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Fri February 15th


Introducing the new “Matthew Parke...

One of our very favorite persons in the printing industry, Matthew Parker from Profitable Print Relationships, have chosen to be part of INKISH with his very own channel. We have during the past days recorded the first 11 episodes that stretch from personal branding, social media profiles, sales, engaging with clients, selling on anything else than price, and more. Matthew Parker is an experienced speaker, consultant, and author and has a large audience globally. The new channel will be called 'Matthew Parker PrintChampion' and we can't wait to publish the first films shortly. Before we broke up with each other INKISH editor, Morten Reitoft asked Matthew Parker a few questions about what to expect. Watch, Listen, Like, Share - and stay tuned for truly great hands-on ideas to grow your business!

Tue January 25th


Introducing Project Peacock Network · PP...

We are working together with Deborah Corn on a new project called PPN - or the Project Peacock Network. Before going into details about this, let's turn back time for a second. Project Peacock was founded years ago, and has with the same agenda, used various channels to educate, inspire, and promote print. In short, Peacock is about showing designers, brand-owners, and print-buyers what technology can do, and to some extent, bridge buyers and sellers. Over the years, thousands of people have been exposed to various print samples and printing technologies. Before COVID, Project Peacock Print Fair traveled through America and Canada hosting educational events - and during the pandemic, Peacock turned into the Project Peacock Platform where vendors and registrants could meet online 365/24/7 - and Platform events presented various topics and speakers. I was so fortunate to present a keynote at the digital publishing event. It was fun, engaging, and interesting to explore the feedback on a platform that isn't a virtual event, a webinar, or anything like it. Now it's 2022, and Deborah and I have been working on something entirely new. We call it Project Peacock Network, PPN. The idea is to invite people from the industry to talk about various topics and then present it as a two-hour, monthly streaming experience. On the first Friday of every month, beginning in March, Deborah will host the streaming format with guests from PSPs, vendors, designers, brand owners, influencers, and more. As we progress with the production, I am excited about this project - and of course, INKISH wanted to be the executive producer of the show and support bringing people together while bringing excitement and a new format to learn and connect to the audience. The show will be broadcast simultaneously on INKISH, Print Media Centr, our YouTube channels, LinkedIn, and where applicable at noon ET, starting March 4, 2022. If you have stories to share and/or create products and services you believe designers, brand owners, and buyers should know about, this is the time to reach out to us. Project Peacock is supported by partners who share our vision.

Tue May 22nd


Intermail closes envelope division and s...

We did a portrait of Intermail back in May 2018 where CEO Anders Ertmann explained the transformation process the company was in the middle of. A major milestone was the selling of the entire envelope division to BONG. Intermail is a publically traded company and the market awarded the changes by sky-rocketing the price with more than 250%. We got the chance to talk with CEO Anders Ertmann about the changes at the latest Print Next 18 event in Stockholm. The previous interview can be seen here:

Fri May 19th


Interket invests in IST LED-UV · Ronny R...

Interket in Ommen, The Netherlands, is a label-printing company/converter that recently invested in LED-UV curing from IST. The advantages are many. No pre-warming before printing, a longer lifetime for the lamps, and considerably lower energy consumption. Production Manager Ronny Renker is happy and can't imagine investing in new machines that don't have LED-UVs. Great story about how better quality and better economics simultaneously go hand in hand with better environmental production!

Wed February 7th

Integration Technology@Argos Inspiration...

Integration Technology is one of the world's leading producers of LED-UV based curing solutions. You can meet IST in Brussels March 6th-8th. Participate at

Thu September 30th


Integrated Inkjet Solutions from Fujifil...

Inkjet is by all means on the radar everywhere - and at the Peak Performance Print Experience event in Brussels September 28-29th, 2021 - we got the chance to talk to Stefan Steinle. He is the Sales & Business Development Manager for the new entity Fujifilm Integrated Solutions. So what is it? Well, imagine an inkjet printhead. Place one or more heads in a bar with all the needed electronics, pumps, vacuum, cooler, power - and you now have a print bar that can be up to 2 meters in width. Now, place it almost anywhere you need print - and you have an idea what this is all about. It can be used in mailing applications, offset/web offset solutions to extend with variable data, all managed by Stefan Steinle and his team. Very excited, and well - check for yoursel LinkedIn Profile:

Wed January 19th


Integrate Loyalty solution into eProduct...

