IST UV-Days 2023


Onno Deen · GSE Dispensing · IST UV-Days 2023

GSE Dispensing is a Dutch company with 50 years behind them. The company develops and produces ink dispensing machines. Your humble editor must admit that he initially didn't understand what GSE Dispensing delivers before Onno Deen explained that he is selling a machine that can mix inks. The bell rang, and I realized it was a machine to mix inks, so I could understand the application. With a software solution in front of the machine, GSE Dispensing can mix spot color, but they can even keep track of all your left-overs and by this also use the leftovers as a base for mixing new colors - super interesting :-)


Remko Koolbergen · DG Press · IST UV-Days 2023

At the IST UV-Days, INKISH got the chance to talk to owner and CEO Remko Koolbergen from DG Press. The company is based in the Netherlands and specializes in security print and packaging. Producing both offset presses and an interesting concept where you add the technology you need - almost like a label press but with further options - and intended for another market. The products are used to produce money and other highly advanced applications - and though the market is stable, Remko Koolbergen seems to have an almost endless belief in the future - super cool!


Philipp Hölzl · Elantas · IST UV-Days 2023

When you see printed electronics, it's almost unbelievable, and yet the technology has been around for 30 years. At the IST UV-Days, Philipp Hölzl from Elantas also explains the advantages, shows examples, and gives us an insight into how their ink helps their customers. Printed batteries, solar panels, sensors, and even OLED screens are just some of the opportunities the technology offers. With the conductive inks from Elantas, traditional screen printers can print products that are almost out of this world. This is certainly worth checking out, as this is something many have heard and most likely fewer seen - unbelievably cool!


Roland Schröder · HuberGroup · IST UV-Days 2023

Think about it. A family-owned ink manufacturer more than 250 years old and still on the top of the development curve. In this interview with Roland Schröder from Huber Group, we get some interesting background about the Munich-based Huber Group, and not only do we see and learn about the company, but also why UV inks are increasingly interesting, as the LED-technology becomes more and more capable. Roland Schröder shows a magazine printed on a web-offset press where the gas heating has been replaced with LED-UV. Super great result, and shown as it explains why the higher price on UV inks isn't a problem if you look at the entire production process - but don't take my word for it, listen to Roland Schröder - Super cool guy :-)


Simon Roberts · IST Intech · IST UV-Days 2023

Simon Roberts is the MD/GM of IST Intech in the UK. With a background in automotive, his perspective is broader than print, and he also explains that as IST Intech grows, it's important to grow outside the printing industry even more. Interesting interview that also touches upon the integration between the different branches - and always interesting to talk to management., and understand where business is going. Enjoy!


Christophe Dujardin · Leonhard Kurz · IST UV-Days 2023

Sustainability, sustainability, sustainability. In this film, we speak to Christophe Dujardin, who explains how the sustainability agenda is being handled by Kurz. We find it a very interesting story, as it's not only about reducing waste but everything from reducing the impact of the product to recycling the waste - super interesting!


Achim Herzog · MPrint · IST UV-Days 2023

MPrint is one of the many interesting companies in the Leonhard Kurz group. MPrint focuses on developing and producing compact digital print units that can be used in industrial applications. At the IST UV-Days, Sales Director Achim Herzog explains the difficulties with compact designs and also the opportunities with the modular and diverse approach of the devices. At IST UV-Days, MPrint also shows a work-in-progress CMYK print module, and have got a lot of great feedback from the market, but see for yourself :-)


Céline Dumas · Komori-Chambon · IST UV-Days 2023

Céline Dumas is relatively new with Komori-Chambon, and maybe you don't know the company - but here you get an insight that guides you to what they are. Komori-Chambon is part of the Japanese Komori group but operates entirely independently at two locations in France. They develop packaging equipment within the offset, flexo, and rotogravure segments, but they offer end-to-end solutions developed entirely by the company. Komori-Chambon delivers mainly high-volume production, and asking Céline Dumas about product types, the answer is instant - 'think milk' with a lower voice and 'tobacco.' But listen for yourself, and I am sure if you need to know more, Céline Dumas is ready to connect with you via LinkedIn - see the link below!


Daniel Boronat · KAO Chimigraf · IST UV-Days 2023

How does an ink manufacturer differentiate, and what are the challenges in developing INK? Daniel Boronat from Kao Chimigraf is in this interview from IST UV-Days, giving open answers to editor Morten B. Reitoft. Enjoy the film - it's a good one :-)


Sebastian Stange · Koenig & Bauer · IST UV-Days 2023

Sebastian Stange works in the fantastic Koenig & Bauer demo center in Radebeul and was part of the panel with Sabine Geldermann (drupa), Stéphane Royère (KURZ), and Tim Sterbak (IST Metz) talking about one year to drupa among other things. Interesting chat with Sebastian Stange, and as always interesting to hear what's up with Koenig & Bauer!


Sabine Geldermann · drupa · IST UV-Days 2023

At the IST UV-Days, Sabine Geldermann joined a panel discussion with Stéphane Royère (KURZ), Sebastian Stange (Koenig & Bauer), and Tim Sterbak (IST Metz) under the headline 'One year to drupa.' It was a great debate with many interesting views about sustainability, supply issues, digital transformation, packaging, etc. And in this interview, INKISH got the chance to talk to Sabine Gelderman, following up on both the panel debate and her expectations for the upcoming 2024 edition of drupa. Enjoy!


Stéphane Royère · Leonhard Kurz · IST UV-Days 2023

Stéphane Royère is the head of Packaging and Print with Leonhard KURZ. We got a chance to talk to him after he finished his panel discussion with Sabine Geldermann (drupa), Sebastian Tange (Koenig & Bauer), and Tim Sterbak (IST Metz) and talked to him about sustainability, value-adding, and of course, also their platinum sponsorship at drupa 2024. Enjoy!


Jochen Christiaens · Zeller + Gmelin · IST UV-Days 2023

Jochen Christiaens explains at the IST UV-DAYS about the segments Zeller + Gmeling covers and why the LED UV-Curing is interesting for a company developing inks and varnishes, as always great catching up with Jochen Christiaens.