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Tue January 31st


Koenig & Bauer Strong Presence in F...

Koenig & Bauer has a strong market position in France, and with the company's continuing focus on both digital and VLF, CEO Frederic Pambianchi is happy with the development. The partnership with Durst on the folding carton and a strong focus on the company's developed Rotajet has many advantages. Pambianchi explains how the partnerships allow interesting conversations with converters and PSPs - a nice interesting insight into the Koenig & Bauer world and something to learn from. We did two interviews with Pambianchi, one in English and the second in French - soon to be online.

Mon April 15th


Koenig & Bauer Rapida 106X · Primus...

German language/multiple languages subtitles: Im Rahmen unserer ALWAYS on DACH Tour hatten wir die Gelegenheit, den CEO Ralf Rehmet von Primus zu treffen. Primus ist eine Online-Druckerei und Zulieferer für andere Druckunternehmen sowie andere Online-Druckereien. Als Online-Druckerei ist ein schneller Produktionsablauf, gleichbleibende Qualität und die Fähigkeit, viele Produktarten herzustellen, erforderlich. Primus liefert alle gebundenen Produkte, von Wire'O und Klammerheftung bis zu perfekt gebundenen Erzeugnissen. Neben dem Druck, der auf den Heidelberger und Koenig & Bauer Druckmaschinen des Unternehmens erfolgt, verfügt Primus auch über digitale Konica Minolta Drucker und einige Formulardrucker - die, da immer weniger Formulare produziert werden, den ganzen Tag beschäftigt sind. Eine der jüngsten Investitionen ist die Koenig & Bauer Rapida 106X, die viel Automatisierung in die Produktion bringt und eine Maschine ist, mit der sowohl Bediener als auch Besitzer sehr zufrieden sind. Es ist interessant zu sehen, wie Koenig & Bauer eine ältere man roland Bogenoffsetmaschine ersetzt hat und wie die Arbeitslast zwischen Heidelberg und Koenig & Bauer verteilt ist. Aber hören Sie hier Ralf Rehmet zu und genießen Sie es. As part of our ALWAYS on DACH Tour, we got the chance to meet CEO Ralf Rehmet from Primus. Primus is an online printer and supplier of print to other printing companies and other online printing companies, and being an online printer requires fast turnaround, consistent quality, and the ability to produce many types of products. Primus delivers all bound products, from Wire'O and saddle stitching to perfect bound products. Besides the print being printed on the company's Heidelberg and Koenig & Bauer presses, Primus also has digital Konica Minolta and then a couple of form printers - that, because fewer and fewer produce forms are busy all day long. One of the most recent investments is the Koenig & Bauer Rapida 106X, which brings a lot of automation to the production and is a machine both operators and owners are very pleased with. Interesting to see how Koenig & Bauer replaced an older man roland sheetfed machine and how the job load between the Heidelberg and Koenig & Bauer is. But listen to Ralf Rehmet here and enjoy. LinkedIn Profile:

Tue March 12th

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Koenig & Bauer Rapida 106 · Offsetd...

