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Thu September 19th


Pete Dolfis · Vice President of Sales &#...

In this film from PRINTING United, Pete Dolfis from Tecnau explains how its guillotine technology enables cleaner cuts when producing high-quality postcards, for example. We also get to talk more about how digital printing is paving its way into the commercial space, constantly raising the bar on the finishing side. But listen for yourself :-)

Sat January 11th


Personalized Packaging on Fire · Print S...

Heidelbergs Prime Fire 106 is a digital printing machined aimed for the packaging market. With a large format, excellent quality and digital capabilities it not only do short-run packaging, but it also opens up for completely new business opportunities. In this Print Sample TV episode host Pat McGrew show samples from Japanese K.K.Kyoshin Paper & Package who has made a web-to-packaging portal called Hacoplay. Enjoy!

Fri May 7th


Personalized Dog Snacks · Pat McGrew · P...

Our beloved host, Pat McGrew, for sure loves dogs, and so do millions of other people. The pet market is one of the fastest-growing markets, and who should have thought that "dogalized" (personalized but with dogs instead!) packaging could be the next big thing - but in this Print Sample TV episode, Pat McGrew will show you. Be surprised!

Fri May 7th


Perfect Red · Pat McGrew · Print Sample ...

The Screen L350UV label printer is an amazing piece of hardware, and in this Print Sample TV edition, Pat McGrew shows the samples from the machine. Pat McGrew emphasis that the red colors that apparently are difficult with inkjet stand out brilliantly. Red is dangerous, but with the L350UV, we are unsure whether it's dangerous or just makes a lot of sense! Judge for yourself!

Fri February 23rd


Peleman@Argos Inspiration Days · March 6...

Vpaper is really exciting product from Peleman making double folds on papers in order to get layflat binding. This is a really cool machine and you can meet Peleman at

Tue September 27th


Peeter Adamson · CEO · Paar · Horizon Fi...

I met Peeter Adamson for the first time years ago in the Estonian city Tartu. An old and nice city with a bar in one of the oldest and largest gun-powder storage buildings from ancient times, but of course, this has nothing to do with today's interview :-) Peeter Adamson is the CEO and owner of the printing company Paar and decided to go to the Horizon Finishing First event in Quickborn to check out a new folding machine. Adamson, however, says that he is replacing a twelve years old machine and believe that the challenging time is a great time to invest in new technology. But listen for yourself, and maybe you'll agree with him?

Thu September 30th


Peak Performance Print Experience · Repo...

On September 29th, Fujifilm delivered an excellent presentation of their latest products. The second day focused on Fujifilm Jet Press 750s, and about 50-60 people from the UK, Benelux, and Scandinavia showed up. The agenda was to hear, see, and even touch the new Fujifilm Jet Press 750s. INKISH covered the event with numerous interviews you can find on INKISH.TV. On day two, we took the opportunity to look at many aspects of Fujifilm's graphic offerings as well as the Peak Performance Print demonstrations - so enjoy this really great film - filmed and edited by Jan Majnik, INKISH - of course :-)

Wed September 29th

Peak Performance Print Experience · Repo...

On September 28th, Fujifilm delivered an excellent presentation of their latest products. About 100+ people from mainly Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, and Portugal met in the Fujifilm demo center located near the airport. The agenda was to hear, see, and even touch the new Fujifilm Jet Press 750s + the Revoria PC1120. INKISH covered the event with numerous interviews that you soon can find on INKISH.TV - so start here with our "postcard" from Day One.

Thu March 21st


Peacock Print Fair NYC 2019 · Postcard s...

"Project Peacock Print Fair is basically a traveling show-and-tell event where designers, print buyers, and the printing industry can see amazing print samples," and so it was. The very first Project Peacock Print Fair held in NYC March 14th, 2019 was merely great. The printing industry met the designers and print buyers, and cheerful music arose. Tobias Degsell from Combiner and Trish Witkowski from did two engaging keynotes, and the exhibitors presented some of the greatest print samples of today's technology. GREAT event!

Wed February 5th


Pawandeep Sahni · Managing Director · OM...

On the final day of Printpack India, Wayne Beckett from Inkish meets with Pawandeep, the Managing Director of OMET India, to discuss the company’s growing presence in the Indian market. Pawandeep reflects on a highly successful exhibition that exceeded expectations with the quality of visitors and strong engagement throughout the event. OMET, an Italian manufacturer of high-end printing presses, has expanded its footprint in India since 2019. Despite the challenges of selling European presses in a highly competitive market, Pawandeep explains that the growing base of label printers has fueled demand for more sophisticated machines. OMET’s unique selling point lies in its ability to provide fully customized printing solutions, offering a combination of flexo, offset, gravure, and digital printing in a single press. With six different platforms, 13 variants, and hundreds of customization options, OMET ensures that no two solutions are alike, tailoring each system to the customer’s needs. Beyond the technology, OMET India is actively addressing the industry’s skills gap with its "OMET Throughput" program, which focuses on machine maintenance, training, and new product development. This initiative helps printers maximize their investment by ensuring operators are well-trained and equipped to handle advanced printing techniques. Looking ahead, OMET will exhibit at Label Expo Barcelona, continuing its momentum in the global print industry. With India’s massive market potential and focus on high-value, complex printing applications, OMET is well-positioned for further growth.

