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Thu February 13th


Pallippuram Sajith · Managing Director ·...

In this interview, Editor Morten B. Reitoft talks to Managing Director Pallippuram Sajith about Bindwel and how the company can serve Western and developing markets like Africa. Sajith understands the market requirements and aims to position his company in the small/mid-size market. Bindwel delivers binding equipment for paperback books, typically with circulations ranging from 5,000 copies to one copy. Interesting!

Sat September 28th


Özkan Meral · Production Manager · Kohlh...

Özkan Meral is the Production Manager at Kohlhammer, and as Editor, Morten B. Reitoft has been with the company for a week. We talk about the many processes, the many people, and the many things that both make the job fun and challenging. Kohlhammer has also invested in several Cobo-Stacks from MBO, and Meral explains how only one person can manage some jobs running on three folding machines. Besides the efficiency, it also saves operators from health issues related to heavy lifting. Super interesting. Language: German Subtitled: English

Thu November 7th


Owen Koehler · Sales · Böhlerstrip · BOB...

At the BOBST Open House today (November 6th, 2024), we got the chance to talk to Owen Koehler from Böhlerstrip - and if you are in the packaging business, you most likely know the company for being a very competent supplier of knives used for the die cutting forms. Here we learn about the different brands and when customers use the various products. Super interesting, and I must admit, an area that we didn't know much about, but that makes it just even better listening to Owen Koehler.

Sun December 1st


Overcoming the ‘Fear Factor’...

At the recent SPICYtalks in Berlin, we spoke with Alan Dixon, who is the CEO & Managing Director of UK and Australian based Workflowz. Seeing the amazing thing CHILI Publisher is capable of doing, the ever-recurring question must be - why aren't more people investing in the software? CHILI Publisher is a success, but as we also spoke to CEO Kevin Goeminne about, CHILI publish has only a fraction of the market currently. Depending on partners who understand the software, who is capable of introducing it to the right customers, must be a challenge. In this interview, Alan Dixon also touches upon the fact that it's also a question about overcoming a 'fear factor' when investing in technology like CHILI Publisher. Enjoy the interview :-)

Mon March 29th

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Over The Skype · Hector Castro · Müller ...

In this Over the Skype we talked to Héctor Castro, Managing Director of Müller Martini Latin America, who tells us about the wide portfolio of finished solutions, as well as the importance of automation. En este Over the Skyple platicamos con el Ing. Héctor Castro, director general de Müller Martini Latino America, quien nos platica acerca del amplio portafolio de soluciones en terminados, así como la importancia de la automatización.

Tue July 28th

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Over The Skype · Aviram Vardi · Twine So...

In this 'Over the Skype' session, you can hear more about Twine Solutions. Twine is an Israeli company that has specialized in digitally coloring yarns that can be be used for almost any applications thinkable. Product Marketing Manager Aviram Vardi explains very well the amazing opportunities and why this still is just the tip of the iceberg in digital print. Great conversation - enjoy!

Sun September 13th


Our Zero Landfill Policy is Going Incred...

Paul Hornby is the Managing Directory of Foilco Limited - a UK based company producing foils. We met him in Copenhagen and asked him how the environmental program progresses, and rest assured - it goes well. In 2019 Foilco committed to a recycling program of the waste collected among its customers, turning the waste into environmentally friendly products. But listen for yourself.

Tue November 20th


Our Goal is to Convert Analog to Indigo ...

At Scanpack 2018 our friends from Visutech organized an interview with GM Alon Bar-Sharny from HP Indigo. In this open-minded interview, Alon Bar-Sharny shares his view on competition, toner vs Inkjet and other technologies, and why Israel is such an innovative place for printing equipment. Enjoy the 12 minutes interview and remember to like and share.

Wed June 5th


Oscar Vidal · Global Director, Portfolio...

LinkedIn Profiles:

Sun October 23rd


Optimizing Workflow with Solimar · Micha...

When you have a lot of print, it's immensely important to have software that can ensure a smooth data flow. As Michael Zimmerman explains in this interview, you get files in all formats, and though you would think a PDF is a PDF, it's not the case. When jobs, i.e., contain 30,000 PDF files, Solimar ReadyPDF is used to optimize the PDF file, so the file size gets smaller and, therefore, faster to process. Zimmerman is a very happy Solimar customer, and if you work in a mail department yourself, you will recognize some of the challenges he explains in this film!

Mon September 18th


Optimizing using PrintVis MIS/ERP · Scot...

Courier Graphics is located in Phoenix, Arizona, and is yet another amazing printing company. When entering the production, you'll see the huge 32-page manroland web-offset press, which is great to see in work, and funny to see how small a Heidelberg XL-106 - 8-color suddenly is compared to the manroland - however, the combination is super great for a company that focuses on HIGH-quality magazines, catalogs, etc. We are visiting Courier Graphics and President Scott Carritt, as the company recently invested in a new MIS/ERP solution from PrintVis, which has given Courier Graphics productivity gains and many other advantages, which we talk about in this INKISH film.

Wed October 18th


Opportunities for Hunkeler · Hans Gut · ...

First, we had to talk about Hunkeler Innovationdays, which took place in Switzerland in February - and CMO Hans Gut confirmed what we already knew - a fantastic success for everybody. As HP has been a strong partner for years, it's only natural to meet Hans Gut at the HP #PrintAhead event, and with all the new machines already announced but also expected shortly, we talk about the opportunities Hunkeler has - as always, great listening to Hans Gut. Enjoy!

Wed October 20th


Opportunities and Competition · Juriaan ...