German language / German and English subtitles “Ich erinnere mich an die schönen Zeiten, als ich als Kind in der Druckerei gespielt habe”, sagt Silvia Onkel - CEO Offsetdruck Ockel. Als es Zeit für die nächste Generation war, wussten meine Eltern immer, dass sie hofften, mein Bruder und ich würden die gleiche Begeisterung für den Druck empfinden, wie sie es taten, und heute liebt Silvia Ockel den Druck. Und das sieht man. Offsetdruck Ockel produziert jedes Jahr einen Kalender, und der Kalender dieses Jahres ist nicht nur schön gestaltet und gedruckt, sondern verwendet auch Bilder von einer anderen Leidenschaft von Silvia Ockel – nämlich Afrika. Treue Kunden und ein starker Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit sind einige der Erfolgsfaktoren, aber auch Investitionen in Technologie, die für die Ockels wichtig sind, konzentrieren sich auf eine neue Koenig & Bauer 5-farben Rapida 106, aber auch auf Bindegeräte von Müller Martini, MBO, Stahl und anderen. Offsetdruck Ockel liefert hohe Qualität und hat viele Kunden in der Flugzeugindustrie, was dem Unternehmen direkten Zugang zu Lieferungen am Flughafen verschafft hat – was es sowohl für die Kunden als auch für Offsetdruck Ockel bequem macht. In den kommenden Wochen werden wir Sie auf eine Tour mit anderen Druckunternehmen mitnehmen – von verschiedenen Größen und Typen, um Ihnen die Vielfalt der Druckindustrie in Deutschland heutzutage zu zeigen. Koenig & Bauer hat das Projekt gesponsert, hat sich aber nicht in den Inhalt, die Fragen oder sonstiges eingemischt. Sie haben uns bei INKISH geholfen, die Fragezeichen im Film in korrektes Deutsch zu korrigieren. Bis bald zur nächsten Geschichte! "I remember the good times I played in the printing plant as a child." When it was time for the next generation, I know my parents always hoped that me and my brother would have the same emotions for print as they did, and today, Silvia Ockel loves print. And you see it. Offsetdruck Ockel produces a calendar every year, and this year's calendar is not just designed and printed beautifully but uses images from another passion Silvia Ockel has - namely, Africa. Loyal customers and a strong focus on sustainability are a few of the parameters of success, but also investing in technology, that for Ockels matter is centered around a new Koenig & Bauer Rapida 106X but also binding equipment from Müller Martini, Stahl, and others. Offsetdruck Ockel delivers high quality and has many customers in the airline industry, which has given the company direct access to deliveries in the airport - making it convenient for both the customers and for Offsetdruck Ockel. In the following weeks, we will take you on a tour with other printing companies - of different sizes and types to show you the diversity of the printing industry in Germany these days. Koenig & Bauer has sponsored the project but has not interfered with the content, questions, or anything else. They have helped us at INKISH to correct the question signs in the film into proper German. See you soon for the next story!"

Wed April 3rd

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Koenig & Bauer Rapida 106 · Druckha...

German language / Multiple subtitles subtitles (including German and English). Die Grafikindustrie muss einfach mehr Anreize schaffen.“ Die Worte stammen von CEO Hans-Jürgen Geiß und handeln davon, wie wir unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen besser vermarkten sollten - sowohl um mehr Kunden zu gewinnen als auch um attraktiv für zukünftige Mitarbeiter zu sein. Dies ist die zweite Station unserer Always On DACH Tour - zusammen mit Koenig & Bauer, und in diesem Film besuchen wir das Druckhaus Bechstein - etwa 40 Minuten nördlich von Frankfurt am Main. Das familiengeführte Unternehmen ist eine Full-Service-Druckerei, die hochwertige Druckerzeugnisse liefert und zudem Lagerhaltung und Fulfillment anbietet. Hans-Jürgen Geiß spricht über die jüngste Investition des Unternehmens in die Rapida 106, aber auch darüber, ein kleineres kommerzielles Druckunternehmen zu sein, das allem Anschein nach ein sehr solides Geschäft betreibt. Es war ein sehr interessanter Besuch, und wir hoffen, dass Ihnen unser Film gefällt. The Graphics Industry simply needs to create more incentives.” The words come from CEO Hans-Jürgen Geiß and are about how we should market our products and services better - both to get more customers and also to be attractive to future employees. This is the second of our Always On DACH Tour - together with Koenig & Bauer, and we are in this film visiting Druckhaus Bechstein - about 40 minutes north of Frankfurt am Main. The family-owned company is a full-service commercial printer, delivering high-quality printed products along with also warehousing and fulfillment. Hans-Jürgen Geiß speaks about the company’s recent investment in the Rapida 106, but also about being a smaller commercial printing company that by all means seems to have a super sound business. It was a very interesting visit, and we hope you like our film. LinkedIn Profile:

Mon April 8th

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Koenig & Bauer Rapida 106 · Drucker...

