Matthew Parker · Hold On To Your Clients · Matthew Parker PrintChampion on INKISH.TV

Matthew Parker is an author, speaker and finally host on his very own Matthew Parker PrintChampion channel on INKISH.TV.

In this second episode, Mattew Parker ask the fundamental question of what to do if you lose your most valuable customers? Do you have a plan on how to keep your customers, but also on how to grow them. Matthew Parker has ​great insight from being a print buyer himself for a large publishing company, so watch, like, listen, and share.

Matthew Parker · Fast Forward · Portrait ·...

19 May 2021

Matthew Parker #11 · Amazingly New Marketing...

13 Sep 2020

Matthew Parker #12 · How will you stand out ...

13 Sep 2020

Matthew Parker #10 · What do you do to commu...

13 Sep 2020

Matthew Parker #9 · Content Marketing is You...

8 Oct 2019