Books-of-one requires the right software · Alessandro Antonuzzo · CEO · Rotomail
Rotomail is, by all means, a fantastic printing company and is a living example of how Digital Transformation is not only about technology but also the mindset. Rotomail came from a background being an IT service provider, to Direct Mail, to now also being one of Europe’s largest digital book printing providers. A vast number of printing machines from HP and Canon, embellishment from Scodix and MGI, binding equipment from Tecnau, Hunkeler, Contiweb, and Kolbus – but what makes Rotomail stand out from most is the software ‘Bronte’ that ties all the business processes from customers ordering books to plan, to imposition, to proofing, production, and invoicing – all seamlessly integrated, and with no pre-press planning at all – all super optimized.
In this film, CEO Alessandro Antonuzzo explains the ideas behind the strategy and implementation, and as Rotomail is the owner and the company that developed Bronte, of course, proudly talks about the capabilities and how it can help other books-of-one-companies, should they choose to invest in the maybe best end-to-end solution on the market.
Learn and enjoy!