Seiko Open Week 2022


Juan Castells · Itaca @ #SeikoOpenWeek2022

At the 'Seiko Open Week 2022 event' people from all segments of the industry were represented. Juan Castells works with Itaca, one of the leading manufacturers of organic pigment. The pigments are used in both digital and analog inks and are quite interesting to learn and understand about the ink market - especially with a focus on tiles. Juan Castells also showcase examples of how other materials can be printed with the right mix of ink and printhead. The next venture is to digitally print vinyl and other products. Enjoy!


Carlos Carratalá Sanchis · EFI @ #SeikoOpenWeek2022

EFI and Seiko have been partners for years, and for industrial printing, EFI relied on the expertise of Seiko. At Seiko Open Week 2022, Carlos Carrtalá Sanchis and a few of his colleagues joined the Open Week 2022 event to learn, share, and find inspiration. Interesting always to see how collaboration is a given among large companies! GREAT!


Fabio Tallarico · Seiko Instruments @ #SeikoOpenWeek2022

The potential with Inkjet is amazing, and recently Seiko Instruments in Germany employed Fabio Tallarico, who has an engineering background in textile. With his background, he is supporting the growing interest in the textile industry in inkjet. Interesting!


Emilio J. Estrelles · Projecta @ #SeikoOpenWeek2022

Talking to Emilio Estrellas was a good experience. Projecta is an Italian manufacturer of tile/ceramic printers, and while we in the graphics arts industry just started the digital transformation today the tile market is 98% produced in digital. Interesting to learn, and also show that talking digital and inkjet is more of a replacement market rather than a transformation market. Interesting!


Christian Goebel · ideeGO @ #SeikoOpenWeek2022

At the Seiko Open Week 2022, Christian Goebel built a test printer to show how Seiko printheads can be used to print in all directions - from the side, from the top, and even from the bottom - quite amazing. ideeGO has among other things build machines that print on all the sides of plastic boxes, to support a comprehensive logistics solution. Jetting from the distance is also one of the things the Seiko printheads are capable of, which you can see in the video jetting on uneven surfaces. Learn!


Aliasgar Eranpurwala · Seiko Instuments @ #SeikoOpenWeek2022

Ali Eranpurwala leads the printhead division of Seiko. In this interview, we get an idea of the potential with inkjet and Seiko, but also why Seiko Open Week is a recurring and important event. Enjoy!


Stefan Kessler · Lambda @ #SeikoOpenWeek2022

Stefan Kessler from Lambda presents in this film their NIR - or Near Infra-Red curing solution that is the perfect solution for water-based curing. With the right frequency of the bulb, the drying process starts from the inside of the ink and gives the printer a number of advantages. If you are printing with UV, you know that it's photo-initiators that react to the UV-light, and though low-migration UV and a broader frequency perspective open up for UV to be used with food packaging, water-based has numerous advantages. This film is good to get wiser on!


Arne Ditscher · Cadis @ #SeikoOpenWeek2022

Truly great to talk to Arne Ditscher from Cadis - who we met for the first time in our #LearnWithUs webinar about Inkjet last year. At Seiko Open Week 2022, Arne Ditscher showed how Cadis can help customers develop industrial inkjet solutions enabling print on numerous surfaces, even 3D surfaces, and more. One of the VERY interesting this is an Inkjet simulator Cadis is developing. Imagine a database with printheads, inks, and even substrates with all the properties you can imagine. Now the emulator can take an object and emulate what printheads and inks are best for this particular application. An amazing software, and as you can understand, software that can cut down development time, and cost!


Mark Bale · DoDxACT @ #SeikoOpenWeek2022

If you wonder what DoDxAct stands for you are probably not the first to ask, and understanding what Mark Bale does - the name is ingenious! The abbreviation is short for Drop On Demand (e)Xact - and that is exactly what all this is about. As you know, or will learn in this film, the printheads are only one of the essential components of a functional printer. The controller, the ink, and obviously the substrate needs to be aligned to make a perfect output. Mark Bale focuses on the printhead, where he teaches, consults, and also has a lab where he can test all of the above. Enjoy the film!  


Jigish Chiniwala · Condot Systems @ #SeikoOpenWeek2022

Almost 30 years ago Jigish Chiniwala started his business developing solutions for marking and coding. Today the company delivers solutions to more than 30 countries from marking and coding to complex security solutions. In the interview, Jigish Chiniwala explains the journey, and we also learn that security can't rely on only one technology. Enjoy!


Matthew Pullen · Meteor Inkjet @ #SeikoOpenWeek2022

Matthew Pullen works for Meteor Inkjet, and designs and produces the controller hard- and software enabling the print to hit the printheads in the right order, and fast enough! Matthew Pullen in particular works with the Meteor DropWatcher that compares the expected output with the actual output and enables through software to correct eventual errors on the go. Amazing what technology can do to maximize profitability. Enjoy!


Tri Tuladhar · Trijet Limited @ #SeikoOpenWeek2022

This is a really interesting, yet very difficult to understand, interview with Tri Tuladhar from Trijet. Many of the PSPs I talk to, often ask why the inkjet vendors don't allow to use of third-party inks, similar to how they buy offset inks. Is it only a money machine, or are there any other good reasons? There are! Tri Tuladhar is an ink specialist who tells us in this interview that each color and even each ink manufacturer has their own unique 'fingerprints.' These fingerprints are important for the vendors to know as the exact properties of an ink relates to how fast the machine can print, and when Tri Tuladhar shows how the same ink act under different conditions it makes a lot of sense. Dive in and enjoy!


Marc Granero · Kao Chimigraf @ #SeikoOpenWeek2022

Marc Granero is the Inkjet Sales Manager for Kao Chimigraf. The company is a chemical company, located in Spain, with an ink division. The inks they produce and show at Seiko Open Week 2022 are simply amazing. You will - we will not disclose right now - see inks with properties that can give you embellishment capabilities, or what about printed electronics using inkjet? All on your inkjet press, and well, Marc Granero gives you a lot of great information, so we are certain you will like this!


Roberto Campos · People&Technology @ #SeikoOpenWeek2022

At the Seiko Open Week 2022, you get the opportunity to get kind of behind the scene. How do ink- and substrate manufacturers test their products? Even printhead manufacturers need test equipment, and that is exactly what Roberto Campos from People&Technology show in this interview. The company has two main products - one is the above-mentioned ink testers. The second product line is machines made to clean printheads when they start making stripes or have other artifacts. Interesting to see how this works, and a world, that many most likely don't know! Enjoy!