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Wed March 27th


Thomas Olofsson · Tecnau · Replay · PreD...

We are sorry for the noise in the first half of the video. We tried to edit it, with no success, but decided to publish anyway! LinkedIn Profile:

Thu April 20th


Thomas Murr · BHS · Area Sales Manager ·...

In this interview, Area Sales Manager for Germany (and German operations abroad) Thomas Murr explains how important the relationship is. It's about understanding the customer's needs, being as much a consultant giving the best possible advice, and being patient; this is the secret 'sauce' for Thomas Murr - and, by the way, something several of his colleagues mentioned. But listen, and learn., Thomas Murr has a great passion for his work and is beyond friendly to speak with!

Thu November 7th


Thomas McElwain · IoT Net Engineer · BOB...

When INKISH is invited to Open House, it's, of course, for making interviews and sharing the event, but it gives us a lot of time to learn from the specialists working with the OEM. Here is . McElwain is an IoT specialist and is also profoundly involved with BOBST Connect, which is not only an IoT platform but is becoming more and more essential for printing companies and converters. In this interview, we get an opportunity to learn and understand more about how BOBST utilizes its IoT platform to benefit customers. Super interesting, and in the future not an option, but a must! LinkedIn

Wed April 27th


Thomas Macina · Global Sales Director · ...

A last-minute cancellation of LabelExpo in Brussels kickstarted a lot of activities at DURST in Brixen. According to Thomas Macina, the decision to organize the DURST Expo Label event was taken the same day. In this interview, we talk about the event, the products, and also where Thomas Macina sees the future of digital label production. We liked this interview a lot... hope you like it too!

Mon June 15th


Thomas Heininger · Over The Skype · MBO...

Over the Skype with Thomas Heininger, CEO, MBO Postpress Solutions GmbH During the current Over the Skype conversation by Andreas Weber, CEO / Country Manager INKISH D-A-CH, the focus is on a special and elementarily important topic that is usually dealt with in passing: postures solutions. Thomas Heininger, CEO of MBO Postpress Solutions GmbH, which has recently become part of the KOMORI family, answers questions in a fantastic way and shred cool insights. It can be seen that many discussions in the print industry are overlaid by COVID-19, by the lockdown and crisis mood scenarios. However, there is a spirit of optimism and confidence at MBO. Because the closing for the takeover of MBO by KOMORI Corporation has been successfully completed since May 1, 2020. And shows success straight away. If you dive deeper into the subject, you can see that topics such as IoT, automation, networking and connectivity are top priorities at MBO and KOMORI. True to the motto: what comes to the end (in the production chain) can be at the forefront. Driven by digitalization. A really exciting and insightful conversation. Erratum: In the live conversation, Thomas Heininger said that 48 data managers were on the market; the number he mentioned was a mix-up with another MBO product. Note: As with all of our “Over the Skype” interviews, the picture / sound quality is based on the available bandwidth and the respective web cams as well as the possibility to literally conduct the conversations LIVE. Despite everything, it works amazingly well and with Over the Skype we have brought together far more than 60 special personalities so far and give insights into the industry as it currently is. Enjoy! Over the Skype mit Thomas Heininger, CEO, MBO Postpress Solutions GmbH ---- Heute rückt beim Over the Skype Gespräch von Andreas Weber, CEO/Country Manager INKISH D-A-CH, ein besonderes und elementar wichtiges Thema in den Fokus, das normalerweise eher am Rande behandelt wird: Die Weiterverarbeitung. Thomas Heininger, CEO der MBO Postpress Solutions GmbH, die seit neuestem Teil der KOMORI-Familie geworden ist, steht Rede und Antwort. Es zeigt sich: Viele Diskussionen in der Print-Branche sind von COVID-19 überlagert, vom Lockdown und Krisen-Stimmungs-Szenarien. Bei MBO herrscht aber Aufbruchstimmung. Denn das Closing zur Übernahme von MBO durch KOMORI Corporation ist seit 1. Mai 2020 erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Und zeigt auf Anhieb Erfolge. Taucht man tiefer ein in die Materie, zeigt sich, dass Themen wie IoT, Automatisierung, Vernetzung und Konnektivität bei MBO und KOMORI ganz oben stehen. Getreu der Devise: Was (in der Produktionskette) zum Schluss kommt, kann ganz vorne sein. Getrieben durch die Digitalisierung. Ein wirklich spannendes und aufschlussreiches Gespräch. Erratum: Im Live-Gespräch sagte Thomas Heininger, dass 48 Data Manager im Markt wären; die von ihm genannte Zahl war eine Verwechslung mit einem anderen MBO Produkt. Hinweis: Wie bei allen unseren “Over the Skype”-Interviews richtet sich die Bild-/Ton-Qualität nach verfügbarer Bandbreite und den jeweiligen Web-Cams aus sowie der Möglichkeit, die Konversationen buchstäblich LIVE zu führen. Es funktioniert trotz allem erstaunlich gut und mit Over the Skype bringen wir bis dato weit mehr als 60 besondere Persönlichkeiten zusammen und geben Einblicke in die Branche, wie sie derzeit ist. Viel Spaß!

