Horizon Postcard · IGAS 2022
Horizon is the biggest exhibitor at IGAS for a good reason. At the show, Horizon, together with partners like Canon, Konica-Minolta, RGMT, Screen, Ricoh, Miyakoshi, and Fujifilm, presents 21 end-to-end solutions. Technology that showcases not only binding but also workflow integration, integration of robots and AGVs – and, to be honest, a wealth of technology that underscores Horizon’s commitment to its customers. We are, of course, as media, not endorsing any particular vendor or solution. However, Horizon sponsored our trip to Tokyo – and still gave us total freedom to film not only Horizon products but cover the entire IGAS show. We appreciate this, and as a courtesy, we would like you to enjoy this postcard from Tokyo showing you a few moments from Horizon.
The editing is done by INKISH filmer/editor Ziga Kovac – great work!