INKISH gets answers why is present at show like FESPA and how they see the market evolve. Robert Godwin dives into the subject whether online design tools like CANVA are becoming competitors to online print providers like themselves. Interesting stuff proving that the online printing space is a fast moving one! LinkedIn Profile:

Sun June 9th

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Onno Schiltkamp · HP Indigo · the VIGC t...

Interview in Dutch - subtitles in English. HP steunt als strategische partner van het VIGC haar werking en zo de grafische industrie in de Benelux. We ontmoeten graag Onno Schiltkamp en onderhouden ons meer specifiek o.a. over de integratie van AI in hun technologieën. Waar zit ondertussen het omslagpunt tussen Offset en digitale druk en hoe zien zij “onze” markt bewegen. — EN — As a strategic partner of the VIGC, HP supports its operations and thus the graphics industry in the Benelux. We would like to meet Onno Schiltkamp and discuss more specifically about the integration of AI into their technologies. In the meantime, where is the turning point between Offset and digital printing and how do they see “our” market moving.

Wed July 5th


Onno Deen · GSE Dispensing · IST UV-Days...

GSE Dispensing is a Dutch company with 50 years behind them. The company develops and produces ink dispensing machines. Your humble editor must admit that he initially didn't understand what GSE Dispensing delivers before Onno Deen explained that he is selling a machine that can mix inks. The bell rang, and I realized it was a machine to mix inks, so I could understand the application. With a software solution in front of the machine, GSE Dispensing can mix spot color, but they can even keep track of all your left-overs and by this also use the leftovers as a base for mixing new colors - super interesting :-)

Thu September 13th


Onlineprinters is an e-commerce company ...

Onlineprinters is among the three biggest online printing companies in Europe. Just a few weeks ago they announced customer number 1 million and even though this is "just" a number it's still impressive. With more than 183 offset printing units, a tight partnership with companies such as Heidelberg, HP, and Horizon the company still look for double-digit growth in the years ahead. At the recent Press Tour 2018 INKSH in cooperation with got the chance to talk to CEO Dr. Michael Fries about this and that. Enjoy the very frank and open interview - and thank you Michae Fries for your time!

Mon February 22nd


Online opportunities and Inkjet

At Vpress we partner with customers and enable them to succeed in today’s rapidly changing marketplace. To do so, you need advanced and robust Web to Print, eCommerce and automation solutions – that can be seamlessly integrated into your business with full training and support – to ensure it remains competitive and on a path to growth. During this event, we will be presenting the ways Coreprint, the Web-to-Print platform from Vpress, can be utilised to grow the Inkjet side of your business continuously and sustainably.

Tue June 8th

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One Year Into the Pandemic · Jon Bailey ...

In this INKISH film COO Jon Bailey from 'Precision Proco Group' talks about how the group was founded literally moments before the total lockdown last year. The advantages of working together and creating a printing group with similar values and value propositions are the foundation for future growth. This is an exciting story, so see it before your neighbor.

Thu October 20th


On a Journey with a Clear Mission · Stua...

We have been fortunate to follow President & CEO Stuart Fox from Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems from when ESKO sold Kongsberg. Initially, the focus was on getting the company up and running - which is only natural. At PRINTING United, editor Morten B. Reitoft meets a relaxed and full-of-energy CEO with the energy to take Kongsberg and MultiCam to new levels, explore new market opportunities and continue developing new and exciting products. Great to talk to Stuart Fox again, and we are certain you will enjoy it!

Thu November 12th

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OMIKAI has become a Growth-Enabler for T...

Subtitled Swedish language: Tellogruppen is a successful fullservice commercial print company based in the city of Söderköping with offices on 4 locations in eastern Sweden. In 2019 Tellotryck acquired Norrköpings tryckeri and are preparing for continued growth. IT and the overall digital transformation is something the company has realised they must use better and be part of if to to reach their long term goals. In this film the CEO Fillip Ringqvist gives a short background of the company, how they work and why their IT and ERP-system are increasingly important for the future. Tellogruppen är ett framgångsrikt fullservicetryckeri med huvudkontor i Söderköping och med verksamhet/kontor  i Norrköping, Västervik och Stockholm. 2019 förvärvades Norrköpings tryckeri och nu satsar företaget på fortsatt tillväxt.  IT och det generella digitala transformation är något företaget inser är av högsta vikt att använda och dra nytta i sin framtidsresa. I denna film berättar Tellogruppens VD Fillip (Fille) Ringqvist om företagets historia, hur de arbetar och varför IT och affärssystemet har högsta prioritet för att klara framtida tillväxtmål.

Thu May 25th


Olivier Deloge · Field Service Engineer ...

Overview of the world-premiere and new large format printer WF1 from Brother by Olivier Deloge.

Fri May 26th


Oliver Mills · Technical Marketing Speci...

Lot’s of smiling faces at the Fujifilm booth; business is going well for them, and they brought a new hybrid machine to the show - here is the Fujifilm Acuity Prime Hybrid. As one of the first, INKISH gets the details, presented by Oliver Mills, of this world première on camera at Fespa. Speed, flexibility, and quality are at the rendezvous, and that’s how we at INKISH like to work, too, showcasing this World Premiere and other films and news from the industry. Good vibes and atmosphere here in Munich. Enjoy! Read more about the machine here.

Wed March 27th


Oliver Baar · Koenig & Bauer · Repl...

LinkedIn Profile:

Tue April 26th


Olga Heckman · International Sales Manag...

LlinkedIn Profile: