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Sun November 18th


Educating Designers & Turning Waste ...

At the recent Scanpack exhibition in Gothenburg, we met with Managing DIrector Paul Hornby from Foilco. The UK-based foil producer tells us about their new environmental program. "The metalized foil itself is environmentally friendly but the polyester base delivering the foil isn't and since I want to my little contribution to a better environment, we collect the waste and use it for recycling - in our case cement." Paul Hornby also tells about the "Multiplicity" event where designers can learn how to use foils in their designs. Cool to talk to Paul - but listen for yourself :-)

Tue September 19th

En Es-ES

Eduardo Surís · RISO · C!Print Madrid 20...

Especially for the smaller print businesses and PSPs, Eduardo Surís, Marketing Manager and area Sales Manager at Riso, talked about Valezus. This new machine uses a cold printing inkjet technique that can print up to 330 pages in full color per minute. (Duplex mode). ___ Especialmente para las imprentas más pequeñas, Eduardo Surís, Marketing Manager & Area Sales Manager de Riso, habló sobre Valezus, la nueva máquina inkjet que utiliza la técnica de impresión en frío con capacidad de imprimir hasta 330 páginas a todo color por minuto. (Modo dúplex).

Fri June 14th


Eduard Martin · CEO · Schwabenprint · Re...

Eduard Martin from Schwabenprint is a busy man, and in this interview, we get a chance to talk to him about how a customer almost invited him to set up an operation in the US. Now it's up and running, and we talk about equipment - and Eduard Martin's talk explains why he chose the Hohner solution for his booklets. Speed and setup time are just two parameters, but listen for yourself! Enjoy!  

Wed September 1st

Ar De En Es Fr It Ja Nl Pt Ru Zh

Eduard Martin · CEO · Schwabenprint

Eduard Martin operates Schwabenprint - a printing company specialized in manuals, documentation, and other B&W productions. Schwabenprint delivers stitched and glued products in a very efficient production using Horizon and Hunkeler equipment together with the company's Domino Inkjet press. An exciting story and funny to see how niche products can be done fast and efficiently using the right technology. Enjoy! ----- Eduard Martin LinkedIn Profile

Fri March 22nd

En Nl-NL

Eduard Hoogendijk · FESPA Nederland

FESPA Netherlands is the knowledge and network organization for the visual communications industry for print and sign companies. It is part of the umbrella Fespa organization, which is organizing its trade fair again here in Amsterdam. Founded in 1962, FESPA is a global federation of 37 national associations, each of which plays a local connecting and supporting role for the local LFP and Print & Sign sector. Since it is Amsterdam's turn again this year, we thought it was only appropriate to offer the sympathetic Dutch association the right to speak. * Interview in Dutch, subtitles in English. -------- (NL) FESPA Nederland is dé kennis- en netwerkorganisatie voor de visuele communicatie-industrie voor print- en signbedrijven. Ze zijn onderdeel van de overkoepelende internationale Fespa-organisatie die hun vakbeurs hier in Amsterdam opnieuw organiseert. FESPA werd opgericht in 1962 en is een mondiale federatie van 37 nationale verenigingen, die elk lokaal een verbindende en ondersteunende rol spelen ten behoeve van de lokale LFP- en Print & Sign-sector. Omdat Amsterdam dit jaar dus weer aan de beurt is, vonden wij het niet meer dan gepast om de sympathieke Nederlandse vereniging het spreekrecht aan te bieden.

Fri October 21st


Edmond Rassi – Crown embossing ...

The Scodix booth at PRINTING United was pretty busy during all show days. The interest in the new Scodix Ultra 6000 was immense, but it was also truly great meeting customer who utilizes the technology - some even further than the intentions of Scodix :-) Edmond Rassi is the owner of Trade Finisher in Houston and says that he wanted to extend his business with capabilities enabling customers. He also challenges brand owners as he educates designers and customers about the technology - driving more sales! 100% inspiration!

Sat December 3rd


Editor’s Outlook Presented by · Pa...

A few months before the NON-EVENT took place, on December 1st, we asked Pat McGrew to interview four editors about their views on the future. The result is four great interviews with Dan Brunton from UK-based Brunton Business Publications, Janet Maitland and Stephanie Gaddin from the Australian-based Image publishing group, Alexia Rizzi from Italian-based Stratego Group, and finally, Tony Curcio, Editor for Graphic Arts Magazine based in Canada. Four exciting and very different views on the future - and, of course, all to learn from! Thanks to Pat McGrew for doing these interviews.

Tue February 1st


Editor Morten B. Reitoft · Interviewed b...

I almost ALWAYS write the introduction text on YouTube, LinkedIn, and INKISH.TV, and to be honest, quite strange, to write about me. In this Conversations, CEO Julie Watson from Ultimate TechnoGraphics asked if she could interview me, and of course. However, it is important to stress that I am not in the market to promote myself, but ALWAYS promote our great industry and the amazing people I am so lucky to meet. Being an editor for INKISH, I take very seriously, and I hope the words I share here will be an understanding of where I come from, what drives me, and how I hope my words can inspire the people that see, listen, and read the stories we deliver on INKISH.TV and INKISH.NEWS. I love my work, and I am truly grateful for meeting all the really smart people out there! Thank you!