John Dipippo is the CEO of the company Loyaltyloop which provides loyalty solutions to eProductivity Software/EFI customers. Understanding why customers love your company or don't - is valuable in your communication and marketing and an invaluable tool for understanding how you can improve the customer experience. John DiPippo and Loyaltyloop have the solution!

Fri January 21st


Inspired by updated Monarch APIs · Shawn...

IT Director Shawn Theesfeld from OneTouchPoint says that meeting product managers and piers are valuable for his company. In the interview with Robert Godwin, Shawn Theesfeld says he found inspiration in a break-out session where he learned about eProductivity Monarch's APIs.

Sun May 14th


INspiration · Micael Bindefeld · INVITAT...

INspiration is a new type of program from INKISH.TV where we will focus on things that can inspire the printing industry. In this first episode INKISH.TV was invited to Stockholm by paper merchant Antalis to not just see the exhibition by Micael Bindefeld but to literally experience it. Micael Bindefeld has for 30 years been a star among celebrities in Sweden - where he has arranged parties for politicians, actors, musicians and large companies. A centerpiece of his work is the more than 1.400 invitations that he has done. The selection he showcased at the event in the Antalis showroom was simply a stunning proof of what paper can do. Watch this great and first episode in our new INspiration series - and as usual, stay tuned for more episodes in the nearby future.

Fri October 21st


Innovative Solutions Optimizing the Back...

Solimar Systems is actually widely used but maybe not known to so many. Almost every letter sent in the US has probably been processed at some point by some of the IT solutions Solimar delivers. You'll find Solimar solutions in operations that need streamlining their data flow, and as the world increasingly uses PDFs, ReadyPDF optimized PDF for max. performance. But listen to Mary Ann Rowan and learn more - and by the way, Solimar Systems also sponsored the recent Xplor breakfast event where the topic was workflow/automation. We published a short piece of it on INKISH.NEWS.

Tue November 29th


Inline Book Production · Naresh Bedi · H...

At IGAS, Horizon showed twenty-one end-to-end solutions, and one of them was demonstrated to INKISH by Naresh Bedi. The setup is as follows: A content printer - in this example, cover and content printers are from Ricoh, but it could be almost any printer. The content printer prints the content on typically SRA3 size and deliver these to a gatherer that batch the sheets into a book block. The book block consists of as many 'ups as you have on the sheet, and the next stage is to cut the collated sheets into book blocks of the approx size of the book (bleed size as a minimum). The second similar line has printed the cover, and both are matched using QR codes before being fed into the BQ-500 binder. The cover is fed directly into the cover feeder section of the BQ-series, and the content is taken by a robot arm, first measuring the spine size, and hereafter the book block is inserted into the BQ500. Now the glued book is transported to the HT300, a one-knife-three-side trimmer enabling fast book-of-one production. As you can see in the film, everything is automated and requires minimum effort from the operator - a truly cool solution!

Mon February 22nd


Inkjet the time is now, a practical insi...

Is inkjet a valid technology for offset to digital conversion? Ricoh's Eef de Ridder will, together with a customer, talk about what to consider when investing in High-Speed inkjet? Followed by Sander Sondaal and yet another customer, the conversation continues around creating demand for High-Speed inkjet, and finally, Mark Hinder about how to generate business with inkjet. Deep insights and valuable learning.

Wed January 16th


Inkjet Solutions for DM & Graphic Ar...

At the Print®18 in Chicago, we got a chance to meet with International Sales Director Arwin Van Oostveen from DJM Inkjet Solutions who produces Inkjet solutions for Direct Marketing. Based on printheads developed by other major suppliers, they build solutions that tailor into the growing market of personalization. DJM Inkjet Solution already has customers in the US but this was the first time they exhibited and as far as we understand they were​ very happy with the feedback they got from the US market. But see the film, like, and share.

Wed April 10th


Inkjet didn’t take off as fast as ...

In this INKISH film, we are talking to CEO Michel Hunkeler from Hunkeler AG. Hunkeler is a family owned- and operated company in Switzerland who has specialized in finishing equipment for mainly roll-based equipment. Considered the 'Rolls Royce' of finishing Hunkeler is in the hot-spot for the expected transition from conventional offset printing to digital inkjet. At Hunkeler Innovationdays in 2019 Hunkeler for the first time introduced sheet-based finishing equipment for the Océ/Canon I300 inkjet machine. The company has also set its eyes on the lucrative label industry. Great to meet Michel Hunkeler - till next time!

