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Anish Shah has for years been working with Solimar Systems for. At Hunkeler Innovationdays, Shah explains how they address workflow/automation across the Middle East and Africa and why it's an interesting market. Enjoy.
In this interview, Jamie Walsh from Solimar Systems explains how using Solimar Systems will free up capacity on existing printing equipment, as the data will be more streamlined, freeing up space on the machines. Solimar has a great reputation for involving customers in its academies and is engaged with customers to secure success. Jamie Walsh handles EMEA. Enjoy!
Xeikon introduced the Sirius platform a while back, but at Hunkeler Innovationdays 2023, the SX30000 was presented for the first time at a show. In this film, Market Segment Director Dimitri Van Gaever guides you into the platform why Xeikon has decided to offer a toner-based platform in times when competitors offer inkjet platforms. We also see a charming sample, maybe an answer in itself?
Last day at Hunkeler Innovationdays. Great event and a warm recommendation for the 2025 edition. Thanks to all the wonderful people that accepted our interview requests, all the people that stopped us and cheered our work, and last but not least, all the people watching all the content my fantastic team created during Innovationdays 2023. Thanks to all the fantastic people working with Hunkeler - it's been fun working with you, and gee, do we rock together? :-)
The diversity of people attending an event like Hunkeler Innovationdays is simply amazing. PSPs, Specialists, Media, and of course, dealers. In this interview, Chris Manley from Graphco in the US explains how great he finds his first Hunkeler Innovationdays. As with many other attendees, Chris Manley meets friends, customers, and new leads. Dig in!
Personal interview with Eli Grinberg, CEO & Co-Owner of Scodix. We consider them one of the rising stars in the embellishment scene as they are growing their business fast. Serving customers in both digital printing and offset printing, they have found good momentum for their solutions. Here at HID23, they show their latest innovation in the B1 format, and with the samples, we have seen, it looks like a winner is stepping up the game (again). Enjoy.
In French with English subtitles. From several hours to sometimes a few minutes. It is 2023, but large PDF files received by some mailing or VDP (variable data printing) customers often still show anomalies in the weight of metadata, irrelevant to printing. So what to do? Do we wait or find other solutions to speed up the process? Julie tells us more. Enjoy! De plusieurs heures à parfois quelques minutes. On est bien 2023 mais de grands fichiers PDF reçu par certains clients du mailing ou du VDP (variable data printing) montrent souvent encore des anomalies au niveau du poids des données méta, irrelevant à l'impression. Alors que faire ? On attend, ou on trouve d'autres solutions pour accélérer les processus? Julie nous en dit plus. Enjoy!
In this Coffee Break session from Bronte's booth at Innovationdays, Francesco Crotti speaks with Jan Friedrich from Hunkeler. Friedrich explains how important Bronte is as a glue between the customer and the ability to produce books of one. Interesting views!
In this episode from Bronte, Francesco Crotti throws a very difficult yet interesting question to Ashley Gordon from HP. How is the publishing industry changing? Though you may not get all the answers in this Coffee Break from Innovationdays, you'll learn enough to get you thinking. Enjoy!
Kern is one of the main players when it comes to inserting & mailing systems. The Hunkeler feeders will match the company color and can be had in Swiss red, or was it Ferrari red? Not sure if it has to reflect the speeds they obtain, but they are the only ones allowed to have a different color for the Hunkeler equipment that they integrate into their inserting lines. Good talk with Daniel Wenger about how Kern meets their customers' automation requirements.
In Dutch with English subtitles Many Dutch-speaking people among the specialists, visitors, and solution providers present at HID 23 in Switzerland. So it's about time we did a nice interview in Dutch. Meet André Hilkens, Manager of Komfi Europe. Komfi connects management ensures integration options with the most known printer providers and that you can work future-proof with an investment in your lamination solution. The well-known slogan also applies here: to measure is to know the costs must be transparent and can be called up at any time, including post-processing. Veel Nederlandstalige mensen onder de specialisten, bezoekers en aanbieders van oplossingen aanwezig op HID 23 in Zwitserland. Hoog tijd dus dat we in het Nederlands een leuk interview brengen. Maak kennis met André Hilkens, Manager van Komfi Europe. Komfi connect management verzekert de integratiemogelijkheden met de meeste gekende printeraanbieders en zorgt ervoor dat je futureproof kan werken met een investering in een eigen laminatieoplossing. Ook hier is de gekende slogan van toepassing, meten is weten, de kosten moeten transparant en op elk moment kunnen afgeroepen worden, ook in de nabewerking.
Editor Morten B. Reitoft and Yoshihiro Oe met for the first time at Hunkeler Innovationdays 2019 and have since got to know each other in meetings exchanging views on the cultural differences between Japan and Europe. In this interview, Yoshihiro Oe explains how understanding cultural differences (in general) helps Horizon develop binding equipment to understand the needs in the different markets. With high salaries in Europe and the lack of labor shortage, automation supports BOTH concerning labor shortages and reduces costs for the company's customers. A great interview - dig in! *We apologize for the technical errors in the sound :-(
Steffen Franzisi is the CEO of Kohlhammer Druck in Germany, and this is his first visit to Innovationdays. He is very impressed with the event, mainly how automated the post-press/binding is becoming.
Who's better to conclude on the Innovationdays than Michel Hunkeler? In our fourth and last Bonjour session, your hosts Jacques Michiels and Morten B. Reitoft talk to Michel Hunkeler. A very satisfied Michel Hunkeler also says that Hunkeler has many great things in the pipeline for the future - though without revealing any details - but we tried - promise!
During the pandemic, more than 1,300 people from around the world tuned into The Crown Pub every Tuesday and Thursday for weeks and months. Not only did the virtual event create long-lasting friendships, but it also became a learning place. Kelvin Bell from V-Press was one of the initiators of the event, and it was great catching up with him here at the Innovationdays - for the first time in person! Two other frequent "flyers" is Mark Stephenson from Fujifilm and Brendan Perring from IPIA.
Hunkeler Innovationdays is about digital print and finishing, and though the emphasis is on inkjet, you also find toner machines. Canon brought their V1000, which according to Marc Bärtchi, has a lot to offer - double-sided banner print and print on structured papers, to mention a few of the features. Enjoy!
Jean Lloyd has been in the industry for a long time and has become an industry-recognized specialist in the past years. In the film, we talk about digital packaging and why converters choose to go to Innovationdays, though there is little packaging and equipment to see. But tune into this film, and learn :-)
A great third day of Innovationdays with a continuous wealth of learning. Talking to PSPs, vendors, specialists, and even a friend from Keypoint Intelligence. Don't say we are not bringing the world into your living room :-)
BW Papersystems didn't exactly exhibit at Hunkeler Innovationdays, but yet Felix Krüger from BW Papersystems decided to come and check out the opportunities for their newest Questec cut/stacker. We met with Felix Krüger at the Drewsen Spezialitypapierer in Hall 1 at Innovationdays, as Drewsen is the first customer for the machine capable of cutting and stacking at a staggering 400 meters per minute down to 40 GSM - simply amazing!
RISO might be a new name to some, as it was for me. They are an established name, mainly when people are looking for productive printing in the transactional space of our industry. Their HQ is based in Lyon, France, and Franz Castel brings us up to speed on why one should not forget to look into their Inkjet offerings. Always good to learn and connect with different players in the field.