Fri September 13th


Eddy Edel · VP of Product Management and...

See a new card module on BlueCrest's streamlined insertion machine. Eddy Edel, VP of product management and strategy at the Pitney Bowes spinoff, discusses the importance of integrity when printing sensitive information in transactional direct mail pieces.

Thu February 2nd

Fr En Fr

Écologie, qualité et fiabilité doivent a...

Découverte de Roland DG France par son Responsable Commercial, Michaël De Azevedo. En avant-première pour la France, il nous parle des nouveautés et de la gamme True-Vis. L'écologie, la qualité et la fiabilité doivent aller de pair. Un aperçu.

Wed October 30th


Easy To Use Software Delivering Great Re...

At PRINTING United INKISH delivered more than 30 interviews. One of them was with our friends from Mindfire in California. In this interview, Executive Vice President Joe Manos explains the value of working together with Mindfire. Mindfire has developed a software platform enabling its customers to manage campaigns, social media, and lead generation in a very intuitive way. As Joe Manos also mentions in the interview, Mindfire even offers marketing services, so customers can use Mindfire as a one-stop-solution.

Thu September 24th


Easier said than done · Kaylene Lloyd · ...

Is it as easy as some will say, to develop a new business plan, including web-to-print, automation, and implement afterward? - Kaylene Lloyd & Morten Reitoft

Thu October 12th


Eagle Systems Cold Foiler on AM Litho...

Minutes after arriving at AM Litho in Chicopee, MA - a smiling Al Meadows welcomed us. I believe everybody who arrives at AM Litho comments on the 'rain forest' you have to pass to get into the printing company. Al Meadows first gives us a tour starting with the rain forest, the history of the Caribbean-inspired wall paintings, and the entire production. In the pre-press area, we meet Fred Gamber, who joins us for the rest of the tour and is part of the interview. AM Litho is a super interesting printing company, focusing on high quality with the abilities of the Eagle Systems cold-foil unit on the company's Koenig & Bauer KBA 106. We are entering the color lab where colors are mixed and checked so they comply 100% with the high-end brands that trust their work to AM Litho. You'll easily recognize the iconic whiskey and perfume brands, and when you see the work put into the colors and the quality insurance, you get a sense of what AM Litho is all about. Besides the KBA with Eagle Systems, the other printing presses are from Komori. Al Meadows is very pleased with his relationship with Komori - and for the first time (for INKISH), we get to see the Komori IS40 (digital inkjet printer based on the Konica-Minolta KM1). Also, this machine is highly appreciated by both Al Meadows and Fred Gamber. The digital department is all Canon printers, which are also highly appreciated by the two. You realize these people invest in technology, supporting their business and supplier relationships. AM Litho is veteran-owned as Al Meadows, and many employees are veterans. AM Litho highly values employees, and you see signs of appreciation and constantly reaching customer satisfaction as a very integrated part of what makes AM Litho, AM Lithography! Great story!

Sat September 14th


Dustin Graupman · Senior Director, Ink J...

Dustin Graupman, senior director of Kyocera’s Inkjet Division, discusses market share and the OEM’s TASKalfa Pro 15000c+ (with Plockmatic). Watch for a coated version of this device in 2025!

Fri September 10th


Dursun Acun · Owner/General Manager · OP...

Imagine how difficult it is to get ink to stick to a metal surface! Imagine how difficult it is with water-based ink - and voila, here is OPM-Europa and the LabelSaver solution. Or, to be more correct, almost there. The R&D is finished, and the first machines are assembled and soon ready for water-based inkjet printing on round surfaces like cans, bottles, plastics, glass, and metal. In this interview, owner and General Manager Dursun Acun share the journey with you - we find it inspiring. Once again, a vendor shows how the Memjet technology can be utilized in a new application. Enjoy! Find Dursun Acun's LinkedIn profile here.

Tue March 14th


Durst has become the market leader by Ch...

At ICE/InPrint in Munich, you didn't only meet DURST but also Koenig & Bauer, Koenig Bauer Durst, and Durst - three legal entities that have decided to work together. Many are foreseeing the new VarioJet 106 that will soon hit the folding carton market, but in this film, we also get the chance to talk to Vice President of Sales Christian Harder about the success based on product diversification, having a clear focus on being the best in each of the segments the company addresses - and well, listen to the story and learn. Durst is a well-established company, but despite its age, it has developed into a company that today defines what many companies would like to be!

Tue February 6th

En Fr

DURST · David Gobert · C!Print Lyon 2024...

DURST expose pour la première fois au C!Print, confirmant qu'il s'agit d'un marché important pour la marque. David explique comment ils voient le marché en France et pourquoi il est important pour eux d'être également présents ici.

Thu February 8th

En Fr-FR

Duplo France · Mathieu Stark · C!Print 2...

Duplo présente une première européenne et a choisi C!Print pour le présenter au public. Il fallait donc venir voir. Mathieu Stark nous raconte tout. — Duplo is showing a European première and has chosen C!Print to show it at the public. So we had to come and see. Mathieu Stark tels us all about it.

