Henrik Klem Lassen · Fast Forward · Israel · Dog · INKISH · Valueproposition
That photo is taken from one of the last trips before the Corona started. We didn’t really know what was going to hit us. When I look at that photo, it shows the international mindset. It shows the lack of worries that we had at the time. It’s a mindset taking in what is interesting and good around us in the world. And people meet up internationally. We do come with our own culture. But we are still open to learn from others. The dog is clearly looking at a bright horizon. To have a dog is something that my wife and kids always wanted. And it has made us appreciate more of the things that we have in the area of our house. I’ve never taken so many walks. Even at six o’clock in the morning, because you can see the sun is rising. When you walk along the beach, walk in your own thoughts and think. And maybe we do too little of that. We are so busy answering the next e-mail that we stop thinking about what is actually not just the values, but also one of the opportunities. I do that as an offset for, for instance, our business development. We were hit really hard by this Covid-19 and we had to stop our usual business traveling around making films. And all of a sudden we had to rethink: what are we doing? Communication companies have to rethink their communication. How do we capture the value for our customers and for our business? In the beginning, we all thought that this was just going to go away in a matter of months. Now we’re in the new reality. And I think that we’ve all learned a lot from that. And I think that our business models have developed as well. Some of the virtual meetings is here to stay. And I see INKISH as a new way of communicating. I think that it’s very common for a lot of trade medias to communicate with the industry in a way where they preserve the already known ways of doing it.