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Thu September 30th


It’s not about the machine itself ...

On the second day at the Peak Performance Print Experience event, we got a chance to ask Gareth Ward from Print Business in the UK about his views on the event and the Jet Press 750S. As expected, the answer is not about the technology but more about what the technology can do business-wise - and we liked that answer. But listen for yourself and enjoy the insights from one of the leading media in our industry. LinkedIn Profile:

Thu March 24th


It’s H(I)P to be Square · Pat McGr...

Print Sample TV is all about great print samples, but it's also about bridging great design and great equipment into what makes host and evangelist Pat McGrew's heart beat a bit faster. In this episode, she shows how production inkjet equipment not only delivers amazing speed, agility, but more important higher and higher quality. With HP's new Brilliant Ink the WidePage contesters deliver stunning results at the speed of - well - the speed of a production inkjet machine! Enjoy!

Mon August 29th


It’s a great advantage to using CE...

Advantage Label & Packaging is a Grand Rapids, Michigan-based label printing company, and we got the chance to meet with General Manager Brad Knoth. Advantage Label & Packaging runs multiple flexo/hybrid/digital presses and operates a business solely focusing on narrow web label production. Besides being a supplier of labels, Advantage also develops, supports, and sells turn-key solutions for its customers that include machines that can applicate those labels, but also as a reseller for label printers. What brought INKISH to Grand Rapids is a relatively recent investment in CERM. CERM is an MIS system - formerly owned by Heidelberg - but today owned by the management of CERM. CERM has focused on labels for a long time, and when seeing it in action, you see sensors on machines and barcodes in the warehouse, and you for sure learn that CERM has been a game changer for a customer like Advantage Label & Packaging. Most people realize how big of work it is to change the MIS system, and what surprised Brad Knoth and his team was how smoothly the process went with CERM. Coming from a home-brewed solution, the company already knew what they wanted, and before deciding, they asked four suppliers to demo and present their solutions. CERM came out as a clear winner, and Advantage Label & Packaging proudly discusses the process and the result. Enjoy!

Thu October 31st

It Starts With an Analysis, then Demo...

At PRINTING United INKISH was broadcasting daily. On October 24th, we spend the day with CHILI Publish trying to understand more about their products, services, and offerings. Spending time with specialists gives you a deeper insight, and therefore it's a pleasure to welcome Gabriel Flippo here on INKISH.TV where he talks about customers, and what kind of products/services they use CHILI Publisher for.

Wed July 24th

It All Started With an Envelope · Print ...

5 Colors seem to be the new "black" in the digital printing industry and the company that kind of kick-started this is Ricoh. When Ricoh introduced NEON colors, clear toners, white, and more, Ricoh differentiated them from most of the competitors. To keep a lead in technology is one thing; print samples is something completely different. In this 28th episode of Print Sample TV, Pat McGrew have got an envelope with a nicely printed number '5' on the front indicating Ricoh's creatives have been on work. Pat McGrew is impressed and show tickets, posters, postcards, and even a small box printed on a very silver-shiny surface showcasing all the possibilities a customer will get with five colors. As usual. Watch, Like, and Share

Tue December 10th


IST & Fujifilm: Revolutionizing UV ...

James Quirk of Inkish TV interviews Arnd Riekenbrauck, Head of Sales for Converting and Web at IST, at Creation Reprographics in the UK. Arnd Riekenbrauck explains IST’s partnership with Fujifilm and how their combined solutions—such as LuXtream technology and CureMax inks—streamline printing processes. Discover how LuXtream enables both LED and conventional UV curing, why “Smart Cure” optimizes energy usage through digital integration, and how the new “FreeCure” approach eliminates photoinitiators for safer, more sustainable packaging inks. If you’re considering a retrofit or exploring LED UV curing benefits, this interview provides valuable insights into the future of UV curing technology.

Thu September 30th


Isabell Stiller is excited about the opt...

Isabell Stiller from TDG The Document Group in Germany is excited about the color options delivered by the new Revoria PC1120. With the options to print CMYK+ varnish, silver, gold, white, or pink - the machine expands the color-gamut plus using gold and silver to give the customers metallic colors - really cool. As you can hear, Isabell Stiller is excited! LinkedIn Profile:

Tue October 23rd


Is the success behind Print24 the busine...

