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FESPA Netherlands is the knowledge and network organization for the visual communications industry for print and sign companies. It is part of the umbrella Fespa organization, which is organizing its trade fair again here in Amsterdam. Founded in 1962, FESPA is a global federation of 37 national associations, each of which plays a local connecting and supporting role for the local LFP and Print & Sign sector. Since it is Amsterdam's turn again this year, we thought it was only appropriate to offer the sympathetic Dutch association the right to speak. * Interview in Dutch, subtitles in English. -------- (NL) FESPA Nederland is dé kennis- en netwerkorganisatie voor de visuele communicatie-industrie voor print- en signbedrijven. Ze zijn onderdeel van de overkoepelende internationale Fespa-organisatie die hun vakbeurs hier in Amsterdam opnieuw organiseert. FESPA werd opgericht in 1962 en is een mondiale federatie van 37 nationale verenigingen, die elk lokaal een verbindende en ondersteunende rol spelen ten behoeve van de lokale LFP- en Print & Sign-sector. Omdat Amsterdam dit jaar dus weer aan de beurt is, vonden wij het niet meer dan gepast om de sympathieke Nederlandse vereniging het spreekrecht aan te bieden.
Printbox is a Polish-based IT company increasingly making a name for itself in the large digital print space with its open architecture solutions and API connectivity. PSPs are increasingly considering the possibilities of what Web2Print software can offer them for photo products, calendars, photo books, and more. We find out. LinkedIn Profile:
ROQ has come to Fespa with a 100% digital presence! This might seem odd for a longstanding and well-known supplier of screen printing equipment. Roq has managed to address the needs of its customers, who are looking for fast turnaround and automation in direct-to-garment (DTG). This DTG setup can output +200 photo-quality prints per hour, João Sá explains, and only one operator is needed for loading and offloading.
Interviewed by Poligrafika, Anna Naruszko Produced by INKISH
Interviewed by Poligrafika, Aneta Łukaszewska Produced by INKISH LinkedIn Profile Vanessa Urbanek:
Interview Poligrafika, Aneta Łukaszewska Production by INKISH LinkedIn Profile Folker Stachetzki
Interview by Stratego Group, Alexia Rizzi Production by INKISH LinkedIn Profile Marco Capoferri:
Interviewed by James Wells from Intermedia, Australia Produced by INKISH. LinkedIn Profile:
Arlon is an American established name within the broad fleet and vehicle graphics solutions segment. Their offering varies from full or partial vehicle wraps, fleet markings, and window films. Arlon has its EMEA headquarters in The Hague (NL) and therefore plays a home match here in Amsterdam. In our pleasant conversation with their Vice President, Adam Bratter, we learned that Quality is at the core of everything they do, and that is reflected in their products. A pleasant introduction to Arlon Graphics.
Colorjet is an established name in its home country, India. Given their success and long-term experience with inkjet and textiles, the management has decided to take the step to Europe. We want to allow them to briefly introduce themselves here at Fespa. INKISH meets Colorjet - Colorjet meets the INKISH audience. LinkedIn Profile:
Dynamic companies have dynamic staff, so we meet Carmen Eicher, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer for the swissQprint group. As a Swiss-based supplier of high-quality printing and cutting solutions, they have given their best and emphasized their brand's impeccable quality and reliability, resulting in a 36-month full warranty as their new promise to the industry. Now that many new players are entering the market, this is a welcome and strong KPI for end users. So, let's find out more about this bold "move" and strategy.
The President and Chairman of the Brother Group, Mr. Toshikazu “Terry” Koike, has decided to make the trip to Fespa Amsterdam and to be here himself. This is not without reason, as they are really entering new horizons with their Global Brother Strategy. Industrial printing is brought to the forefront, as Mr. Koike, “Terry”-san, explains to me, integrating and redesigning office solutions as part of their R&D and, by doing so, creating a new and larger portfolio of industrial printing solutions.
The Italian family business Elitron is increasingly making a name for itself. CEO Paolo Malatesta and his team are ensuring they move up the rankings and join the top names in the industry. Growth across borders is a work in progress and we’re very happy to welcome them on our channels as well. LinkedIn Profile:
Brother takes the industrial printing market very seriously and has identified it as one of their key focuses for the future of the global brand. Folkert Stachetski is their European Marketing Manager. He takes us through some of their innovations, and of course, we also talk about how they see connectivity. All this while we wait for an interesting interview later today with the President and Chairman of the Brother Group, Mr. Toshikazu “Terry” Koike. So stay tuned for more.
Some first-timers at Fespa Amsterdam, so a good time to get acquainted and learn more about them. As we speak, we are witnessing a big surge of foreign manufacturers out of India, China, Middle East, all trying to get a piece of the sweet European pie. So, we met with Kimala, a Polish cutting, milling, and CNC machinery manufacturer. We learned that it is not just in their slogan when they talk about Innovation, efficiency, and reliability of constructing their equipment. LinkedIn Profile:
Let's talk about inkjet print heads here at Fespa 2024. Much of the equipment on display at the show uses Ricoh technology, so who better to talk to than Graham Kennedy, their Director of Industrial Print Solutions himself. Enjoy.
Since we at INKISH are always looking for interesting stories and new players, we wanted to learn more about JETRIX, a name we've seen more often lately. The Jetrix brand is actually owned by InkTec, a South Korean manufacturer of wide-format flatbed and roll-to-roll inkjet printers. They are focusing hard on the LFP market, and recently expanded to Europe and the US. Let's meet Julian Menell, helping them shape sales from Oxon, UK.