Wed October 2nd


INKISH.TV@Printing United · Dallas · Oct...

'The Lunchbreak Hours' is our LIVE broadcast format and we are SO proud of executing this show during all three days at Printing United 2019. One day is with our friends from Chili Publish and the two other days at various locations trying to catch the vibe from the expo. We broadcast daily from 11 AM to 1 PM US Central Time. We hope to see you!

Mon October 24th



INKISH.TV participated in International Print Day 2016 by sending live every hour during the day - October 19th. We have made a shorter edit of the 1.4 hour footage - so if you would like to spent 14 minutes with our editor Morten Reitoft, please enjoy :-)

Fri October 6th


INKISH.TV proudly presents: Wim Fransen ...

Please welcome the new Managing Director Wim Fransen from Enfocus. Enfocus has for many years been a leader in workflow and automation and we have on several occasions here at INKISH.TV made films about Enfocus and the nice people from there. In this short film from Print17 we got the chance to meet Wim Fransen for the first time - and with the passion that you clearly see in his eyes and body language - no doubt, that he will be a great leader and a great ambassador for the company.

Mon July 31st


INKISH.TV proudly presents: Will Crabtre...

Will Crabtree runs a small print shop in Tampa, Florida - and we were invited to visit Will Crabtree and his team, while we were in Tampa on another job. TampaPrinter is both a walk-in-store and a web-store - and reason, why we found it interesting, is that no one should underestimate that companies like TampaPrinter sometimes have a strong owner a dedication to growth that is not often seen among larger printers. Will Crabtree has experienced huge growth over the past years and he has both the energy, the skills and the go-to- attitude that all printing operations can learn from. Get inspired by the positive attitude from Will Crabtree and enjoy this INKISH.TV episode.

Mon October 17th


INKISH.TV Proudly Presents: Who Makes Mo...

CEO Ravindra Parasnis from Swedish Graphic Companies' Federation have together with Bisnode made a comprehensive survey about who makes money in the printing industry. This episode gives you a lot of answers and interesting views, that can help you, inspire you and make your business stronger and better.

Mon July 17th


INKISH.TV proudly presents: VP Fabian Pr...

Please welcome Fabian Prudhomme from Enfocus. Enfocus is a software developer that has specialized in workflow and automation and is well known for software like PitStop and Switch. As part of the X-treme Switchover project that INKISH.TV is covering we went to Belgium to visit Enfocus. We will soon publish more episodes about Switch and from the winner of the X-treme Switchover competition Sign-Age.

Wed February 22nd


INKISH.TV Proudly presents: Vice Preside...

Enfocus is one our favorite companies in the printing industry - inventing great software products, that enable printers to be more effective and more productive. At GraphExpo we had the opportunity (once again) to talk to Vice President Fabian Prudhomme. Automation is still key for Enfocus and with the Switch App Store introduced at Drupa, both Enfocus and third-party vendors will be able to add functionality to Switch and the customer's workflow. A new feature soon available is PDF proofing - really cool, but see for yourself.

Tue February 13th


INKISH.TV proudly presents: Tony Michiel...

Argos Solution is a company developing and producing UV-coaters and more. In this INKISH episode, we talk to Tony Michiels about the Argos Inspiration Days that he is the organizer of. Tony Michiels is very open about that the inspiration for Argos Inspiration Days comes from Hunkeler Innovation Days - and we are certain that the participants will enjoy the knowledge, the network and the inspiration that you can experience yourself March 6th-8th 2018.

Sun March 11th


INKISH.TV proudly presents: Tom Moulaert...

At the Argos Inspiration Days 2018, Trainer & Application Specialist Tom Moulaert gave the audience a range of tips- and tricks for the Adobe CC suite of programs. Really cool.

Mon October 30th

INKISH.TV proudly presents: Tom Bjarte N...

Imagine that just 10 years ago, maybe Norway had 10, 12 maybe even 15 web-offset printing companies. Today the winner is Aalgard Offset - being the only web-offset printing company left. As Paul Bjarte Løyning explains - not the only one in the market, but the only one in the country. The company have invested a lot of money in new equipment and new premises. INKISH.TV visited the company in beautiful Stavager and here is our episode - great people, great company and whau....