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Sun June 9th

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David Triulzi · Logica · the VIGC talks ...

Interview in English - Dutch subtitles. Good introduction to Logica, and it's “MES” - Manufacturing Execution System. Different to MIS or ERP , it is a comprehensive, dynamic production system in which your production processes from raw material to end product are monitored, traced, documented and controlled. The all-important OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is the result of the exercise. David Triulzi explains more. -- NL -- Goede introductie tot Logica, en het is "MES" - Manufacturing Execution System. Ietwat anders dan MIS of ERP is het een uitgebreid, dynamisch productiesysteem waarin uw productieprocessen van grondstof tot eindproduct worden gemonitord, getraceerd, gedocumenteerd en gecontroleerd. De allerbelangrijke OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is het resultaat van de oefening. David Triulzi geeft meer uitleg.

Mon August 30th


David Triulzi · International Sales ...

In the suburbs of Bologna, the Italian vendor LOGICA recently moved to a new HQ. LOGICA has specialized in developing software bridging data from production to MIS systems, enabling printers to get a better overview of production and identify bottlenecks. In this 'Conversations,' International Sales & Marketing Director David Triulzi explains how the company started and the value of using LOGICA's products and services. David Triulzi points with particular emphasis on the company's ability to use data from analog equipment by converting mechanical data into electronic data. The other is the openness LOGICA has to integrate with MIS partners and hardware partners that integrate LOGICAs solutions into their products. Enjoy! David Triulzi LinkedIn profile.

Mon February 10th


David Spencer · CEO · Spencer Metrics · ...

Always fascinating talking to David Spencer, the CEO of Spencer Metrics. The company has specialized in capturing data from printing devices - analog and digital - to give the company and its users metrics to navigate from. Spencer Metrics exhibit at Hunkeler Innovationdays #HID25 and gather live data from various machines to show you the value of their solutions. Super interesting!

Tue September 17th


David Silbiger · Sales and Product Devel...

David Silbiger of US converter Coast2Coast Label used to specialize in printing telephone cards. When it redeployed its narrow web presses to handle label production, the company realized it needed an industry-specialized workflow system and turned to CERM.

Tue February 25th


David Schmedding · CTO · Heidelberg · Hu...

CTO and member of the Board at Heidelberg are visiting Hunkeler Innovationdays for the first time, and he is impressed. Not only about the entire show but, of course, also because Heidelberg, together with Müller Martini, is showing a really fantastic setup of production of books.

Mon May 4th


David Pittman · Over The Skype · Digital...

David Pittman is the editor of Digital Labels & Packaging. In this, Over the Skype session he and editor Morten Reitoft talk about the importance of both tradeshows, trade media, and how sometimes trade media's importance is maybe slightly undervalued. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Mon June 10th


David Muncaster · Managing Director · He...

LinkedIn Profile:

Tue October 22nd


David Dilling · Managing Director · Mark...

In this interview with David Dilling from Markzware, we learn about the new Markzware portal that enables conversions of different formats online. You may think this is less important today, as many formats already are inter-exchangeable, but that is not the case; with Markzware, you get options to convert to and from some of the most used graphical applications in the market - but you also have the option to get your PDF files pre-flighted for more accessible print and handling - but listen to David Dilling and enjoy the next almost half an hour!

Mon May 3rd

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David Dilling · Fast Forward · Johann Gu...

One of my favorite books brings to life the time when Johannes Gutenberg was alive. And what he accomplished and what he did. This was a real, true revolutionary time. Sort of like we're living through now. Which started, of course, back in the year 2000 with the dot-com bubble. So this is the Gutenberg Bible. And it - sorry, it's not a Gutenberg Bible. Gutenberg has been a big part of Markzware. Gutenberg would have probably used FlightCheck. Because quality control was obviously a big issue. Even back then. People don't realize who really Tesla is, I don't think still. To be able to reproduce those and get them in the hands with democratized content. To get into the hands of the average layman. The historical side having a Bible that's from 1800. Where you can see how they printed, how they hand wove and bound it together. It's amazing. And then another side is just like - I still to this day, if I open it up and I look deep in the in the crease I can find like a hair. I found like a sewing pin from, you know, who knows, 1800-something, you know. So my passion for all this stuff, for print is just that it's amazing to be able to pick up a book and read what someone wrote. And they can spread that to thousands of people just with the press of a button nowadays in the Internet, you know. So FlightCheck is our flagship product. This is a product that Patrick Marchese and Ronald Crandall got a US patent on. It was an immediate hit because back then, you know, there was no PDF. We're redeveloping FlightCheck. And if you like the beta test, the new version, please send email to Without video, who knows where we would have been. did a survey. And sixty percent of business owners now use video. Video is an easy way to get to digest information. The YouTube network is huge. And if you can get in there, it's just amazing. How to embed an Illustrator file in InDesign. Or how to fix a PDF. Or how to recover my corrupted design file. YouTube in general, it's just been amazing to help people.

