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Fri May 7th


Collectors Item on Print Sample TV · Pat...

In this Print Sample TV edition, host Pat McGrew shows some really cool 'collector's items' made on a Fujifilm JetPress. In this Print Sample TV, Pat McGrew show two examples - a magazine and a box with cards - and both show the creativity of the people at Fujifilm, but also, of course, the great capabilities of their digital presses.

Tue February 18th


Colin Price · Managing Director · Dalim ...

Dalim Software presents at #HID25 a new solution that will impose way faster than previous versions and also in lanes - two things that Managing Director Colin Price emphasizes. The scope of Dalim software is amazing and you should of course get to their booth and see for yourself :-)

Fri April 9th

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Colin Flinn · Fast Forward · Innovation ...

This is our first cherry blossom season here at our new facility. We just moved north of Kyoto onto the shores of Lake Biwa. We opened up the new Horizon Innovation Park. And that's where myself and the Horizon International team are now located. Right now, we can do demonstrations on every Horizon system. Some people would say that the printing industry is declining. We would say that it's changing. It's undergoing an evolution. Or it's more short run, more variable, more digital. The Japanese spirit is all about going from the smallest bit to the largest finished product, all in-house. Everything from the rollers to the circuit boards are produced right here. It was in 2019 when we held the first "Think Smart Factory" in Kyoto, Japan. What we want to show, automated solutions integrated from prepress to your press to your finishing in order to optimize your workflow. And what our workers can do during assembly is they can call those little robots to go to the warehouse, bring the necessary parts that they need. Our customers want to really feel the paper for themselves. They want to see the finished product. Here, the machines operating. As manufacturers, we want to present solutions and hear from our customers. Right now that's not always an option. Since the beginning, we've been adopting the newest technologies to be able to replicate that experience. They never expected that they would get this high quality. It's also opening up new doors. Because we get to take them on tours of our facility. Which you would never get to do when you're just at a trade show. Right now, we have a new training zone. Where we can have people from all over the world come and get hands on training with the machines. But when that's not an option, we have a training team here to help them out when they're in a pinch.

Thu October 13th


Cold Foil, Matthys & the Belgian Pr...

Cold foil embellishment, what is it, how does it work, and what does it do for print? A few weeks ago, Jacques Michiels and Jan Majnik from INKISH visited the city of Turnhout, aka the “Printvallley of Flanders,” in Belgium. What they found was nonother than a concentration of some of the most innovative printing companies, yes even world leaders in their field like Cartamundi, where printing presses have been running already since 1765 and today has become the largest playing cards – and board game manufacturer in the world. Amazing and all originating from this rather small area in central Belgium. Our interest was drawn to one of the pioneers working with the Coldfoil technology for many years, Grafische Groep Matthys. So what is Coldfoil actually, how does it work, and what does it do for print? In this film, we take a deep dive into COLD FOIL. We show you all the different steps and how conventional cold foil is produced in an industrial environment like those operated at Grafische Groep Matthys. We ask our friends from the VIGC (the Flemish innovation center for graphic communication) - an independent organization also residing in Turnhout - how they see print embellishment evolving and to give some recommendations to printers looking into embellishment solutions and these kinds of work. So let’s meet the passionate folks at Matthys, who were willing to open up and share their story and passion in helping their customers SHINE - literally & vibrant! Great film. Watch it, Learn, Like it and Share it.

Thu November 7th


Cody Call · West Coast Area Sales Manage...

In this film, we walk through the BOBST Novacut, a die-cutting machine in several configurations. Area Sales Manager Cody Call shares his vast knowledge with Editor-in-Chief Morten B. Reitoft. The film explains, among other things, how the three paper-handling systems work—all doing a fantastic job but also coming at a price. It's a great walkthrough; we hope you like it!

Wed April 12th


CoboStacks, Heidelberg Subscriptions �...

Established in 1866 and strongly focused on customer satisfaction, investments in new technology, and curiosity driving Kohlhammer Druck into the future. Often CEO Steffen Franzisi says that's not difficult - which gives you great insight and understanding into why we have two ears and one mouth. Kohlhammer Druck is located in Stuttgart and serves a wealth of well-known brands in both offset and digital. Great company with friendly people and a strong belief in the future, and what we like the most - not afraid of investing in technology driving the company forward!

