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Thu May 25th


Arnaud Buisine · Technical-Commercial Se...

French Language - soon with English Subtitles. LinkedIn Profile:

Wed September 20th


Armando Mota da Silva · Digidelta Intern...

Digidelta International is the Mimaki distributor. Mimaki launched the UCJV-330 printer worldwide, a more sustainable piece of equipment that can work with any type of material, as explained by COO Armando Mota Da Silva, who highlighted that with a printing speed of 28 square meters per hour, this is (once again) revolutionizing the market. Digidelta International es el distribuidor de Mimaki. Mimaki lanzó a nivel mundial la impresora UCJV-330, un equipo más sustentable que puede trabajar con cualquier tipo de material, según explicó el COO Armando Mota Da Silva, quien destacó que con una velocidad de impresión de 28 metros cuadrados por hora, esto es (una vez más) revolucionando el mercado. LinkedIn Profile:

Mon April 24th


Armand Schoonbrood · Mondi · COO Mondi C...

COO Armand Schoonbrood from Mondi is responsible for the corrugated segment within Mondi and is an existing customer with BHS. Schoonbrood several times mentioned that BHS is a frontrunner and that he is very excited about the new Jetliner and how that can help companies to more sustainable production in the future. Super interesting to learn from!

Sun June 2nd


Aric Dromi · · Keynote Spea...

Should AI be implemented everywhere? Should we always start journeys with a Why? Aric Dromi is a fantastic person, and in this interview, you will understand more about his thinking - but also so much more. This is a super cool film to learn from!

Wed February 7th

Argos Solutions@Argos Inspiration Days ·...

Argos Solutions produce high-quality UV-coaters and present their solutions at Argos Inspiration Days in Brussels March 6th-8th. Argos Solutions is also the company behind the Argos Inspiration Days - sign up at

Thu February 1st


Argos Inspiration Days March 6th-8th 201...

Argos Inspiration Days 2018 is an event that gives the visitors a great opportunity to see and experience the complete workflow from Creation, Production to Delivery. The event will be held in Brussels at the beautiful car museum AutoWorld. INKISH.TV is the media partner with Argos Solutions and we encourage to go there - have some great days with a lot of knowledge to get and a great networking opportunity! Signup for free tickets here:

Sat February 10th

Argos Inspiration Days 2018 – tim...

Argos Inspiration Days 2018 in Brussels March 6th-8th. Register for free at

Wed July 24th


Are Digitally Printed Books Good Enough?...

Your Print Sample TV host Pat McGrew get's around, and at a recent event with Ricoh, she got a couple of books that were printed with both continues- as well as sheetfed printers. We all know it's possible, but what about the quality? Well, in this 23rd Print Sample TV you get the chance to hear Pat McGrew's opinion - so it's popcorn time. Watch, Like, and Share!

Wed July 8th


Antoine Roux · Over The Skype · PrintOcl...

During this "OVER THE SKYPE" interview, Antoine Roux, founder of PrintOClck, tells us how his printing online company succeeded in making masks during the confinement period, when stocks were running out all over France, how this health crisis impacted 1/ the behaviour of its customers, 2/ the working methods of its teams and 3/ the reactions of its suppliers and partners. It gives its opinion on the "MADE INFRANCE" put forward by the French authorities and public opinion following the repercussions that such a pandemic had on the French economy and on French printing comapnies in particular. He reveals the criteria for meeting the success of today and tomorrow that are essential in online printing, in Web-to-print, and moreover in this context of health and economic crises triggered by the covid-19. Enjoy! Durant cet entretien « OVER THE SKYPE », passionnant Antoine Roux, fondateur de PrintOClck, nous raconte comment PrintOClock a réussi le tour de force de fabriquer des masques pendant la période de confinement, alors que partout en France les stocks étaient en rupture, comment cette crise sanitaire a impacté 1/le comportement de ses clients, 2/les méthodes de travail de ses équipes et 3/ les réactions de ses fournisseurs et partenaires. Il donne son avis sur le « MADE INFRANCE » mise en avant par les autorités et l’opinion publique suite aux répercussions qu'une telle pandémie a eues sur l’économie et sur les imprimeries françaises en particulier. Il nous révèle les critères pour rencontrer le succès d’aujourd’hui et de demain indispensables dans l’imprimerie en ligne, dans le Web-to-print qui plus est dans ce contexte de crises sanitaire et économique déclenchées par le covid -19. Profitez-en !

Thu June 24th


Anthony Thirlby on Efficiency · Learn Wi...

Anthony has been the number one ambassador for speed for years, and I want to understand why this is important and how you obtain and motivate the company to also focus on speed. LinkedIn Profile:

Fri May 3rd


Anthony Thirlby & Morten B. Reitoft...

All the major offset manufacturers have machines that exceed the 20,000 sheets per hour benchmark, but do we really need them? Anthony Thirlby helps printers around the world be as efficient as possible, but are the new fast printing machines something for everybody? We also hear about 20% gains in efficiency, but the reality is that these new machines are WAY more efficient than the machines they replace - and it raises the question about what is more important? There is no question that the newest and fastest machines are engineering marvels, but with more speed and the same order volume, the utilization will be lower. We are curious to hear what the manufacturers think about this and why they believe faster machines are needed - but start here - super interesting discussion!