Wed November 24th

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Thomas Heininger · CEO · MBO Postpress S...

German language with English subtitles Thomas Heininger is the CEO of MBO and is responsible for developing MBO as a company and integrating it into Komori after the company was sold. According to Heininger, the company cultures are aligned, and the financial strength of Komori delivers a lot of value to the companies and the future development of new products. Thomas Heininger is very open-minded in the conversations with INKISH editor Morten B. Reitoft, but check it out yourself!

Tue September 21st

Thomas Amrein · President & CEO · M...

Thomas Amrein is the President and CEO of Matti Technology - and maybe you ask what Matti Technology is? Don't be sorry if you don't know the name, since Thomas Amrein himself explains that Matti Technology is not a very well-known company in public. Matti Technology specializes in developing Inkjet technology, where they develop and produce everything except print heads and a few other components. Matti Technology helps customers developing technology from an idea, a drawing, a blueprint - whatever it takes to get the machine ready for the market. From here, the customers take over sales-, marketing- and distribution under their own names. So Matti Technology is great to know if you speculate about developing your inkjet device - but listen to this really nice conversation with President and CEO Thomas Amrein - and enjoy! Thomas Amrein LinkedIn

Mon January 16th


This is the Rolls Royce in UV Large Form...

At PRINTING, United Agfa showed off technology derived from the recent acquisition of Inca Digital, namely the Agfa Inca Onset X3 - which was presented at the show with a robot handling media loading and unloading. A very happy and proud Global Business Manager, Matt Brooks, explains why there is such a vast interest in the X3 - and how Agfa continues to develop state-of-the-art technology!

Mon December 9th

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Think Smart Factory is a Must Attend Eve...

At the Think Smart Factory event in Kyoto, we got the chance to talk to Raymon Duval from Ultimate Technographics, and as you can hear and see in this INKISH film, he is as positive about the event as we are. Ultimate TechnoGraphics has been around for some time and is known for, among other automation solutions, Impostrip. We hope to bring you more film from these great people in the nearby future :-) In the meanwhile - enjoy the interview with Raymond Duval.

Thu October 31st


Think Smart Factory · Kyoto November 11t...

Think Smart Factory is an upcoming event in Kyoto, Japan. As you can hear in this presentation, of the event, by Yoshihiro Oe, General Manager from Horizon International, the event is not so much like an exhibition. Rather than having booths where each exhibitor presents its products and services, Smart Factory is an opportunity to see equipment working together and see end-to-end productions. The "end-to-end" also includes the workflow part that is typically before print, of course. The event is developed by a group of companies including: Canon Marketing Japan. Inc. / DAC ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. / FUJIFILM Global Graphic Systems Co., Ltd. / goof, inc. / HP Japan Inc. / Hunkeler AG / JSPIRITS Inc. / KONICA MINOLTA JAPAN, INC. / RESOLOGIC. Inc. / Ricoh Japan Co., Ltd. / RYOBI MHI Graphic Technology Ltd. / SCREEN Graphic Solutions Co., Ltd. / TECNAU INKISH will be covering the event, and we can't wait to get to Kyoto. As Yoshihiro Oe also states in this interview, Kyoto is wonderful this time a year. Hope to see you there!