German language/Multiple subtitles: Das familiengeführte Unternehmen Rosebrock ist etwa 30 Minuten von Bremen entfernt, und wir haben es im Rahmen unserer ALWAYS ON DACH TOUR besucht. Rosebrock ist eine Druckerei, die sich auf den Etikettendruck spezialisiert hat. Im Film erklärt Lars Rosebrock, warum sie von einem 5-Farben- zu einem 6-Farben-Druck gewechselt haben und wie die höheren Energiepreise die Entscheidung beeinflusst haben. Bei unserem Besuch wurde die Rapida 106 von einer jungen Frau bedient, und das erfüllt zwei Anforderungen, die wir mögen - 'Jung' und 'Frauen' - eine tolle Kombination und gut für die Zukunft. English: The family-run company Rosebrock is about 30 minutes from Bremen, and we visited it as part of our ALWAYS ON DACH TOUR. Rosebrock is a printing company that specializes in label printing. In the film, Lars Rosebrock explains why they switched from a 5-color to a 6-color printing press and how the higher energy prices have influenced the decision. During our visit, the Rapida 106 was operated by a young woman, and this fulfills two requirements that we like - 'Young' and 'Women' - a great combination and good for the future.

Thu October 1st

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Koenig & Bauer mit großer Zuversich...

Subtitles in English available The Inkish@Work road tour through Germany in August 2020 initially led to Radebeul not far from Dresden. The development of printing technology has had an outstanding tradition in the region for a long time, especially due to the proximity of the book publishing and trade fair city of Leipzig. Ralf Sammeck, CEO of Koenig & Bauer Sheetfed and as a board member at the same time Chief Digital Officer of Koenig & Bauer AG, answered questions from Andreas Weber, CEO INKISH D-A-CH. The conversation clearly showed how you can be well prepared even in times of Corona if you follow a smart, future-oriented plan over the years, react flexibly to changes, focus on customer benefits and cultivate a great team spirit . Ralf Sammeck made clear the benefits that can be drawn from digitalization for print. Not only with regard to the printing machines, but above all also the software / workflows, the services and the communication with customers around the globe. And how to successfully bring customers closer to their needs according to innovations and production scenarios in a new form. The result: With its rich tradition, Koenig & Bauer now seems to be very relaxed in the fast lane. And continues it’s successful strategy to achieve success even in times of crisis. // Die Inkish@Work Road-Tour durch Deutschland im August 2020 führte zunächst nach Radebeul unweit von Dresden. Drucktechnik-Entwicklung hat in der Region seit langem eine herausragende Tradition, gerade auch durch die Nähe der Buchverlags- und Messe-Stadt Leipzig. Ralf Sammeck, CEO von Koenig & Bauer Sheetfed und als Vorstandsmitglied zugleich Chief Digital Officer der Koenig & Bauer AG, stand Andreas Weber, CEO INKISH D-A-CH Rede und Antwort. Das Gespräch zeigte deutlich, wie man selbst zu Corona-Zeiten gut gerüstet sein kann, wenn man über die Jahre einen klugen, auf die Zukunft ausgerichteten Plan verfolgt, flexibel auf Veränderungen reagiert, den Kundennutzen in der Fokus stellt und den Team-Geist pflegt. Ralf Sammeck machte anschaulich, welcher Nutzen für Print aus der Digitalisierung gezogen werden kann. Nicht nur bezüglich der Druckmaschinen, sondern vor allem auch der Software/Workflows, den Services und der Kommunikation mit den Kunden rund um den Globus. Und wie man in neuer Form Kunden ihren Bedürfnissen gemäß Neuheiten und Produktionsszenarien erfolgreich näher bringen kann. Das Ergebnis: Das Traditionsunternehmen Koenig & Bauer scheint sehr entspannt auf der Überholspur zu sein. Und verzeichnet durch die Fortführung seiner erfolgreichen Strategie auch in Krisenzeiten weiterhin Erfolge.