Wed February 1st

Fr En Fr

DUPLO fournisseur de polyvalence

On retrouve Philippe Bochon, Directeur général pour la France de tous les produits Duplo. Il nous fait découvrir les propositions du salon et les solutions Duplo, notamment leur produit phare, le massicot raineur. Il nous donne son opinion personnelle et sa vision de l'industrie depuis sa fenêtre chez Duplo. Nous faisons le point sur la situation après cette période difficile de crise sanitaire, qui semble enfin être dans le rétroviseur.

Wed October 9th


Duane Pekar · CEO · Mark Andy in Convers...

In this engaging interview, Duane Pekar, Mark Andy's new CEO since December, shares his journey from the automotive and aerospace industries to the label industry. With an extensive background in operations and leadership roles at companies like General Motors, Carrier, and Honeywell, Pekar explains how his experiences have prepared him for this new chapter at Mark Andy. Duane Pekar discusses the strategic shifts within the company, focusing on operational excellence, customer support, and breaking down silos to foster collaboration. He also highlights the importance of staying connected with large multinational customers and smaller family-run businesses, ensuring Mark Andy’s solutions cater to diverse needs. Get inspired by Pekar's vision for the future of Mark Andy and the label industry and his advice for young professionals aiming for leadership roles.  

Mon April 22nd


DRUPA is the worlds most important print...

At the recent Hunkeler Innovationdays 2019, we bumped into Sabine Geldermann who is the Director of DRUPA, and we got the chance to sit down and talk to her about DRUPA 2020. DRUPA is by most people in the printing industry considered the most important and also the biggest – and as Sabine Geldermann tells in this film, vendors even plan developing cycles around the DRUPA 4 years cycles – so no wonder. However, looking at the numbers DRUPA also becomes smaller and smaller – and, of course, some of the decreases come from the fact that the industry is shrinking, but some may also come from the fact that trade shows, in general, have difficulties attracting the visitors to come. The numbers from the previous DRUPA in 2016 also show something that must be a challenge. 68% of the visitors came from Europe and only 9% from, i.e. North America. To be a true global print show requires not only vendors from all over the world but also visitors from all over the world. Sabine Geldermann tells that some local German tradeshows have closed and been absorbed by DRUPA but also that the number of visitors from outside Europe is growing. In this very openminded interview with Sabine Geldermann, you get a great insight into the upcoming DRUPA 2020, and though it still seems to be far away Sabine Geldermann tells INKISH.TV that the sales for 2020 have already reached the 2016 level and all key accounts are assured. Good for DRUPA, good for the industry – and regardless of where you are located it’s time to organize hotels, Airbnb’s and travels to be sure to get accommodation – and just in case you haven’t been in Düsseldorf before: Be prepared to spend an awful lot of money to get even the worst shitty hotel

Fri October 23rd


drupa 2021 to be canceled · Andreas Webe...

*This is our opinion based on intense research that we will write about in a series of articles on INKISH NEWS in the week from October 26th-30th. We are confident that Drupa 2021 WILL be canceled - or at least, our analysis of the situation points in that direction. The conversation between Andreas Weber, CEO INKISH D-A-CH, and Morten Reitoft, Editor-in-Chief, INKISH, is an appetizer to a week with articles about drupa. For the past many weeks, we have talked to people in the industry, other exhibition venues, media, sub-contractors, hotels, restaurants, and many more about the situation in Düsseldorf. The COVID-19 situation is, of course, the reason for the uncertainty, but why isn't drupa canceling drupa 2021? As with so many things, it's because of money. The drupa machine is vast, and the impact on the printing industry and the city of Düsseldorf is unimaginable. The situation for exhibitors is not comfortable. Lots of money is tight to drupa, and Messecenter Düsseldorf, and how drupa is handling the current situation, is most likely influencing the tradeshow's very future. Signup to our newsletter on INKISH NEWS and get notifications when articles about drupa are released! Signup link:

Tue December 4th


Driving The Sales By Educating · CEO Jan...

Jan-Olof Jungersten is the distributor of HP Graphic Arts equipment in his company Visutech, in the Nordic and he and his company recently celebrated their 30 years anniversary at Scanpack 2018. INKISH do not so often cover representatives but of course, we have exceptions. Jan-Olof Jungersten is not only the first Indigo channel in the world, but he is also an author. His third book 'Transmission - Transform the Packaging Industry' is about how he sees the changes in demand, changes in technology, and how we as a printing industry needs to adapt to the new order of the world. As he says "digital is not only about the machines​ but also about the mindset" (free from memory). So, in this INKISH film, he shares some of his visions, some speculations, some considerations put in Swedish perspective - and of course, considerations about both HP and the market in general. Enjoy!

Thu April 20th


Dr. Thomas List · BHS · CFO · BHS Open H...

At the BHS Open House in Münster, BHS CFO Dr. Thomas List presented a Pay-Per-Use model for BHS equipment, making the cost of running an operation almost 100% variable, doesn't impact the balance sheet and enabling customers to scale faster. In this interview, Editor Morten B. Reitoft tries to understand how the components in financing work - and we believe it's a good session to learn from. Enjoy!