Wed July 28th

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CMYKhub choses HP Indigo 100K over Offse...

In this film CEO Dayne Nankervis talks about the recent investment in the HP Indigo 100K. CMYKhub is an Australian trade printer working not only with print and binding, but also enhancement and embellishment - enjoy! LinkedIn Profile:

Thu May 19th


CMYK+ is essential – colors, perso...

Head of Marketing Kevin O'Donnell from Xerox came to the Sign, Print & Promotion show in Helsinki to support the successful Xerox business in Finland - or did he come to meet with INKISH? Well - we got a chance to spend a good time together and learned a lot of good things about Xerox, CMYK+, XMPie, and, of course, the amazing Xerox Iridesse Digital Printer! Enjoy!

Wed June 12th


Clyde Tillman · President · Litech USA ·...

A scanner and built-in defect detection systems sound surreal, but that's exactly what Clyde Tillman from Litech USA shows Mark Vruno. Interesting to see how software, hardware and inspection becomes more and more important :-)

Mon June 3rd

En enables global printing... enables their customers to integrate print-services into their IT which in return enables them to deliver in 140+ countries. The "secret" is the set of API's offered by that route the jobs to the printer able to deliver where the product is needed. cloudprinter integrates directly into the printer's workflow and therefore is an advantage for both buyers and sellers. But listen to this interview yourself and get much wiser. As usual, please watch, like, and share!

Wed January 19th


Cloudbased Software hosting · Tim Roloff...

Vice President Business Development, Tim Roloff, explains in this film from eProductivity Software/EFI Connect 2022 the advantages of using dedicated cloud services from ISCorp.

Mon September 2nd


CIP4 INTER-OP Defines the standards you ...

Hard-working. Dead Serious. Quiet. No lunch. Loads of coffee. Whispering. Mostly males. White-boards, screens, and computers. CIP4 Inter-OP is serious business, or maybe it's even more. Some are friends. Some are competitors. Some are from large companies. Some not. CIP4 is the name of this group of serious people working on making all printers lives easier. It's a matter of defining a common language for offset printers, digital printers, large format printers, binding equipment, software like ERP, M.I.S., etc. CIP4 defines J.D.F., XJDF, and other standards. You may now know them, but your business is depending on them. Watch, Listen, Like, and Share.

Mon May 4th


Cindy Van Luyck · Over The Skype · CHILI...

Cindy Van Luyck is the CMO at CHILI Publish, and in this, Over the Skype session, we talk about SPICYtalks, CHILI publisher, and how to market complex products and services. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Mon February 21st

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Christophe Inigo · HEXIS

In this interview, Christophe Inigo from HEXIS talks to Jacques Michiels from INKISH.BENELUX. Of course, they talk about car wrapping as it has almost become a synonym of Hexis at various trade shows. Enjoy the interview and get insights from the world of foils! [French language with English subtitles]

Wed July 5th


Christophe Dujardin · Leonhard Kurz · IS...

Sustainability, sustainability, sustainability. In this film, we speak to Christophe Dujardin, who explains how the sustainability agenda is being handled by Kurz. We find it a very interesting story, as it's not only about reducing waste but everything from reducing the impact of the product to recycling the waste - super interesting!

Mon September 14th

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Christophe Dudit · Over The Skype · Impr...