Mon August 5th


Anthony Thirlby · Managing Director · AH...

In this session, Anthony Thirlby talks to Editor Morten B. Reitoft about The New Offsetmachine, which doesn't yet exist—what is important? What is not? LinkedIn Profile:

Thu June 13th


Anthony Aquino · National Sales Director...

Mark Vruno is talking to Anthony Aquino from Fujifilm about Fujifilm's 790 series inkjet printer.

Tue June 11th

Antalis Focuses on Digital Print as well...

The supply chain, as we know, is under pressure since both technology and demand for print changes. At the recent PrintNext19 event we met with Product Manager Michael Thorvaldsson from Antalis. Behind the "Product Manager" title, you'll find a dedication from Antalis to define their role in the future print market. For many years Reel-based paper to i.e., web-offset printing companies have been supplied directly from the mills. The Merchants on the other side has built efficient distributions for the sheetfed offset and digital print market. With the growth in digital web-based printing, the future of distribution is maybe also challenged? Michael Thorvaldsson regularly visits printing companies in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden to ensure both a top-of-mind, but also, and maybe more important to understand the demands printing companies have as well as focusing on the range of substrates that Antalis represents. In this film, Michael Thorvaldsson talks about hybrid paper and some of the challenges of being Antalis.

Fri February 25th


Another Ultimate Day at the Office with ...

Raymond Duval is the VP of Sales with Ultimate TechnoGraphics. The company known for Impostrip moved to a new office the day INKISH visited the Montreal-based company. In this film, Ray talks about automation and why it's so important for PSPs all over the world! Enjoy!

Mon March 13th


Annette Friskopp · General Manager · Pag...

In this 'Conversations' with Editor Morten B. Reitoft, HP General Manager Annette Friskopp explains what drives her and how her competitive mindset drives her own ambitions, employees, and the entire company. In this open-minded interview, Annette Friskopp also explains how she was brought to HP to ensure agility and also how she has learned the advantages of both small and even more large organizations. Great conversation, and happy that INKISH got this opportunity at Innovationdays. Enjoy!

Tue May 23rd


Anna Ruge · Owner · Novacode · Low Migra...

Let's talk to a happy customer; always good to hear real stories from the actual users of the equipment. Polish family business Novacode is one of the loyal and larger users of Mark Andy, with 4 machines already in production and always looking to improve and be even more productive and efficient in what they do. Flexo is their game, and they look at the hybrid solutions and consider whether integrating inkjet into an end-to-end solution could fit into their portfolio. LinkedIn Profile:

Mon November 18th


Anna Oñate · OctoBoost · Workflow Summit...

AI driven print efficiency technology. Link to presentation:

Tue February 27th


Anna Naruszko · PreDrupa FEB27TH

In this conversation, Morten interviews Anna, an editor from Poland, about her experiences and insights into the Polish printing industry. Anna shares that Poland is known as the "Printing House of Europe" due to its large and active printing industry. Despite Poland being a relatively new member of the EU, it has a significant market, with around 40 million people. The EU's support, particularly in subsidizing printing companies, was not only for business development but also to protect democracy by ensuring the free dissemination of information. Anna discusses the transformation of the Polish printing industry from the communist era, where there were only a few government-controlled printing companies, to a thriving sector with approximately 2,500 companies, contributing significantly to the European GDP. This growth reflects the broader changes in Poland, from a period of limited freedom and technology to becoming a vital part of the European Union and the global printing industry. Anna also reflects on her experiences attending Drupa, the world’s largest printing equipment exhibition, highlighting how the event has evolved. She notes that the upcoming Drupa is expected to be different, with more emphasis on cost-cutting and digital innovations like artificial intelligence and machine learning, indicating a shift in the industry's focus towards more sustainable and technologically advanced practices. This summary encapsulates Anna's journey in the printing industry, the evolution of the printing sector in Poland, and her perspectives on the future of trade shows like Drupa in reflecting industry trends and advancements.

Thu September 12th


Andrew Gunn · Director Production Soluti...

It's always interesting to talk to Andrew Gunn, and this time, we talk about the Digital Disruptive Platform, which is not a software platform, if that's what you think, but more of a mindset enabling business—but listen to this super interesting interview and learn!

Thu February 27th


Andrew Gunn · Director Production Soluti...

Andrew Gunn here speaks with Editor Morten B. Reitoft about how you, as a large corporate, roll out strategies.

Thu June 6th


Andrew Gunn · Director Production Sales ...

It was a pleasure again to meet with Andrew Gunn at Fujifilm. Gunn gave a presentation on the new 5-color Revoria machines (ECS2100 and SC285S—and the 4-color versions of the same (without the s)), and as with almost everything at Fujifilm's booth, the technology was stunning. A 2400 DPI print using Fujifils Super-EA toner shows Fujifilm's commitment to toner technology!

Mon September 16th


Andrew Fetherman · President and CEO · M...

The President and CEO, Andrew Fetherman from Müller Martini, is very satisfied with the development in the US market. As we speak about the market, he obviously sees new and exciting opportunities in the recent announcement of Müller Martini taking over the distribution of Hunkeler from Standard Finishing in 2026. He describes a process professionally handled by all parties and with the customer in mind.