Wed August 9th


Koenig & Bauer Best Service · Janak...

Somewhere in the always surprisingly huge Los Angeles, you'll find Ultimate Paperbox, a company specializing in packaging. The owner Janak Patel has been in the industry for years and has built a growing packaging printing company. In this film, we talk to him about his relationship with Koenig & Bauer. Besides going way back with the German manufacturer, Patel is still very focused on what they do now - and has invested in folding/gluer from Koenig & Bauer Iberica - and listening to Patel, we wouldn't be surprised to also see a Koenig & Bauer Durst Varijet at some point at the site. In the meanwhile - enjoy!

Sun June 9th

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Koen Vlieghe · BOBST · the VIGC talks fr...

Interview in Dutch - subtitles in English. BOBST pakt opvallend groots uit op deze Drupa. Ze hebben dan ook een indrukwekkende portfolio en grote machineconfiguraties meegenomen. Er is veel veranderd bij BOBST sinds ze de laatste keer deelnamen aan Drupa, nu 8 jaar geleden. Vlaming Koen Vlieghe, Zone Business Director Label neemt ons mee op de spreekwoordelijke “Booth tour” en geeft uitleg over de “digitale strategie“ die BOBST sinds enige tijd versneld uitrolt. — EN — BOBST has a grand appearance at this Drupa. They have brought with them an impressive portfolio and large machine configurations. A lot has changed at BOBST since they last participated in Drupa, now 8 years ago. Flemish Koen Vlieghe, Zone Business Director Label takes us on the proverbial “Booth tour” and explains the “digital strategy” that BOBST has been rapidly rolling out for some time now.

Thu February 23rd


Kodak Prosper Ultra 520 Press · Randy Va...

Seeing some of the latest technology is always interesting, and here, ladies and gentlemen, are the Kodak Prosper Ultra 520 Press. The 520 is a brand-new press developed for a pretty broad segment of the market, as its prints on almost any substrate - paper and plastic - and with speed comparable to virtually any B2 offset press. In this film, VP Randy Vandagriff, a legend within Kodak and broadly recognized for his talent, explains the ultrastream technology and how he believes the 520 perfectly fits into today's commercial print space. Enjoy!

Sat May 8th

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Kodak Process-Free Plates Saves the Envi...

Jeff Zellmer is the VP of Global Sales at Eastman Kodak Company and has been part of the transformation process Kodak is going through for two years. About two weeks ago, Jeff Zellmer posted a LinkedIn post about how much a printing company could save the environment using process-free plates - and that caught our attention - and here we are. Jeff Zellmer instantly agreed to talk to INKISH, and we believe you get good information from watching this episode - so please enjoy!

Sun December 8th


Klavs Holm at the INKISH NON-EVENT 2019 ...

INKISH hosted for the first time ever our NON-EVENT. The Non-event is celebrating the people that have been in front of the camera, or been supporting INKISH during the past years. This is a new recurring event, and the idea is to give space for the people we have featured to connect in a new way. We invited 150 people, and 32 decided to join us. Our guests came from Japan, Canada, USA, UK, Belgium, Sweden, and Denmark - and we are confident that next year, even more, will come. We asked most of our participants to talk LIVE during the dinner - and here is Klavs Holm from Denmark. Klavs Holm is the CEO of Medit Consult a leading workflow- and management consultant company in the media industry. Enjoy!

Mon June 10th


Klaus Lund · Commercial Manager · Walter...

We met Klaus Lund from Walter Lund, Chile, at Weilburger's booth - and though his name sounds German, he was born and raised in Chile. His Grandparents moved to Chile, and in Chile, the family has grown a distribution company of, among other things, coatings from Weilburger plus paper and more. Super interesting talking to Klaus Lund :-)

Sat September 28th


Klaus Lammersiek · Head of Digital Trans...

