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Mon February 22nd


Turning your customers into SuperHeroes

In this session, the founders of THE CRM Agency will explain how they designed and digitally printed, highly personalised SuperHero comics - for their client HackerOne - that included the recipient by name in the evolving story. Ultimately revealing the recipient’s illustrated, digitally printed face in the final frame, and showing them saving the day and becoming their company's hero. This hugely successful lead generation campaign ran in English and French and generated pan-EMEA new business for HackerOne.

Fri October 21st

Truly Engaging Cards Made with Scodix · ...

This was a very cool interview, person, and company - all three in one! At the Scodix booth, we got the chance to meet with President & CRO David Baird. His company has for years produced 'Save the Date' magnets - and we talk in the 100,000s per month. David Baird is an entrepreneur, so what's more natural than developing the concept - and voila - here you see the result of a lot of work involving vendors, paper merchants, and of course, the workflow enabling customers to order these very special sets of cards online.

Thu June 30th


Tri Tuladhar · Trijet Limited @ #SeikoOp...

This is a really interesting, yet very difficult to understand, interview with Tri Tuladhar from Trijet. Many of the PSPs I talk to, often ask why the inkjet vendors don't allow to use of third-party inks, similar to how they buy offset inks. Is it only a money machine, or are there any other good reasons? There are! Tri Tuladhar is an ink specialist who tells us in this interview that each color and even each ink manufacturer has their own unique 'fingerprints.' These fingerprints are important for the vendors to know as the exact properties of an ink relates to how fast the machine can print, and when Tri Tuladhar shows how the same ink act under different conditions it makes a lot of sense. Dive in and enjoy!

Mon February 22nd


Trends, Changes & Solutions

2020 was supposed to be a drupa year. Although the event did not take place, many vendors announced new inkjet presses that were targeted for the biggest print show on earth. In this session the inkjet press experts from Inkjet Insight will discuss each of the 2020 launches and announcements in commercial, label and packaging print, compare products and market approaches and talk about the recent trends in inkjet press launches, as well as the recent push for hybrid and bespoke solutions. Attendees can also receive our latest research “Production Inkjet Market Survey on Ink Estimating Solutions.” Inkjet Insight is the most trusted source for evaluating, optimizing and growing business using inkjet. Say up-to-date by visiting

Mon February 22nd


Transition your business with inkjet

Companies in the printing industry are currently being confronted with different trends in the market, accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Some examples are: shorter delivery times, need to offer a wider range of products, more jobs/shorter runs, consolidation. Explore the requirements of a post-COVID printing operation and gain valuable insights into the latest inkjet innovations that are redefining the way companies are manufacturing print.

Mon July 19th

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Traffic adds value to their already valu...

A long time ago, I interviewed former HP Indigo GM Alon Bar-Shany, and one of the things he said, was "we never invented the Indigo to print balloons, but it does." It reminds me of the visit with CEO Patrick Donner from Traffic Print Online Solutions. He has invested in Xerox, HP, Scodix, and a fantastic range of other technologies, so a printing company like so many others, you could argue, but Traffic is not like all others. Every time others say no thanks, Patrick Donner and his team find solutions - and it looks great, and show the diversity the equipment can be used for - great company, great products, to us an inspiration. What do you think? LinkedIn Profile:

Wed December 7th


Trade Printer Wise looks for capabilitie...

Being a trade printer serving thousands of customers requires excellent flexibility. At the BOBST Open House event in Alpharetta, Will Prettyman from WISE explains what they are looking for before investing in new technology. When Will Prettyman says 'capabilities,' it shows how crucial fast setup time, automated setup processes, and the high quality of a hybrid press is - and well, it's always great talking to experienced people!

Fri November 25th


Tour de Horizon booth with Yasuo Taketsu...

IGAS is the no. 1 print show in Japan and used to be a more international exhibition. Today the show is still huge, but its influence is more regional, with a strong focus on Japan. In this 'walkthrough,' Yasuo Taketsugu from Horizon International gives editor Morten B. Reitoft a guided tour through the biggest of all booths at IGAS. Enjoy!

Sun October 17th


Tour de Agfa FESPA Amsterdam 2021 · Koen...