Wed June 5th


Paula Comes Ahedo & Oscar Vidal · H...

Super interesting conversation with Paula Comes Ahedo & Oscar Vidal!

Wed June 5th


Paula Comes Ahedo · Director of Strategy...

LinkedIn profile:

Fri June 14th


Paul Zamfir · Managing Partner · Printma...

Paul Zamfir is Managing Partner with Printman in Romania - a distributor we met at Weilburger Graphics's booth a few days ago. Now we meet him at the Post Press Alliance booth, and of course, I had to ask him whether he has favorite products among all the machines we see - see the film to get the answer :-)  

Tue June 11th


Paul Zamfir · Managing Partner · Printma...

James Quirk is talking for Paul Zamfir at the Weilburger Graphics stand at Drupa 2024. Paul Zamfir distributes Weilburger Graphics products in Romania.

Tue February 18th


Paul van der Hulst · Co-Owner & CEO...

HP's close partner in robotics is Dutch Movigo Robotics. In this interview with Paul van der Hulst, we get closer to understanding some of the major challenges of working with robots. Listen and learn.

Tue September 17th


Paul Steinke · Director of Sales · Stand...

At PRINTING United, we got to look at the new Horizon BQ300 - perfectly explained by Paul Steinke. The BQ300 is still a one-clamp solution but still manages 500 books an hour and has been updated to be integrated with the I.C.E. IoT solution from Horizon + a few other interesting things - but listen to Paul Steinke :-)

Wed June 12th


Paul Hudson · CEO · Hudson Printing · Re...

We met with Paul Hudson at the Scodix booth - a beautiful booth showcasing the newest and latest digital Scodix embellishments. Hudson, as usual, uses the opportunity to showcase a brand new product and sample that explain the advantages of his digital technology, but listen for yourself :-)

Sun September 15th


Paul Grzebielucha · Managing Director · ...

Paul Grzebielucha of Stahl Packaging Coatings discusses the launch of a new sustainable barrier coating for coffee cups, which allows them to be recycled.

Tue September 17th


Paul Arndt · Geschäftsführer / CEO · Pri...

Paul Arndt of PrintsPaul, a German manufacturer and distributor of finishing and converting equipment, attended Labelexpo Americas 2024 to explore the opportunities for his technology in the US market and to look for a potential local partner. LinkedIn Profile:

Thu September 29th

De De-DE En

Paul Albert Deimel · CEO & Lawyer ·...

German Language with English subtitles: CEO and Lawyer Paul Albert Deimel from the German Bundesverband Druck und Medien BVDM gave a presentation about the temperature of the German printing industry. There are fewer companies and fewer employees, and dark clouds are in the sky with the current crisis. Here you can see his presentation.

Sat June 15th


Patrik Moser · CEO · Steinemann DPE · Wa...

The MaxLiner 3D is an industrial-scale digital varnishing and metallization machine made by St. Gallen-based Steinemann DPE. Steinemann DPE is part of the Leonhard Kurz group and produces several digital embellishment machines for packaging and labels. In this film, CEO Patrik Moser offers a walkthrough of the Steinemann DPE MaxLiner 3D to learn how the machine is built—it's a big and very productive machine! You can see it at drupa 2024 in Düsseldorf! LinkedIn Profile:

Sat June 15th


Patrik Moser · CEO · Steinemann DPE · Wa...

Here, CEO Patrik Moser, for the first time, shows the new MaxLiner 2D - a new cut-sheet version specifically made for commercial printers. Fast setup time, high speed, and high quality are the ingredients that make this machine unique. When Patrik Moser talks about the 2D version, it's essentially since it's printed on the back of the foil and transferred to the substrate, you won't be able to have a raised varnish the same way as when you print directly to the substrate. Both technologies are good and can be used for different applications. Great to learn from! LinkedIn Profile:

Sat June 15th


Patrik Moser · CEO · Steinemann DPE

In this interview with CEO Patrik Moser, he also emphasized that he is the CTO. Steinemann DPE produces the machines exclusively sold through the Kurz network. In the interview, we talk about technology, how it is part of development, and what people should expect at drupa. Enjoy! LinkedIn Profile:

Fri January 3rd


Patrik Knutsson · Organizing Print · PTP...

In the first INKISH episode of 2025, Patrik Knutsson from Norway discusses his work in the printing industry. With a background rooted in a family printing business, Patrik Knutsson transitioned from running his own ventures, such as co-founding Copycat, a successful printing chain, to developing groundbreaking projects, The conversation explores the industry's ongoing challenges, particularly the difficulty of effectively communicating product specifications to customers in a predominantly digital era. Patrik Knutsson introduces the Periodic Table of Print and Graphic Elements (PTPGE), a structured and visual classification system inspired by the periodic table in chemistry. The PTPGE is designed to simplify and standardize the understanding of printing processes and materials, benefiting professionals and customers. The discussion highlights the PTPGE's potential to enhance e-commerce solutions, improve customer experiences, and support sustainability by providing transparency in the production process. Patrik Knutsson emphasizes the collaborative nature of the project, inviting industry professionals to contribute to its development. The initiative is presented as a valuable tool for driving innovation and efficiency in the printing industry.