Wed August 12th

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David Benoit · Over The Skype · Grafoc

In this 'Over the Skype' session, Manager Advice, Marketing & Communication David Benoit of talks to Jacques Michiels of INKISH Benelux about the most recent developments in the graphic labor market in Flanders. Important and interesting topics that concern all Printers and graphic companies in Flanders include: How to find or train operators for Web to print/digital printing machines/inkjet presses? Impact of Covid19 on our graphics sector from a GRAFOC standpoint. - Information from the sector regarding vacancies, possible upward or downward spiral with regard to employment and challenges for the sector. What bonuses can a graphics company obtain for training Workers PC130 (sectoral training bonus)? How do graphic training centers deal with the partial switch from traditional graphic (offset) machines to digital tools and production resources? The various services and (subsidy) possibilities via GRAFOC to support the graphics industry. And much more… Watch, Like, and Share as usual. (NL) In deze 'Over the Skype'-sessie spreekt Manager Advies, Marketing & Communicatie David Benoit van met Jacques Michiels van INKISH Benelux over de recenste ontwikkelingen op de grafische arbeidsmarkt in Vlaanderen. Belangrijke en interessante onderwerpen die alle Drukkerijen en grafische bedrijven in Vlaanderen aanbelangen en aan bod komen zijn onder andere: Hoe vinden of opleiden van operatoren voor bv. Web to print/digitale drukmachines/inkjet persen ? Impact van Covid19 op onze grafische sector vanuit standpunt GRAFOC. - Info uit sector ivm vacatures, mogelijke op- of neerwaartse spiraal mbt tewerkstelling en uitdagingen voor de sector. Welke premies kan een grafisch bedrijf bekomen voor opleiding van Arbeiders PC130 (sectorale opleidingspremie)? Hoe gaan de grafische opleidingscentra om met de gedeeltelijke switch van traditionele grafische (offset)machines naar digitale tools en productiemiddelen ? De diverse diensten en (subsidie)-mogelijkheden via GRAFOC ter ondersteuning van de grafische industrie. En meer… Kijk, “like” en deel zoals gewoonlijk!

Thu April 20th


Dave Boles · President · Atlantic Packag...

It's always great to meet new people, and Dave Boles, President of Atlantic Packaging Products, is no exception. Experience, knowledge, and a strong focus on achieving goals drive him and the group of companies he manages. Under the Atlantic Group name, Dave Boles is responsible for paper production, converting, and print; the group even has other specialties they service. During the interview, Dave Boles also explained that everything is measured and that the companies operate under an almost zero-error policy, which gave the company a lot of advantages during the pandemic. Seems to be a good place to be :-) Dave Boles also said during the interview that they recently placed two VERY large orders with BHS - so all in all - great :-)

Thu April 16th

Datta Deshpande · Over the Skype · Prath...

Datta Deshpande is the CEO and Owner of Pratham Technologies out of Pune, in India. Pratham Technologies is focusing on the production of folding machines for thin-paper, and small formats - with a focus on the inlay notes found in pharmaceutical packages. Datta Deshpande has a strong focus on a quality product, and mention in the interview, that Pratham Technologies only see two-three competitors in this segment. With over 5.000 installations globally, the company have to build a reputation for delivering high-quality folding machines. Sit in and listen - very interesting. As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy! Thank you to INKISH India and Country Manager K.S. Ashik

Mon January 27th


Darren Carlson & Rodney Franson · C...

