to Dr. Frank Schaum from Heidelberg about the JetFire. The JetFire is the first Inkjet product launched in collaboration with Canon, and it came as a huge surprise to most at Drupa—even considered the most interesting news at the entire show. Now it's time to listen to Dr. Frank Schaum in his conversation with Pat McGrew!


Tom Baker · National Sales Specialist · Post-Press Komori UK · Reporting from Drupa 2024

Tom Baker is responsible for selling MBO post-press equipment in the UK, and he explains in this film that things are pretty OK. The Cobo Stack has also been a success in the UK - but dig in and listen for yourself!  


Brett Stow · Owner · Absolute Printing Equipment Service · Reporting from Drupa 2024

The first time we met Brett Stow was during the planning of our trip to Minneapolis. Still, as there was a snowstorm in Minnesota, we didn't get the chance to meet each other in person, but that changed at Drupa, where we got the chance to meet at two booths of companies represented by Brett Stow—namely KAMA and Perfecta. In this interview, we met with Stow at the Perfecta booth, to discuss how the products fit into an American context—enjoy!  


Jannik Müller · Head of Sales · MBO · Reporting from Drupa 2024

In this combined interview and walkthrough, Head of Sales Jannik Müller shows the folding opportunities of H+H and explains how water is also used to soften the folds - crazy fast and crazy amazing!  


Stefan Schülling · Managing Director · MBO · Reporting from Drupa 2024

Stefan Schülling came to MBO with a background from the ink-side of the industry, and the journey he has been on the past year is impressive. Now leading MBO. Along with a new streamlined organization and being integrated with the Komori organization, there is plenty to do, and at drupa, MBO shows new products and updates to existing lines. But listen for yourself :-)  


Eduard Martin · CEO · Schwabenprint · Reporting from Drupa 2024

Eduard Martin from Schwabenprint is a busy man, and in this interview, we get a chance to talk to him about how a customer almost invited him to set up an operation in the US. Now it's up and running, and we talk about equipment - and Eduard Martin's talk explains why he chose the Hohner solution for his booklets. Speed and setup time are just two parameters, but listen for yourself! Enjoy!  


Paul Zamfir · Managing Partner · Printman · Reporting from Drupa 2024 #2

Paul Zamfir is Managing Partner with Printman in Romania - a distributor we met at Weilburger Graphics's booth a few days ago. Now we meet him at the Post Press Alliance booth, and of course, I had to ask him whether he has favorite products among all the machines we see - see the film to get the answer :-)  


Erez Zimerman · CEO · Massivit · Reporting from Drupa 2024

Still among the most impressive 3D printers in the market, and in this combined interview and walkthrough by CEO Erez Zimerman, you get a bit of both - one exciting takeaway is that large format printers delivery instore and outdoor is among the segments Massivit addresses as large 3D printed 'products' can be used in combination and draw traffic - the booth give excellent examples. But also for prototyping and even for mold production, Massivit now has solutions!


Adrian Mayr · Head of Product & Partner Management · Müller Martini · Reporting from Drupa 2024

With a vast background within Müller Martini, Adrian Mayr is the perfect Head of Product & Partner Management as he bridges the different technologies and needs when developing a new product. That and other things we get to discuss in this nice interview!  


Takefumi Horiguchi · DX Group · Global Marketing Management · Fujifilm · Reporting from Drupa 2024

If you have followed INKISH during Drupa, you know we have reported quite a lot from Fujifilm. The company excels in several product categories, and in this interview with Takefumi Horiguchi, we dig into the understanding of Fujifilm's workflow/software portfolio. Fujifilm is as ambitious in software as with every other segment it operates in, so keep an eye on its software portfolio. Also, off-camera has exciting things in development!  


Phillip Gaskin · Business Development Channel Manager · XMPie · Reporting from Drupa 2024

Mark's Quest takes him to Hall 7, where he meets with Phillip Gaskin from XMPie. Listen to the interview that, among other things, extends personalization to add a level of relevance and engagement - how far can XMPie bring you :-)