Klaus Lammersiek has a background with HP and Scodix, and both will be valuable experiences in his only seven-month-old job as Head of Digital Transformation. Digital transformation is as much about educating and bringing staff forward as creating digital solutions for customers. Of course, digital transformation is not only about digital print but also using digital technology to optimize processes—and, well, become more profitable. It was great talking to Lammersiek!

Mon May 25th


Kit Tomshøj & Kasper Tomshøj · Prin...

In this Learn with Us session Kit Tomshøj, and Michael Bradley tell to explain how to calculate prices. The presentation is a great balance between basic knowledge and a few examples of how you would do it in case you have the PrintVis ERP/MIS solution. After the presentation, CEO Kasper Tomshøj also joins for the Q&A session - where we, among other things, discuss the newly developed AI module developed to suggest prices to customers. Great inspiration.

Wed January 26th


Kirk Icuss measures throughput, consiste...

Most of us know how addictive this industry is, and I am not sure why Kirk Icuss decided to get back into business after selling his long-time business. BUT. Imagine starting with all the knowledge you have and then choosing the right equipment, the right finishing equipment, and maybe even the right customers to begin with? This is precisely what happened to Kirk Icuss, who know run and operates Enterprise Group Printing with help from smart employees (some even his kids) :-) This is a good film to find inspiration from!

Wed April 28th

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Kim Regin Sustmann · Fast Forward · Comm...

Well, International Business is about communication. The picture is illustrating a situation where I just had signed a contract with a Chinese company. Helping them to come to the European markets. A short time after we signed the contract, the same day, the manager asked me to go into a meeting room and then explain to all his managers how it was to make business in Europe. And I'm sitting in front of this Chinese group of people, the two sitting left to me, they spoke some English. And the rest was just looking. And I had a preplanned English PowerPoint I was using. It is not about the word 'understanding'. It's more about the word do you comprehend? And this is where International Business Cross Culture very often goes wrong. Business in Europe is about knowing how and knowing who. It's about having a network. It's about knowing the markets. Empathy is about understanding, comprehending, trying to see who you have on the other side. Understand the way they are. It's about relationships. It is a people's business. It's very important. I'm not trying to sell them anything. I'm explaining them what my products can do. And what they can do for them. And together we find a concept which would be the right one for them. In Europe, we have trust. Straight away. The first time you and I we met each other, we had trust. In Asia, it's different. You earn trust, it takes time. You need to get closer and closer and closer. In this specific case, I came back to this guy five years ago. I called him saying: are you home? And he greeted with me with open arms. I hadn't seen him in the company for twenty over years. And said: look here Kim. This was the bottle you gave me thirty over years ago. I kept it and cherished it. And I saved it for a memorable day. That wasn't the customer's attitude. That was a friend's attitude.

Wed March 1st


Keypoint Intelligence · Jean Lloyd · Hun...

Jean Lloyd has been in the industry for a long time and has become an industry-recognized specialist in the past years. In the film, we talk about digital packaging and why converters choose to go to Innovationdays, though there is little packaging and equipment to see. But tune into this film, and learn :-)

Thu May 2nd


Kevin Neureuter · NEW CEO · manroland sh...

Kevin Neureuter, as of May 1st, 2024, has been appointed new CEO for manroland sheetfed North America. Kevin Neureuter has been with manroland for the past four years and explains in this interview that he, for some time, has been trained and positioned for his new role, and now the time is here. Kevin Neureuter will still be visiting clients and will be 'on the road' 80% of the time - and with a background in the industry, Neureuter has the same domain knowledge as the newly appointed Global CEO Mirko Kern. It's interesting to see how different the major players in the market address leadership. Meet Kevin Neureuter in this interview: open-minded, smiling, and relaxed - GREAT!