At the recent Sign, Print & Pack in Norway, one of the exhibitors wasn't Norwegian. Actually not even Scandinavian. It was Print24 which is a well-known online printer in most of Europe. We got a chance to talk to Managing Director Ali Jason Bazooband about how they differ from other online printers. In a VERY open-minded and lively interview, the charismatic Managing Director Ali Jason Bazooband tell you the business that he is managing.

Wed August 23rd


Is the German retailer REWE Greenwashing...

A few weeks ago, a film was published with a very clear message - use print if you like or don't like it - but don't use the environment as an excuse for your choice. The film has humor but a serious message that all printers and the industry should back - namely, that false statements about print don't do us any good. I invited Bernd Zipper for an interview to talk more about the film, how the supermarket chain REWE most likely only does this to save money, how this can become a generational challenge, and many other interesting topics - important - and a message from Bernd Zipper - the links below are to be shared! LinkedIn Profile: Link to Initiative Online Print Link to REWE film English Link to REWE film German

Thu June 30th


Is Ray Stasieczko an Angry Old Man? · Ra...

I have followed Ray Stasieczko for some time. Almost every day for more than four years, has he delivered a refreshing perspective on the office-print segment. "End of the Day with Ray" is to some extent asking the questions many don't dare to ask, or even worse, sometimes don't even think about. Ray Stasieczko and Editor Morten B. Reitoft WILL at some point meet in person, but here is the first conversation between the two. We normally don't care much about the office segment, but as most of the digital-print vendors in 'our' segment also produces office equipment, the development in this segment COULD influence the professional production segment as well. Ray Stasieczko often in his daily show, refers to numbers, fiscal reports, statistics, etc., and these numbers can be used to broaden your understanding of a significant part of the industry. You can follow Ray Stasieczko here:

Fri November 18th


Is Marketing Important? · Danny Mertens ...

Danny Mertens is the Corporate Communications Manager for Xeikon. In a short moment between other things, Editor Morten B. Reitoft got the chance to talk to Danny Mertens about marketing and the importance of digital. Enjoy!

Thu May 31st


Is Konica Minolta’s UV-curring tec...

Mark Hinder is head of Market Development for Konica Minolta and for those who follow him on LinkedIn and other channels you find a professional with a great passion for the inkjet machine he represents. Konica Minolta introduced their AccurioJet KM-1 at DRUPA, and since then numerous installations have been installed globally. At the recent Print Next 18 event in Stockholm, we got the chance to talk with Mark Hinder about KM-1, Dot Freeze Technology, Market and more - watch and enjoy these 10 minutes of knowledge and pure passion!

Mon May 14th

Is it possible to continue growing Grafk...

Ola Karlsson is one of the 3 persons behind Grakom - the event maker in Stockholm, who is responsible for Grafkom, Grakom I/O and now Print Next. Who attend the shows and who do Grafkom see as their customers? In this film, Ola Karlsson tells you who and why.

Mon May 27th


Is it enough to deliver great quality? ·...

Estonia is a small country in the Baltics with Russia, Latvia, Finland and Sweden as neighbors. With a population of only 1.4 million people and a size like Denmark and the Netherlands, the small population is concentrated in the capital Tallinn and with many printing companies for a country, this size export has been a focus since it's liberation from Russia back in the '80s. In this interview - filmed at PrintNext 19 in Stockholm, we talk to both Katre Savi who manages the Association of Estonian Printing & Packaging Industry as well as Piret Närep and Karol Karu from K-Print - a member and printer in Estonia. Get insight and listen to what KPI's the printers talk about in this film - GREAT.

Tue February 28th


Ironside Technology · Bill Riley · Hunke...

The industry will HAVE to go down the path of automation & industry 4.0, whether they want it or not. Same trends & necessities surface in Europe as they do in the US. Analog is shifting to Digital. So, let’s hear what Bill Riley, President & Founder of Ironsides Technology, says about this at HID23. Bill has been the contact for the larger Europe himself and explains why there is a need for a specialist software provider next to the classic ERP/MIS systems in use.

Sat September 28th


Ioannis Makridakis · Service · Kohlhamme...

One of the many people who made the Kohlhammer event possible was Ionnis Makridakis, and we HAD to stop him for an interview to learn about what he does when he is not preparing events. With a big smile, he explains that he fixes everything, from machines to the maintenance of the building—and as he explains in this interview, he likes the many different jobs he has. Great! Language: German Subtitled: English

Tue June 13th


Invests in Tilia Labs · Peter Varady · C...

