Jordi Giralt · KAMA · Fast setup technology for die-cutting, foil stamping and folding/gluer

Imagine in the nearby future robots that will feed the KAMA ProCut76 die-cutter, move the stripped and blanked pieces to the KAMA Foldinger/Gluer FF52i – and 100% handsfree production takes place – even dies are exchanged by the robot – not only the vision, but soon reality! CBO Jordi Giralt talks about the products – also the digital embellishment machine Hammerhead recently announced – and of course, the journey KAMA is on – super interesting – and worth listening to! Enjoy!

Jordi Giralt · CBO · KAMA · Reporting f...

12 Jun 2024

Stefan Kleditzsch · Head of Sales, Central E...

12 Jun 2024

Alexandra Marchand · International Sales Man...

11 Jun 2024

Jordi Giralt · KAMA · Reporting from the d...

1 Jun 2024

Matthias Miederer · KAMA · PreDrupa LIVE ·...

14 May 2024