Order one of the market's most advanced Koenig & Bauer presses - check. Order two of the most advanced Eagle systems in the market - check. Create stunning (and we are NOT exaggerating) trading cards using cast & cure, cold foil, and multiple offset printing options - and we are at Carlson Print Group in Minnesota. We didn't see secret areas, but we saw unbelievable samples and met dedicated staff. Staff that have the chance to work with the planet's coolest technology along with the coolest print applications you can imagine. This was a very special one. Thank you, Mike King and Ellen Manning, for bringing us to Carlson Print Group, where we met with Darren Carlson and Rodney Franson. WHAU.

Thu March 28th


Dario Urbinati · CEO · Gallus Group

Will all labels be printed digitally within the next 20 years? How will it be when Ferdinand Rueesch III steps down from Gallus? How is the market developing, and what does the future look like? Gallus CEO Dario Urbinati answers the above questions in this very open-minded interview with Editor Morten B. Reitoft from INKISH. Enjoy!

Tue July 18th


Daragh Whelan · OneECG Process Manager ·...

Editor Morten B. Reitoft sat down with Daragh Whelan a few months ago. Whelan has a lot of experience in the label/flexible market and has managed one of the larger UK-based label-converting companies, taking them from one position in the market to the next. Now he works for BOBST and has the title of OneECG Process Manager. OneECG is a BOBST term, but nevertheless extremely interesting to learn from, as the flexo-technology evolves so fast and in such a quality that ECG or extended color gamut is becoming a game changer in the industry. Faster setup times, a higher level of automation, and great opportunities for Converters to make more money. In this interview, Whelan shares his insights, and we are pretty sure you will both learn and enjoy.

Fri February 28th


Danny Bakker & Mark Stephenson · Eu...

At the Fujifilm booth, you can see the relatively new Jet Press CFG1160. First, we get a chat with Mark Stephenson about how big the difference there is between continuous feed and, for example, the 750. Hereafter, we get a walkthrough of the 1160 by Danny Bakker, who also talks about a feature that has been kept more or less as a secret, but how Fujifilm can get almost all types of paper through the machine untreated - a unique feature - and simple but see the film, and you will know :-)

Thu September 12th


Daniel Velema · Managing Director · Koen...

It was a great pleasure meeting Daniel Velema, as always, this time at SuperCORR in Orlando. In this interview, we are updated on the progress of the VarieJet 106, how SPC-130 is doing in the market, and, of course, how the market, according to Daniel Velema, is developing. We are getting closer and closer to the launch of the VarieJet, but listen to Daniel Velema here and learn! LinkedIn Profile:

Sun May 12th


Daniel Velema · Managing Director · Koen...

Daniel Velema was recently announced as Managing Director of Koenig & Bauer Durst - and that journey is interesting as Velema has great experience bringing the joint venture forward. In this interview, we get a chance to talk about the market and the potential - and though Velema is busy with customers, there are still a few things to learn, we believe - Enjoy!  

Fri April 29th


Daniel Sugg · Managing Partner · Robos L...

Daniel Sugg of Robos Labels in Germany is a long-time DURST user. His interest in the Expo was to learn directly from the DURST technicians about the new ink heads, color fidelity, and speed. Robos concentrates on the industrial label market and those features and capabilities are critical.

Thu June 6th


Daniel Erni · CEO · Hunkeler · Reporting...

Reconfirmation from CEO Daniel Erni about Hunkeler Innovationdays 2025 - but also an interesting conversation about how the acquisition by Müller Martini will strengthen the R&D. LinkedIn Profile:

Fri October 27th


Daniel Brunton · Brunton Business Public...

It is always good to meet friends at events, and Dan Brunton is no exception. With Dan Brunton's knowledge, industry experience, and being a fifth-generation publisher, we are not surprised to meet him at FEFCO. Everybody at FEFCO knows him, and in this short interview before the opening session at FEFCO, we talk briefly about the industry. Enjoy!

Tue July 4th


Daniel Boronat · KAO Chimigraf · IST UV-...

How does an ink manufacturer differentiate, and what are the challenges in developing INK? Daniel Boronat from Kao Chimigraf is in this interview from IST UV-Days, giving open answers to editor Morten B. Reitoft. Enjoy the film - it's a good one :-)

Fri May 26th


Daniel Boronat · Inkjet Business Field M...

Great interview with Daniel Boronat from Kao. They contribute to the printing industry with their expertise in creating the right inks for the right machines and applications. They seem very well placed to follow the industry's shift from traditional printing to inkjet, so we had to ask them. Good insights, and also interesting to hear from the chemistry side of printing.