Meet Peter Varady from Pacer Print from California. This company started as a design company and became increasingly involved with production. Learn how Tilia Labs became an enabler for the company. Super story and a great example of how many ways into the industry are so different :-)

Thu October 18th


Investing your way out of a crisis · Ger...

Most people know that Greece has been in a crisis but I am quite sure that most people are not even aware of how big this crisis was and even how much it influenced all aspects of the Greek society. In this episode, we visit a unique packaging printer, family-owned printing company Stathatos and hear the story about how they took the chance and invested their way out of the crisis. Their solution was LED-UV delivered by AMS Spectral UV - this story is quite interesting. Enjoy!

Wed February 2nd


Investing in Nilpeter is also investing ...

Dawrian Salies is the General Manager of SA Litho Label Printers - one of the leading print suppliers in South Africa - and part of a much larger organization, CTP limited. In this interview, Dawrian Salies explains that investing in equipment is also investing in the company. With Nilpeter flexo presses on the production floor, that statement is 100% backed up in doings. Dawrian Salies told me during our tour how they align the different technologies from their offset presses to flexo to digital, and the size and output of SA Litho Label Printers were very impressive. Great company!

Mon November 28th


Investing in manroland 700-series presse...

In South Windsor, Connecticut, you'll find a packaging printing company named Keystone Paper & Box Company. The owner, James Rutt, is the third generation owner, and while we are visiting the company, James (Jim) shows us around, greets all employees by their first name, and knows pretty much exactly when each piece of equipment was acquired. The BOBST, the gluers, the windowing machine, and while being on tour, getting the exciting story about how Keystone Paper and Box Company became what it is today. With Robert Papa as COO, the company is now initiating a new growth phase that, according to Papa, will double the size of the company. The heart of the production is the two new manroland 700-series offset machines. One is an 8-color straight machine with a manroland cold-foiling unit installed, and for the second, the foundation is being laid for the second machine. Great story and we hope you like the film - we do :-)

Tue January 11th


Investing in Eagle Systems · Joey Schmis...

We visited the printing company TPC Printing & Packaging in Chattanooga, which recently invested in two new Koenig & Bauers presses. One of the presses is installed with Eagle Systems cold-foil solutions. In this film, President Joey Schmissrauter explains why they chose to invest in the Eagle Systems solutions and how it enables them to create even more luxurious packaging combined with their BOBST hotfoil solutions and their Scodix 106 digital enhancement solution. Very interesting story, and in the film you can see amazing print samples - just for inspiration :-)

Fri April 12th

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Investing in Contiweb · Steven Renders ·...

DE Edition Roularta Media Group is a Belgium-based publishing group publishing magazines and news, delivering digitally, making TV, and supporting local and international brands. Roularta is also involved in the printing industry as the group publishes Grafisch Nieuws - but it's also a huge printing company with dedicated objectives of achieving considerable CO2 reductions. As CEO Steven Renders explains, CO2 reductions get harder and harder as the company obviously looks for the easiest targets first. One of these targets was the dryers on Roularta's web-offset presses - they realized that new Contiweb gas dryers could not only use less energy but also considerably reduce the CO2 emissions - so with that, Roularta exchanged all the heaters on their presses, and now the happy owners of three new Contiweb gas-dryers. Roularta is a very automated printing company with clear strategies that enable it to grow, reduce its carbon footprint, and develop more print business through its unique business models. This is a VERY good film to learn from we believe!

Sat September 28th

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Invest in Binding Equipment NOW! · Yoshi...

Yoshihiro Oe is the General Manager for Horizon GmbH. Horizon is a well-known vendor of binding equipment widely used globally. A few years ago Horizon changed strategy in the pursuit selling more equipment, and they chose to sell directly in Germany, the Nordic Countries (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland), Hungary, and Austria. In Quickborn, just outside Hamburg in the Northern part of Germany, Horizon has built a nice showroom named Horizon Academy. With local employees referencing directly to GmbH the Horizon works to get a broader grip on the market. The strategy seems to be successful. However, Yoshihiro Oe explains in this film, some of the obstacles and wins on the way. Enjoy - We really like this film :-)