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This was a very fun and very interesting session with Conrad Fischer, fifth generation owner of the printing company Die Pharmadrucker. Interesting views, like, *you won't need a print operator in the future," or "We don't have ANY of the salespeople left before we transformed our offset printing company into a specialized company serving the pharmaceutical industry." Or what about "I don't want customers who decide what I should work with tomorrow." - Plenty of amazing statements - in German, but soon with English subtitles!
At the Horizon Finishing First event, one of the Horizon partners was the German workflow software specialist Impressed. Impressed has for 30 years delivered workflow solutions from Ultimate TechnoGraphics, Enfocus, and software for color management - pretty much all the needed software on the pre-press side. At the Finishing First event, Karsten Schwarze demonstrated the Impressed Server platform, which converts and streamlines the XML data. The software is super interesting for companies with multiple input data sources, but see the presentation and learn!
Editor Morten B. Reitoft spoke at the Horizon Finishing First event. The presentation is about why automation isn't always needed and, when needed, how to identify the potential.
Ralf Brückner is Account Manager for HP Germany, and with the success of HP everywhere, he is busy visiting customers. In this short interview from the Horizon Finishing First event, we ask whether print or finishing comes first. Ralph Brückner also talks about the partnership with Horizon and gives an example of how the SmartStacker (B2 format) fits perfectly with HPs B2 presses. The language is German, but it will shortly be subtitled!
Full moderation of a nice conversation between Tilmann Wild from August Faller and Morten B. Reitoft from INKISH. Language in German - Subtitles soon in English!
Branschkoll is Swedish for "a hold on the industry" and is the leading information source in the Swedish market. Ola Karlsson visits the Horizon Finishing First event in Quickborn, Germany, to learn what makes Horizon interesting for the Swedish market. As Ola Karlsson explains - "We are a Swedish media/service but from a global perspective." Always nice meeting Ola Karlsson - one of the most important supporters of INKISH since we began eight years ago!
German Language with English subtitles: CEO and Lawyer Paul Albert Deimel from the German Bundesverband Druck und Medien BVDM gave a presentation about the temperature of the German printing industry. There are fewer companies and fewer employees, and dark clouds are in the sky with the current crisis. Here you can see his presentation.
Tobias Bairle is the owner and CEO of BAIRLE Druck & Medien and a customer of Horizon. At Horizon Finishing First event, he is looking into new investments and finding inspiration. Language German - will be subtitled shortly!
Sometimes - or actually mostly - what you print and what you fold need to be 100% correct, and with Kaiser Vision on your folding line, you can verify and set actions accordingly. Here the CEO of Kaiser Vision explains how the camera inspection system works on a Horizon bucket folder, typically used for pharmaceutical inlays.
Can paper really influence productivity on your inkjet device? Well, according to Axel J Mangelsdorf from Crown Van Gelder, paper has a large impact on productivity AND quality. The uncoated paper from Crown Van Gelder has such a smooth surface that it almost feels like a coated paper, enabling higher print quality, but the paper is also engineered for speed. So listen to Axel J Mangelsdorf and get the latest update on new GSMs developed and how Crown Van Gelder is good for your inkjet press!
Hunkeler Innovationdays is around the corner, so when we got the chance to talk to Reto Zaugg from Hunkeler, obviously a topic to discuss. However, we also got a chance to talk about how seamlessly Hunkeler and Horizon integrate into the new Stitchliner Mark V shown at Horizon Finishing First event. But take a listen yourself!
The Horizon Finishing First event is about Horizon products and several partners. One of the partners is Tecnau. INKISH has made several films of Tecnau customers, and at one filming task in Madrid, Spain, we met with Harm Jan Hulleman. In this interview, we catch up from the filming session with Pullmen, but of course, it also touches upon Tecnau's revolution 50-series and why Tecnau attends the Finishing First event. Dig in, and get the story!
Ralph Schaten works for Canon Deutschland as Key Account Manager. That brings him close to many customers. In this interview, he gets to talk about the customer journey, the technology, and the challenges customers need to pass before being ready for digital. Ralph Schaten was born into the industry as his parents used to operate a printing company - and now he is selling to the printing companies still in the market. Circular mindset, right?
Seeing is believing, and Marisa Dürtsch delivers an excellent guided tour in English and German at Finishing First event. On these tours, she takes you to the Stitchliner Mark V and the amazing BQ500 series with all the bells and whistles you can think of. But don't take my word for it - watch this approx 12 minutes guided tour and enjoy!
Andreas Fischer is one of Horizon's Product Specialists, specializing in folding. In this film, Andreas Fischer explains the AFV566 folding machine that brings automation to a new level. Setup time is minimal, and watching skilled people see the presentation is fun - they almost don't believe their own eyes. Enjoy the presentation yourself - it is in so so German, but I will get English subtitles shortly!
She knows everything or pretty much everything, and when mentioning it, she brings her entire team into the conversation and tells us that all are binders and have a passion for Horizon and the products - we like it! In this interview, Marisa Dütsch also talks about the importance of being both a driver and market-driven and how important events like Finishing First is for the company. Super interview, you should watch it!
Every day at 13:00, the Horizon Finishing First event hosts a panel debate, and our editor, Morten B. Reitoft, has been asked to host and moderate these sessions. The first was planned to be with a person that had to cancel shortly before the event. Fortunately, Sven Binder was on site and accepted the invitation to step in at the very last minute.
Screen Europe is, by many, a valued OEM for inkjet printers within both Commercial Print and Labels. At The Horizon Finishing First event, we talked to Marketing Director Taishi Motoshige, Screen Europe. A very nice guy, but also with a clear vision of becoming the number one in selling inkjet presses. According to Motoshige, Screen's legacy is a great asset when developing solutions for the company's customers. But listen and enjoy yourself!
Sven Binder was featured in a film INKISH did from the Germany photobook/greeting card printer Send Moments. See the link below. Binder is hooked on data-driven productions and advocates using XML data rather than the workarounds like JDF. With structured data, you have all the needed data to produce automated, and with books of one and touch-free production in both print and binding, it's necessary. Interesting conversations! Sven Binder recently stopped working with Send Moments, so we took the liberty to 'title' him "Digital Nomad."
I met Peeter Adamson for the first time years ago in the Estonian city Tartu. An old and nice city with a bar in one of the oldest and largest gun-powder storage buildings from ancient times, but of course, this has nothing to do with today's interview :-) Peeter Adamson is the CEO and owner of the printing company Paar and decided to go to the Horizon Finishing First event in Quickborn to check out a new folding machine. Adamson, however, says that he is replacing a twelve years old machine and believe that the challenging time is a great time to invest in new technology. But listen for yourself, and maybe you'll agree with him?