Wed November 13th


Think Smart Factory · Day 3

This is our video documentation of the third- and last day at Think Smart Factory. Clearly fewer people at the show-floor, but still good. That is good for us since it gives us more space at the stations with demonstrations. Today we got the chance to do a longer interview with General Manager Yoji "Joe" Otsuka from SCREEN, and we have a short snippet of our conversation with him in this daily show report. We hope you enjoyed the films we have published so far, and you can for sure look forward to some great interviews, great presentations of technology, and well a factory tour from Horizon. We can't wait to show you!

Wed November 13th


Think Smart Factory · Day 2

The second day at the Think Smart Factory event in Kyoto was as good as the first one - maybe even better. Many people at the show-floor, exciting presentations, and a chance to dig into even more of the workflows. In our first film, we promised to show you all ten stations here, but there are simply too many people around the stations to do this in a 'live' style. So we have recorded all ten stations, will make them into separate films that you can enjoy one by one afterwards.

Tue November 12th


Think Smart Factory · Day 1

What a start. Think Smart Factory is a new event, and without comparison, one of the best-executed events we have ever attended. Think Smart Factory is an event where all focus is on showing end-to-end solutions. There are ten different stations where you can see the flows from the paper intake to the output of a finished product. Clearly inspired by Hunkeler Innovationdays where it's also about equipment, but with an even more expressed dedication to show the entire workflow. This is a rare opportunity to see the entire process from when a job-ticket is created to the finished product delivered. But check out of show-report and look forward to seeing all ten workflows presented here on INKISH. Expect also interesting interviews with industry leaders from the show floor. Finally, you will get a new show report every day, and also articles on NEWS. Enjoy!

Mon January 20th


Think Smart Factory · Canon to Horizon e...

In this film, Yui Kawano from Canon Marketing shows an end-to-end solution together with Yasuo Taketsugu from Horizon International. This is a brilliant example of how workflow & automation enable printers to automate the entire print and binding process. This film also shows the amazing power behind JDF, where not only files but also production data is delivered directly from an MIS system. The entire production workflow is managed in the JDF and setup printer as well as the binder.

Wed November 13th


Think Smart Factory – We are the R...

Robots is an indispensable part of the Industry 4.0 future, and of course, Think Smart Factory in Kyoto show a few options. Here its the S-Cart from Nidec used on the show-floor. Enjoy the self-driving future :-)

Tue September 1st


Think Print Movie

In six minutes, Bernd Zipper explains in depth how society and with it the positions of the media are changing. He makes it clear what an important role print will play in the digitalized world. A promotional film for the future of the entire print industry that has never been seen before. Want to know more about the Think Print Movie? Check out our latest articles at: Think Print Movie Playlist: Facebook: Twitter: #ThinkPrintMovie #Zipcon #PrintIndustry

Mon October 23rd


THIMM Všetaty & Highcon Beam 2C · K...

Without comparison, THIMM is an amazing company. BHS Corrugators, BOBST flexo print machines, Durst large format, and BOBST folding gluers, robots, and automation at a very high level - and in one room is a bright green machine that takes THIMM to a different level compared to many other packing printing companies - the Highcon BEAM 2C. Even with all the above equipment, Plant Manager Kamil Mašek doesn't hesitate to say that laser cutting is the future - and as THIMM Všetaty uses their BEAM 2C in three shifts, year-round, the machine is used for short runs, special products, and even jobs that would normally be produced analog, but because tooling takes time, etc., are produced on the BEAM. Watch and listen - this proves that Highcon's BEAM 2C is made for industrial production print. Enjoy!

Sun June 9th

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Theo van den Broek · ISI publishing Inno...