This session "Over The Skype" is the opportunity to discover ImpriClub, one of the most important group of printers in France. Christophe Dudit, its president, describes the profiles of printers within ImpriClub, how new members are recruited, the advantages for a printer to be part of such a group. Christophe Dudit also gives us a summary and a brief review of the actions underway and what companionship within ImpriClub means. This session is also an opportunity to learn how the printers within ImpriClub apprehend the crisis and even the health, economic and social crises following the Covid 19 pandemic which is still raging in France and to understand their primary concerns today. Christophe Dudit concludes by giving us his opinion on the initiatives of certain major clients, ordering parties to repatriate their printing to France and his vision of tomorrow's printing industry in the short and medium term. This interview is very rich in information as the groups are so important today to enable printing companies to meet the challenges of tomorrow. So don't miss this exciting interview! Cette session « Over The Skype » est l’opportunité de découvrir ImpriClub, l’un des groupements d’imprimeurs les plus importants en France. Christophe Dudit, son président, nous décrit les profils des imprimeurs au sein d’ImpriClub, comment se font les recrutements des nouveaux adhérents, les avantages pour un imprimeur à faire partie d’un tel groupement. Christophe Dudit nous présente également un résumé et un bref bilan des actions en cours et ce que ce que signifie le compagnonnage au sein d’ImpriClub. Cette session est aussi l’occasion d’apprendre comment les imprimeurs au sein d’ImpriClub appréhendent la crise voire les crises sanitaire, économique et sociale suite à la pandémie du Covid 19 qui sévit toujours au sein de l’hexagone et d’appréhender aujourd’hui leurs préoccupations premières. Christophe Dudit conclut en nous donnant son avis sur les initiatives de certains grands donneurs d’ordre à rapatrier leurs impression en France et sa vision sur l’imprimerie de demain à court et à moyen terme. Cette interview est très riche d’informations tant les groupements sont aujourd’hui importants pour permettre aux imprimeries de répondre aux défis de demain. Alors ne manquez pas cette interview passionnante !!!

Tue February 8th


Christophe Aussenac is the NEW President...

The new President of FESPA, Christophe Aussenac, takes over a well-trimmed machine. Despite the pandemic, FESPA is strong on education innovation, and maximizes its presence with 37 national associations, never leaving anybody without the opportunity to discuss, learn, and take the appropriate actions to make our industry better! A warm welcome to President Aussenac.

Sat June 15th


Christoph Müller · Instruktor & Le...

Christoph Müller gives convincing examples in this walkthrough of why Müller Martini Connex is valuable software. Connex enables the user to have different numbers of pages in signatures to minimize blanks and waste. It also shifts the images so the paper is according to binding type—all in a super automated and convenient way—but check out here for yourself! And, you will also be able to use your printing equipment more efficiently!

Sat June 15th


Christoph Müller · Instruktor & Le...

The MPOWER platform enables customers to monitor their Müller Martini equipment, order manuals and spare parts, and get the latest information quickly. Christoph Müller explains how to use the platform - and it seems like a platform all customers would want to use - so if you are not on it - get on it :-)

Tue April 21st


Christoph Gamper · Over The Skype · Durs...

Durst Group is a company with an amazing 80 years history. Though the company today produces amazing print-technology with inkjet printers for several applications, like ceramic, corrugated cardboard, textile, label, and more - the legacy is deep in the roots. Christoph Gamper several times in this Over the Skype session speaks over the values and the fact that being a privately owned company also in these coronavirus times is a huge advantage. Great session and we are sure you will like. As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Sun December 3rd


Christoph Gamper · CEO DURST Group · NON...

The second attendee at our NON-EVENT23 was CEO Christoph Gamper from DURST. Talking about beacons, motivations, and even a question of whether Christoph Gamper hates losing. Once again, a super nice fireplace chat with a fantastic backdrop.

Fri April 29th


Christoph Gamper · CEO & CO-OWNER ·...

Christoph Gamper’s enthusiasm for producing the DURST EXPO 2022 Label event is evident in this brief interview. He describes the joy of speaking face-to-face with customers, watching the DURST technical experts go over both machines and technology one-on-one. Christoph ponders the future of trade shows and a bit of his vision for the future of print.

Wed August 25th


Christoph Gamper · CEO · DURST

CONVERSATIONS is a popular format on INKISH.TV. This time we feature CEO & Co-Owner Christoph Gamper from DURST. The confidence DURST has is inspiring and with a clear objective of being number one or two in the segments they address is encouraging and an important statement to all stakeholders. Great conversations and I feel confident that we will have more stories from DURST in the future! Enjoy! LinkedIn profile:   ----- If you read Dutch - please also read the article from our friends at Printmedianieuws.

Fri May 17th


Christof Bromberger · CEO · Bromberger P...

Bromberger Packungen celebrates but doesn't celebrate its 120th anniversary because, as CEO Christof Bromberger says, the big celebration is 125 years in only five years. As the company name indicates, Bromberger Packungen produces packaging material. In this film, we speak to both Christof Bromberger and Arno Duerr from Weilburger Graphics about choosing and working with the right supplier of different consumables like varnishes, coatings, and even ink. Enjoy :-) Interview by James Quirk