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Mon May 4th


INKISH.TV presents: Xerox at Gulf Print ...

At the recent Gulf Print & Pack 2015 Xerox presented the CP1000. Or to be more precise re-launched the CP1000 with the option to use Gold or Silver toner. For Xerox the metallic toner is a first and as you can see from the samples, the gold and silver really adds a nice touch to the print.

Mon May 18th


INKISH.TV presents: There is something o... want viewers. want Likes. wants to be shared and we want to inspire your business. is about people, companies and technology in the printing industry. We like you, please like us.

Thu May 28th


INKISH.TV presents: The new industrial r...

D2M Solutions is a Dubai based company, that focuses on 3D technologies. Not only as a hardware and software supplier, but also offering the services around 3D and maybe what trigged INKISH.TV the most - a 3D printing facility in industrial scale. Take a step into this amazing world and we are certain that you can't be anything but inspired.

Mon May 11th


INKISH.TV presents: Printvis by Novavisi...

Printvis is one of the industries most comprehensive ERP/MIS solution for the graphical industry, made by Novavision A/S. Printvis handles estimates, planning, salaries, inventory, finance, budgets, reporting, purchasing and more… In this program we meet the people behind Printvis, general manager and co-owner manager Kasper Tomshøj and employees of Novavision. Novavision, which means New Vision, was founded in 1997. Based on Microsoft Dynamics a new MIS system tailormade for the graphic industry Printvis has been developed. Printvis is a calculation and resource planning system that should bring ease to printers. Planning and pricing of complex graphical products regardless of production technology. Novavision has grown ever since and is today represented in many different markets and even operate their own subsidiaries in Norway, USA and with a head quarter in Denmark. Several hundrede printers world wide today rely on Novavisions software. Novavision is developing a standard software solution that afterwards is developed further according to customers specific requirements and needs.

Wed June 10th

INKISH.TV presents: Printing and Packagi...

The Chinese printing industry can't be underestimated in its impact on the global printing industry. We spoke to some of the Chinese exhibitors at the recent Gulf Print & Pack 2015.

Tue August 4th


INKISH.TV presents: Postoffi – the...

Meet Maris Kasparrovics from Postoffi, a small company located in Riga, Latvia. The company have specialized in producing paper bags and envelopes mostly by hand or only slightly assisted by machines.

Fri October 9th


INKISH.TV presents: GraphExpo ’15 ...

INKISH reports from GraphExpo 2015 in Chicago. In part two you'll see a lot of software and among others meet EFI, Enfocus, Opensoft Scissorhands, Xerox and Printvis.

Fri September 4th


INKISH.TV presents: Fairs & Shows &#...

Ricoh, Canon and Epson share their opinions about about trade shows and fairs for the graphic arts industry. What's the difference between international fairs and local fairs?

Fri April 10th

INKISH.TV presents: Dakabo and Litka Dal...

A portrait of Litka Dalgaard Jespersen and her company Dakabo. She's a Danish bookbinder with a special niche. Litka has won several international prices for her outstanding work in the graphical and printing industry. Watch the interview and the magnificient vintage machines that's operating at the facilities in Roskilde, close to Copenhagen, Denmark. Also a lot of the products is made by hand.

Tue November 10th


INKISH.TV presents Laserline, Berlin

Inkish TV are visiting the Berlin printing house Laserline, one of the biggest online printers in Germany. This episode gives you an inside in the succesful printing house in Berlin, that with more than 200 people employed are serving a wide range of printed products.

Wed April 15th


INKISH.TV presents Heidi Graff RR Print

Please welcome CEO Heidi Graff from RR Print. RR Print is a Scandinavian distributor of printing equipment and consumables. Heidi Graff explains why both producers and customers should appreciate local representation...

Tue November 24th


INKISH.TV Presents Heenemann-Druck, Berl...

This time INKISH visit the more than 100 years old Heenemann-Druck in the heart of the German capital Berlin. Heenemann-Druck might look like a traditional printer, but with an increasing focus on Cross Media, digitalprint and development of customer solutions, the company is vibrant like never before.

Wed September 30th


INKISH.TV presents GraphExpo ’15 &...

GraphExpo is one of the most important exhibitions in the industry. Compared to the much bigger DRUPA, GraphExpo is more relaxed, but never the less important. People meet, do business and enjoy being inspired by great technology, great people and lots of a-ha experiences... We will very soon bring more exciting coverage of GraphExpo 2015.

Thu October 15th


INKISH.TV Presents GraphExpo ’15 &...

INKISH reports from GraphExpo 2015 in Chicago. In part three we will focus on trends and new ideas - from simple Ezturner, to complex Memjet technology. The episode will also bring you information about upstart company Stockpilz, which can turn excess stock paper into real dollars.. Watch, Like and Share

Fri April 10th

INKISH.TV præsenterer: Dakabo og Litka D...