Large format output InkJet devices as the technologies of choice are on everyone's radar in the graphics and printing industry. INKISH set out to investigate these pandemic period whisperings and promises that were in full display at the FESPA2021 Global Expo in beautiful Amsterdam. Walking in through the RAI entrance you could not miss one of the biggest booths in show. This is a comprehensive interview with a keen and knowledgeable Koen Steers, Head of Sales, Europe for AGFA’s Sign & Display segment. The excellent atmosphere in and around the Agfa booth and the rest of Expo show is proof that the interviewee, the many visitors and of course INKISH were eager to mingle, explore, have a good time and talk about everything new. Enjoy! LinkedIn Profile:

Wed July 24th


Touched by Textured UV · Print Sample TV...

The very idea about showcasing print on a film may sound crazy, but when you watch Print Sample TV with Pat McGrew, you really get an idea what the print sample is all about. In this 21st episode, Pat McGrew has got her hands on some samples from DUPLO. Most printers may only know as a company making binding equipment, but recently they introduced a LED-UV spot coater. The print samples shown here are not just great, but also explains how they are made. Great inspiration and as usual, Pat McGrew is an amazing host. Watch, like, and remember to share!

Thu May 28th


Toon Van Rossum · Enfocus · Learn With U...

In this 'Learn with us' session, Toon Van Rossum from Enfocus gives you an insight on how to see your future automation. This presentation is not about products, but about the process that can lead to any software investment, you are looking into.

Fri November 1st


Tonya Spiers · President · Knight Abbey...

Hurricane Katrina influenced thousands of lives in 2005, and Knight Abbey in Biloxi changed everything overnight and became instrumental in developing the new Knight Abbey. In this film, we speak with President Tonya Spiers about how Katrine changed everything for her, her family, and employees and how the company developed into a printing powerhouse focusing on an exceptional niche of customers. Canon sold a Pro Stream to Knight Abbey, and part of that sale introduced Ultimate Tech to Knight Abbey - and Tonya Spiers explains how Ultimate Tech more than delivered. It's a super exciting story, and if you think you recognize Tonya Spiers - yes - she is very involved in Canon think, local PIAs, and more. But start here - great story!

Sat September 14th


Tonya Powers · Sr. Director, Marketing ·...

Sr. Director, Marketing Tonya Powers can add Road Warrior to her title as she has been on the road since before drupa till now, PRINTING United. In between drupa and PRINTING United, thINK celebrated its 10th anniversary - and it is amazing to see how much Canon has developed over the years. As Tonya Powers explains, from transactional print to full-color 1200 DPI commercial applications - fantastic, but listen and learn for yourself!

Fri December 8th


Tonernews urge readers to support a cont...

What started as an article on strongly urging their readers to raise their voices against lifting the ban on Ninestar - ended up with a long yet lovely conversation between Herve Milner from tonernews and Editor Morten B. Reitoft about global politics, free trade, democracy, and well - interesting we think. If you have time, listen to the conversation, and feel free to comment :-)  

Thu October 31st


Toner vs Inkjet … · Jeff Sarringar...

Jeff Sarringar is Senior Marketing Executive at Canon Solutions America, and we got the chance to talk to him at PRINTING United. We previously filmed Jeff Sarringar in a Project Peacock FIlm we did together with Debora Corn, so we enjoyed seeing him again. Jeff Sarringar works with the cut-sheet printer i300. The machine is one of the first inkjet cut-sheet devices on the market, and according to Sarringar, the i300 has been successful for Canon. Recently the i300 was updated to a "+" version, which prints stunning print. Current i300 customers can get their device upgraded on-site, but why not just hear what Jeff Sarringar has to say himself? Tune in!

Mon November 5th


Tomorrow All Banks Will Close · Filippos...

Many printing companies were hit by the so-called financial crisis from 2008. People, workers, owners were hit because of how banks were abusing their strength in society and that has influenced a lot of people almost everywhere in the world. Most business owners think back on the crisis with remorse and quite a few also had to go through bankruptcies, mergers, acquisitions, and even things worse. As if this was bad enough, the story about the family-owned Greek company Tsolakas, tell us how bad it is for any company when banks are suddenly not there anymore. Imagine how you will operate your company tomorrow if you know you have money in the bank, but you can't use them. This story is a very open and honest description of​ what happened in 2015 for Fillippos Tsolakos and his company.

