Chris Leibovitz, Scott Irmen & Pete...
In this film, we visit 'Executive Mailing Service,' or, in short, EMS in the Chicago area, and this is a great experience for many reasons. The company specializes in mailing, and when you enter the facility, you see mailboxes as long as you can see - it's quite a large operation. Though you see many machines everywhere, you also realize the number of people working. In the print room, you have a combination of toner-based printers and the newer MCS Inkjet machines - and in the film, we learn how more efficient the MCS Inkjet machines are - and why EMS is replacing the toners one by one. During the visit, you easily understand how great the collaboration is between EMS as a customer and MCS as a supplier - and as this is our first filming with MCS, we are also learning quite a lot. MCS has an intense focus on mailing, and when we later visited their Chicago-based operation, we got a walkthrough that you can see here: - it was a great day, and great meeting dedicated people from both sides of the production!