Thu June 24th

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Kevin McKell · Fast Forward · Loch Lomon...

I live just north of Glasgow in Scotland on the banks of Loch Lomond. Like most sales guys…You know, you spend a lot of time traveling, a lot of time in the office. Probably way too much time working and not enough time personal. I have a lovely golden retriever dog. And him and I walk constantly. And this is my regular walk where I go with a dog. The Loch Lomond Whiskey is a very smooth whiskey. I think it should just be savored and enjoyed. My father is 87. And every night in life he has a big stiff whiskey. I'm sure, Captain Haddock, has maybe dabbled in some of the other ones as well. But but if that's his brand, then good on them. I have a beautiful wife and two lovely kids and a dog. And I love my dog. That's not to say I don't love my kids and my wife. It Is a very true saying. If you love your job, you'll never work a day in your life. My engineering background wants to help people solve problems. I believe in what I do. I believe that I try and do my best for the people that I do the job for. The challenge I have in the industry is the product that we sell, which is Corona treatment, not a lot of people really know it or understand it. They know they need it, but they don't really understand it. The founder of the company Vetaphone, that was actually the guy that invented Corona treatment. Because necessarily invent something doesn't necessarily mean you're the best. And actually that's something that I'm very conscious of. So therefore, to make sure that you are the best, you have to do it in a very different aspect. You have to address all areas of the process. As a company like you mentioned earlier, we're very proud of our history. And one of the things that really separates us from that is the knowledge of the process. We try and help them understand that not one size fits all. We're approaching them to help educate them in the process. And then we can go into the technology and why it's different. Why that is? Why should they buy the piece of equipment that we've got as opposed to just making something themselves? LinkedIn Profile:

Tue September 10th


Kevin Loos · Upper Midwest Regional Sale...

We met Kevin Loos six months ago when we filmed with one of their customers. MCS specializes in inkjet post-printing, meaning stand-alone and retro-mounted inkjet options for printing on envelopes, boxes, and more. At SuperCORR they show their new HP 4-color option - and with great examples of how this can increase the value of your product packaging. Good to see Kevin again :-)

Wed June 5th


Kevin Bennett · Owner · EZ-Mailing · Rep...

Congratulations to Kevin Bennett from EZ-Mailing. At drupa 2024, we got to catch up with Bennett, whom we filmed a year ago. Already then, Bennett joked about getting a perfection press - and soon he did :-) A warm Congratulations to everybody.

Fri April 26th


Kevin Abergel · Taktiful · New MIS solut...

Kevin Abergel is the founder of Taktiful - a company driving a community for companies working with digital embellishment - and also now a software supplier of a newly developed MIS system - that essentially takes the next step for how embellishment can help their owners make more money. In this interview, Abergel talks about how he was born into the industry with two uncles and a father founding MGI - and how digital embellishment differentiates from analog embellishment. Super interesting story that we can all learn from! Watch and learn!

Fri March 3rd


Kern · Daniel Wenger · Hunkeler Innovati...

Kern is one of the main players when it comes to inserting & mailing systems. The Hunkeler feeders will match the company color and can be had in Swiss red, or was it Ferrari red? Not sure if it has to reflect the speeds they obtain, but they are the only ones allowed to have a different color for the Hunkeler equipment that they integrate into their inserting lines. Good talk with Daniel Wenger about how Kern meets their customers' automation requirements.

Mon May 4th


Ken Garner · Over The Skype · APTech

Ken Garner is the VP Development & Industry Relations for the American organization, APTech, short for Association for PRINT Technologies. APTech used to be the organizer of GraphExpo and Print shows in Chicago but chose in 2019 to team up with Tarsus to continue the show under the name Brand Print Americas. In this, Over the Skype session, we get the chance to hear more about the work of APTech. We also hear about the first larger virtual conference that due to the COVID-19 was moved from being a physical conference to a virtual one - and many more exciting subjects. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!