Sat September 14th


Tomer Ohavi · Sr. Director of Product Ma...

EFI display graphics expert Tomer Ohavi shows off vibrant samples from the latest printers in the VUTEk product line. Speed and quality combine for that “wow” factor . . . .

Mon January 25th

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Tomas Van Rossom New Enfocus GM · Enfocu...

Tomas Van Rossom has just been appointed as General Manager for Enfocus, and though new in the position, Rossom has worked with Enfocus since 2017 as Global Sales Director. In this conversation, we talk about family, Covid, subscription vs. license sales, setting goals, and how Tomas van Rossom will fit the new role after his predecessors. A very open-minded and great conversation that we are sure you will like - so why not just watch?

Sun May 12th


Tom Sander · Product Manager · Koenig &#...

This walkthrough shows the new Koenig & Bauer Durst VarieJet 106, a digital printer for folding cartons. The product Manager, Tom Sander, brilliantly explains how the machine is built, where the flexo varnish units are positioned, and what advantages these and the VarieJet have. Enjoy!

Sun June 9th

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Tom Peire · Four Pees · the VIGC talks f...

Interview in Dutch - subtitles in English. Onze grafische industrie in het algemeen en Drupa in het bijzonder is altijd gedreven geweest door technologie. Hoewel hardwareleveranciers vaak software hebben ingezet, en dat vandaag de dag nog steeds doen om zich te onderscheiden van hun concurrenten, ziet de klant, namelijk de drukkerij, dit nog té vaak als een bijzaak. We zien echter meer en meer dat de bedrijven die hun digitale transformatie centraal stellen in hun bedrijfsstrategie, diegene zijn die onze industrie richting geven en transformeren. We hadden dus wel wat vragen voor Tom Peire, CEO Four Pees. -- EN -- Our graphics industry in general and Drupa in particular has always been driven by technology. Although hardware suppliers have often used software, and still do so today, to distinguish themselves from their competitors, the customer, namely the printing company, still too often sees this as an afterthought. However, we are increasingly seeing that the companies that put digital transformation at the center of their business strategy are the ones that guide and transform our industry. So we had some questions for Tom Peire, CEO Four Pees.

Sat September 14th


Tom Peire · CEO · FourPees · PRINTING Un...

In this interview, we talk to Tom Piere from FourPees and focus on the progress of Atomyx, which we covered in Gent earlier this year. More partners have been unboarded, and even the first paying customers are now onboarded. The company looks pretty confident when listening to Tom Peire in this interview. For those who don't know Atomyx, this is a platform that is built to seamlessly connect web applications and services, so you can have one brand of MIS coupled with a Web-to-Print solution of another brand, coupled with a Workflow system from a third brand and so forth. This is without intense IT investments. This obviously requires that the OEMs enable this functionality, but more and more customers have already done so, and more are on their way. Tom Peire announced a couple of new partners in this interview - enjoy!

Fri March 31st


Tom Peire · CEO · Four Pees

Four Pees has set a course to become one of the leading implementations of printing industry related IT-solutions. With huge knowledge, and as CEO and Founder Tom Peire explain, learning from previous mistakes, the company is now ready to execute ambitious plans. As usual, our 'Conversations' format goes behind the scene and gives you an insight into the human side of the top management in companies in our industry. This one is truly great - so please enjoy it!

Wed September 11th


Tom Ling · President & CEO · Advant...

30 years ago, Tom Ling, now President and CEO of Advantage Colorgraphics, got into a mailbox company - and as he said, he has lived the American Dream and today operates an 800+ people company. The Mailboxes became Direct Mail, and when we ask him about a defining moment, he talks about the decision to invest in sheet offset. 30 years later, Advantage Colorgraphics has acquired numerous companies, invested in web-offset, Xerox, and HP toner technology, and now Tom Ling has not only one Landa S10P but also an S11P. He is VERY pleased with his Landa's and explains how they are a perfect fit for his diverse production - but listen for yourself :-)

Thu September 19th


Tom Fitzgerald · Director / Post Press p...

Great having time to get to know the people better when touring - and that is exactly what we had during our Always on Tour with Koenig & Bauer in New Berlin and Bloomington the past two days. Here Editor Morten B. Reitoft has a chat with Tom Fitzgerald :-)