Interview in Dutch - subtitles in English. Als integrator van diverse oplossingen voor het automatiseren van het bestelproces rondom verpakkingen – in de breedste zin van het woord – kun je terecht bij ISI . Ook eigen softwareontwikkeling is een van de sterktes en een groeiende vraag voor eigenaar Theo van den Broek en zijn team. Wij waren uiteraard benieuwd waar de voordelen liggen voor de klant - de drukkerij, en hoe zij hun toekomst zien in het huidige grafische landschap. -- EN -- As an integrator of various solutions for automating the ordering process surrounding packaging – in the broadest sense of the word – you can contact ISI. Own software development is also one of the strengths and a growing demand for owner Theo van den Broek and his team. We were naturally curious about the benefits for the customer - the printing company, and how they see their future in the graphic landscape of today.

Tue May 14th


Theo Buchmeyer · manroland Goss · PreDru...

Morten Reitoft and Theo Buchmeyer discuss Manroland Goss's participation in the upcoming Drupa 2024. Buchmeyer emphasizes the importance of attending Drupa for the company despite the absence of their "brother" company. He sees it as a key opportunity to showcase new products, meet customers, and build new relationships. Reitoft praises Manroland Goss for adapting to market changes through refurbishment and technological innovations, ensuring the continued relevance of their web offset presses. Buchmeyer confirms the significant install base of over 3,000 active presses worldwide and their plans to support these with retrofits and improvements. They discuss Drupa's role as a statement of commitment to the future of the print industry and the importance of maintaining connections with customers. Buchmeyer highlights the company's efforts to integrate digital tools like VPN and IoT boxes for monitoring press performance and predicting downtime, enhancing productivity through tools like Manroland Sense, an artificial intelligence tool for predictive maintenance. Buchmeyer acknowledges the growth of digital printing but emphasizes that offset printing remains a robust, productive process for mid to large runs. He predicts a coexistence of both technologies, offset retaining its place in the industry for the foreseeable future. Manroland Goss's booth at Drupa will focus on its new VarioMAN packaging press, showcasing its flexibility and cost-efficiency in reducing production costs and carbon footprint. It will also demonstrate maintenance tools and emphasize the importance of sustainability and extending the economic life of its installed presses. Reitoft and Buchmeyer discuss the continued relevance and growth of web offset printing in certain markets, noting that some customers are expanding their volumes through consolidation and new titles. Buchmeyer concludes by emphasizing the importance of supporting the existing install base and showcasing Manroland Goss's upgrades and innovations at Drupa.  

Sun December 6th


The Workflow LIVE presentation by Diego ...

At the Smart Factory USA event November 16th, 12:00 PM ET, Diego Diaz, we will show attendees all the workflow components by sending a job through from A to Z - and then explain the steps one-by-one - so learning by seeing. The training will be presented by one of the best workflow people we know of, Diego Diaz. The Virtual Smart Factory is a LIVE presentation of how things are done, and you should have a lot of takeaways from this double session at the Smart Factory USA edition.

Wed March 20th


The Walk · David Munro · MCS

Our walkthroughs of technology have become popular - you see the technology, you learn about it, and we try to get around it so you understand what you see, how it works, and, of course, why it's worthwhile investing in - this is our new format The Walk. In this episode, you will learn about the MCS TK Inkjet solution - made for the mail/transactional/variable data market - presented by David Munro. Enjoy!

Thu February 4th

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The Vacuum After a Lifetime with HP Indi...

Alon Bar-Shany has by all means been one of the most influential persons in the global printing industry in his role with HP Indigo for more than 25 years. It was a surprise to most when he left HP, and becoming Chairman of the Board for Highcon was equally a surprise, we believe! Bar-Shany talks about everything from vacuum, suits, music, and being an entrepreneur in this session. We are sure you will like this conversation! We apologize for the video quality; Alon Bar-Shany has promised to give us a new interview next time we meet in person!

Thu September 14th

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The temperature of Mark Andy Mexico by K...

Mark Andy’s Mexico sales manager talks about the Mexican label market and how nearshoring is helping growth to stimulate growth. LinkedIn Profile: