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Wed June 5th


Andrew Fetherman · President and CEO ·...

Andrew Fetherman has been with Müller Martini for many years and has experienced how the technology evolves and how the customer's needs change. Get his insights in this interview from drupa 2024.  

Tue September 17th


Andrew Boyd · President · Blue Label Pac...

Andrew Boyd of Blue Label Packaging, a 100% digital label converter based in the US, has used CERM's MIS software for the past ten years. He talks about how the technology has impacted its production and scaled alongside the company's rapid growth.

Tue September 17th


Andrew Bailes Collins · Head of Product ...

Andrew Bailes Collins of Ultimate Tech discusses the software developer's partnership with Canon to provide the digital front-end for the press manufacturer's new LabelStream LS2000 water-based inkjet press, unveiled at Labelexpo Americas 2024.

Tue April 26th


Andres Mulero Cucala · Global Product Ma...

LinkedIn Profile:

Sat October 3rd

De En Es Fr Nl Pt

Andreas Weber & Jacques Michiels · ...

Over The Skype with Jacques Michiels, CEO INKISH Benelux The INKISH webinar series on #SmartFactory / Industry 4.0 in the team of Yves d'Aviau de Ternay, CEO INKISH France, Morten B. Reitoft, INKISH HQ and Jacques Michiels, CEO INKISH BENELUX, sets standards. Indeed, the experts have made a lot of plans to develop future scenarios for the print industry. The conversation was about the following questions: - What is it that drives you? How do you get it? - Where are we standing? Where do we have to go? - What exactly is important about the #SmartFactory? What is it all about? - What are the benefits for print shops? - What are the total findings from the webinar series? - What are the most important recommendations for action that can be derived? The webinar concept is very extensive and quite complex. But it's not just a topic from experts for experts. What is the best way to get started in order to optimally deal with the situation? Our colleague Rainer Wagner from LATAM noted that the topic of AI / artificial intelligence was neglected. Is that correct? Is it still too far from thinking in the print industry? How will you and Yves follow up on the topic? What happens next? The answers are extremely conclusive and extremely interesting. But see for yourself! --- Over The Skype mit Jacques Michiels, CEO INKISH Benelux Die INKISH Webinar-Reihe zu #SmartFactory / Industrie 4.0 im Team von Yves d'Aviau de Ternay, CEO INKISH France, Morten B. Reitoft, INKISH HQ und Jacques Michiels, CEO INKISH BENELUX, setzt Massstäbe. Die Experten haben sich in der Tat viel vorgenommen, um Zukunfts-Szenarien für die Print-Branche zu entwickeln. Das Gespräch rankte sich um folgende Fragen: - Was treibt Euch an? Wie kommt ihr drauf? - Wo stehen wir? Wo müssen wir hin? - Was genau ist am Thema #SmartFactory wichtig? Was verbirgt sich dahinter? - Welcher Nutzen entsteht für Druckereien? - Was sind die Erkenntnisse aus der Webinar-Reihe in Summe? - Welches sind die wichtigsten Handlungs-Empfehlungen, die sich ableiten lassen? Das Webinar-Konzept ist sehr umfangreich und durchaus komplex. Aber es sit ja nicht nur ein Thema von Experten für Experten. Wie findet man am besten den Einstieg, um sich mit der Sachlage optimal auseinanderzusetzen? Unser Kollege Rainer Wagner aus LATAM merkte an, dass ihm das Thema AI / Künstliche Intelligenz zu kurz gekommen ist. Stimmt das? Ist es vielleicht noch zu weit weg vom Denken in der Print-Branche? Wie werden Yves und Du das Thema weiterverfolgen? Was passiert als nächstes? Die Antworten sind äußerst schlüssig und hochinteressant. Aber sehen Sie selbst!

Mon May 25th


Andreas Weber · Value Trendradar & ...

In this Learn With Us session, Andreas Weber explains how to use Social Media, as well as a bit of history. Great presentation that gives you tips and tricks on how to get the most out of it. Andreas Weber is heading INKISH D-A-CH as well as his own Value Trendradar.

Wed March 27th


Andreas Weber · Replay · PreDrupa March ...

LinkedIn Profile:

Tue May 14th


Andreas Weber · PreDrupa LIVE · May 14th...

The conversation is an interview with Andreas Weber, discussing his involvement with the printing industry and his contributions, including writing a book on Drupa. Weber mentions his experience of being a part of Drupa multiple times and his excitement about it. He highlights the significance of Drupa in the printing industry, its historical context, and its impact on the German economy. Andreas shares insights on the book he co-authored to celebrate Drupa's 40th anniversary, reflecting on the exhibition's history and its role in advancing the machinery business in Germany. Weber and Reitoft discuss various topics, including the internet's influence on trade shows and the printing industry, the importance of cross-media campaigns, and the challenges of adopting innovation in the industry. Andreas stresses the need for the industry to evolve with new business models and embrace print and digital media. Weber also points out the industry's reluctance to adopt innovative ideas, citing an example of an on-demand newspaper project that failed to gain publisher support despite clear demand. The conversation touches on the economic importance of trade shows like Drupa and the changes in visitor numbers post-COVID. They also discuss the value of print media in an increasingly digital world and the potential threats and opportunities posed by digital transformation. The interview concludes with Andreas Weber expressing the need to reanimate the pioneering spirit of Drupa's founders to support the industry's future.

Tue February 27th


Andreas Weber · PreDrupa FEB27TH

In this engaging conversation, the speaker reminisces about their extensive experience with Drupa, the renowned print media fair, starting from their first attendance in 1977 as a young freelancer. Over the years, they have participated in various roles, from exhibitor to consultant and journalist, witnessing the evolution of Drupa from a simple exhibition to a vital platform that shapes the printing industry. They emphasize the importance of communication over products and highlight the transition towards more efficient, automated, and productive printing technologies. The discussion also touches on the industry's challenges and changes, including the impact of digitalization and the need for Drupa to adapt to attract younger generations and remain relevant in the future.

Wed April 22nd


Andreas Weber · Over The Skype · ValueCo...

Andreas Weber has been a voice in the printing industry for many years. A man with strong opinions, and seen by some as controversial. In this, 'Over the Skype' session, he explains his background, and the values his communication is based upon. Just a few days before this recording Andreas Weber sends an open love letter to the printing community about his relationship to Heidelberg through many years. You can find the story here: It's in German, but it is easy to understand with Google Translate. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Sat September 28th


Andreas Meissner · Area Sales Manager · ...

Despite being in what’s in Germany called “Ausendienst,” or new sales, Andreas Meissner explains that his relationship with the model train manufacturer Märklin goes back almost 30 years. In the interview, Editor Morten B. Reitoft asks whether being close to a customer can have a negative effect as buyers and sellers have opposite interests. Listen to his great answer and how he sees the opportunities in the market. Language: German Subtitled: English

Wed September 28th


Andreas Fischer · Product Specialist Fol...

Andreas Fischer is one of Horizon's Product Specialists, specializing in folding. In this film, Andreas Fischer explains the AFV566 folding machine that brings automation to a new level. Setup time is minimal, and watching skilled people see the presentation is fun - they almost don't believe their own eyes. Enjoy the presentation yourself - it is in so so German, but I will get English subtitles shortly!

Fri July 1st


Andreas Bluhm & Herbert Jesse Web...

You see the marking every day. When you buy anything in a construction market each piece is printed with size, description, and a bar code - and in Europe, quite a few of the printers printing this come from Weber Marking Systems. For years they have used the Seiko Printheads and it seems to be a growing market as more and more can now be marked using inkjet. LinkedIn Profile: Andreas Bluhm Herbert Jesse

Thu May 16th


Andreas Aplien & Karl Ciz · CoCoCo ...

These days, a new player on the Software scene is being presented—the company's name is CoCoCo, and the founders are well-known people from the industry. In this interview, we get the chance to talk to two of the three founders, Andreas Aplien and Karl Ciz. It's 35 35-minute interviews, but super interesting to learn from - what is CoCoCo, why does it matter, and what benefit does the software provide its customers? In the interview, Aplien and Ciz share an example from one of the company's customers, where it seems apparent that the savings using CoCoCo deliver a truly rapid return to the buyer - but listen for yourself!

Tue June 11th


Andrea Stefanelli · Color Management Exp...

Mark Vruno's quest - takes him to Andrea Stefanelli, talking about color management of course :-)

Tue April 16th


Andrea Riccardi · DURST

When Andrea Riccardi joined DURST many years ago, his position was different, the HQ was different, and even all the products were different - and the journey has been amazing not only for Riccardi but as we all know, also for DURST. In this long interview, Riccardi and Reitoft talk about this development, but also how DURST not only develops products and technologies following the market demands but also takes leadership and develops technologies the company believes can drive the industry. Super interesting!

Wed April 27th


Andre Soterio · Head of Sales Labels EME...

Andre Soterio of ACTEGA describes their range of adhesives and coatings for the Label and packaging sectors of print. Their global footprint for production allows country-specific products to meet local regulations. Any printer in this space needs to have the right solutions for the variety of substrates their printing presses can manufacture.

Thu May 25th


André Schlösser · Marketing Manager · Im...

They are best known for their photo book technology and machines; we are of course talking about the Swiss-based Imaging solutions. The Fespa show was the chosen location for the launch of their new canvas mounting machine and systems. A very sympathetic André Schlösser is happy to give us some more details, who they are and what they do. Cool talk and super high-quality photo books to show for it.

Fri September 13th


Andre D’Urbano · Vice President of Sales...

RISO Sales VP Andre D’Urbano discusses inkjet price points and the shifting print markets. Also: The OEM’s booklet-making partnership with SDD (Smart Dedicated Design).

Mon May 15th


Andre D’Urbano · RISO · Graphics C...

RISO has, for many years, developed some of the fastest inkjet printers in the industry. In this interview with VP Sales, André D'urbano, he explains that RISO is now emphasizing the inks to offer speed and better quality. Always great to talk to André, so please enjoy!

Tue September 17th


Andre Beaudoin · Director, North America...

Lemu Group partnered with Martin Automatic, ETI Converting Equipment, and Lundberg Tech at Labelexpo Americas 2024 to showcase a highly automated and efficient printing and converting line that includes technologies from all four companies. Andre Beaudoin leads the converting equipment manufacturer's operation in the US, where business is booming, he tells Inkish TV.

Thu May 25th


André Albrecht · Digital Solutions Manag...

LinkedIn Profile:

Sat December 3rd


And then the WAR came · Martijn Eier · C...

He could see on satellite photos that Russian troops were being prepared in Belarus. A plane was canceled as the cabin crew and pilots refused to fly to Ukraine. He was under the impression that a war in the 2020s would be a cyber war. He and his team hoped for the best but planned for the worst. Here is the story about managing a global software company being attacked by Russia. Very emotional, very good, learn! LinkedIn Profile:

Mon March 25th


Anat Ruhrberg · HP · HP PreDrupa Event...

At the HP PreDrupa event, the new HP Indigo 120K was released - a machine offering high quality and higher productivity than previous generations. 6,000 B2 sheets an hour, and many new AI features built into the machine, making it even easier to operate. Anat Ruhrberg and I have a walk while we talk about the 120K and the new 18K - two impressive machines targeting two different markets. Jump in :-)