Think Print Movie

In six minutes, Bernd Zipper explains in depth how society and with it the positions of the media are changing. He makes it clear what an important role print will play in the digitalized world. A promotional film for the future of the entire print industry that has never been seen before.

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Think Print Movie Playlist:


#ThinkPrintMovie #Zipcon #PrintIndustry

Atomyx Launch Event · Specialist · Bernd Zi...

5 Feb 2024

Is the German retailer REWE Greenwashing? ·Â...

23 Aug 2023

Bernd Zipper · Over The Skype · ZIPCON Cons...

24 Apr 2020

Dedicated To Print · Bernd Zipper · CEO · ...

16 Mar 2020

Day 2 Report from #OPS2020 · Morten B. Reito...

5 Mar 2020