Et portræt af den usædvanlige danske bogbinder Litka Dalgaard Jespersen og hendes virksomhed Dakabo. Litka har vundet flere internationale grafiske priser for hendes fremragende arbejde. Se interviewet og de flotte gamle maskiner, der stadig er i fuldt vigør i faciliteterne på Glimvej, tæt på Roskilde.

Thu October 19th

INKISH.TV Postcard Print17 · Chicago, IL...

Print17 is one of the major global events and of course INKISH.TV participated. We spoke to Thayer Long - President of the organizers NPES, we spoke to a lot of exhibitors and we are producing features from the show these days. Here is our postcard from Print17 - we hope you like it and who knows - maybe we will meet each other at GraphExpo, Print, Drupa or other tradeshows in the future - it is fun, it is networking, it's business and it is a chance to learn. Please enjoy!

Mon August 15th

INKISH.TV for the printing industry

INKISH.TV is TV for the printing industry. We cover stories about people, printing companies, events, technology and business. We publish information for decision makers, so they can be inspired by others in the industry. Watch, Like, Share.

Tue March 22nd


INKISH.TV BizzView: CEO Thomas Torp · Gr...

In BizzView INKISH.TV interviews the top leaders of the printing industry and get their view on where we are and where we are heading. Every episode will ask more or less the same questions, but the answers are very likely to be very different. Each top leader have his own opinion on how the challenges are faces and each top leader of course bring solutions to his market, based on the differences the markets faces. In this second episode please welcome CEO Thomas Torp from Grakom in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Mon February 22nd


INKISH.TV BizzView: CEO Ravindra Parasni...

In BizzView INKISH.TV interviews the top leaders of the printing industry and get their view on where we are and where we are heading. Every episode will ask more or less the same questions, but the answers are very likely to be very different. Each top leader have his own opinion on how the challenges are faces and each top leader of course bring solutions to his market, based on the differences the markets faces. In this first episode please welcome CEO Ravindra Parasnis from Grafiska Företagen i Stockholm, Sweden.

Thu April 19th


INKISH.TV becomes media partner with PRI...

INKISH have been covering both GraphExpo and PRINT® shows since 2015 and we have always enjoyed the shows a lot. This year will be even more exciting for us since we have been recognized as Media Partner and will do our best to support PRINT®18 both before, during, and after the event. We will share information about the event. We will talk to exhibitors about what to expect, and hopefully, more that can encourage YOU to go. We like the concept of getting together, learn from each other and explore new technology, new consumables, and new constellations. We hope to see you in Chicago September 30th-October2nd 2018.

Wed May 3rd

INKISH.TV at Grafkom I/O 2017: Viktiga t...

En presentation av några av de viktigaste trenderna inom e-handel – bland annat omnikanal – och varför de inte går att bortse ifrån. PJ är medgrundare och Chief Creative Officer på Vaimo. Han är företagets kreativa motor och digitala evangelist, och rör sig vant inom områdena användarupplevelse och e-handelsstrategi. Med specifik inriktning på omnikanal, mobil, content och varumärken, har han ett konstant fokus på att hjälpa Vaimos kunder att förfina sin e-handel för bästa möjliga resultat.

Wed May 3rd

INKISH.TV at Grafkom I/O 2017: Varför CR...

Trender visar att kostnaden för att skaffa nya kunder blir högre och högre för varje år. Ändå satsas det mångdubbelt mer (sälj- och marknadsföringskostnad) på aktiviteter för att skaffa nya prospekts och kunder, snarare än att behålla och utveckla befintliga kunder. I och med digitaliseringen finns det helt nya möjligheter att utveckla och bygga lojalitet hos dina kunder, men också påvisa effekten av CRM-arbetet, vilket borde göra CRM till ett av ledningsgruppens viktigaste frågor. Charlotte berättar var företagen står idag enligt CRM Barometern 2017 och ger sina tips till hur du kan arbeta för att få nöjdare kunder.

Wed May 3rd

INKISH.TV at Grafkom I/O 2017: Sveriges ...

Ekonomiprofessor John Hassler ger sin bild av det ekonomiska läget i världen, var vi är på väg och hur det påverkar Sverige. John Hassler, professor Institutet för internationell ekonomi vid Stockholms universitet och filosofie doktor i nationalekonomi vid MIT i USA .Han är rådgivare finansdepartementet och ledamot i Kommittén som utser nobelpristagaren i ekonomi.

Wed May 3rd

INKISH.TV at Grafkom I/O 2017: Sätt upp ...

Ola Karlsson, grundare av Branschkoll, visar några olika verktyg för att sätta upp sin egen digitala omvärldsbevakning.