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Wed May 3rd

INKISH.TV at Grafkom I/O 2017: Säljstopp...

Johan Dahl har utsetts till Årets Mentor, nominerats till Stora Målpriset 2017 och blev dessutom Årets Rådgivare 2017 inom Ung Företagsamhet. På GrafKom I/O delar han med sig av sina bästa idéer inom försäljning. Traditionella säljmetoder håller inte längre 3 vanliga faktorer som håller tillbaka försäljningen Utveckling eller avveckling – hur ser det ut hos dig? Som föreläsare, författare och förändrare hjälper Johan människor och företag att må bra och gå bra.

Wed May 3rd

INKISH.TV at Grafkom I/O 2017: Så här by...

Jonas Ullberg jobbar på Edita Bobergs och har ansvaret för att utveckla en helt ny lösning för e-handel. Han delar med sig av sina tankar kring upplägg och metoder.

Wed May 3rd

INKISH.TV at Grafkom I/O 2017: Robotlösn...

Christer Jönsson har med sig sin robot på scen och visar upp en ny lösning som hjälper till att automatisera lyft på tryckerier. Man kan också undvika belastningsskador som är vanliga vid lyft. Läs mer om projektet i

Wed May 3rd

INKISH.TV at Grafkom I/O 2017: Outsourca...

Med stor erfarenhet från att jobba med outsorcing av it-utveckling berättar Thobias och Magnus om möjligheterna att hitta rätt kompetens för bra kvalitet. Men det finns många fallgropar att undvika.

Wed May 3rd

INKISH.TV at Grafkom I/O 2017: Nästa gen...

Entreprenören Mazyar Salh diskuterar möjligheter och utmaningar som försäljningsorganisationer står inför år 2017. Mazyar och teamet bakom Donewell har med bakgrund av sina erfarenheter från Ericsson, Google och Elanders tagit fram en lösning som med hjälp av data ökar försäljningsresultat. Konceptet möjliggör en transparent säljkultur där säljare kan fokusera på sälj – ledning kan fokusera på ledning – och allt annat automatiseras.

Wed May 3rd


INKISH.TV at Grafkom I/O 2017: Don’t Buy...

Chris Jordan is a “Print Traveller” and has been through a number of the major changes in print during the last 45 years. Is involved in some of today’s technology and skill changes and is regularly asked to predict what printers and suppliers need to do to be successful in the future. Having lived and worked outside the UK for many years he understands different solutions are required in each country.

Wed May 3rd

INKISH.TV at Grafkom I/O 2017: Digital t...

David utmanar dig och ditt företag och visar hur ett radikalt kundfokus kan bli ledstjärnan ovan en värld i accelererande förändring.

Thu September 10th


INKISH.TV and PrintProvider – behi...

This is how and why we do INKISH.TV

Sun October 8th

INKISH.TV – Live from GrakomØst (east) e...

This live event is about prices - what is cost price, sales price and does market prices at all exist? Flemming Olesen - production executive in both commercial print and packaging, label, repro, Palle Odsgaard - owner of a commerial printer (Dystan&Rosenberg) and Steen Murmann CEO of Antalis discuss prices, paper, equipment, technology and other quite interesting subjects - moderated by Michael Bach Nielsen, Senior Consultant from MeditConsult. Event was held at Intermail by GrakomØst - a local division of the Federation of Printers in Denmark. Event was held in Danish.

Mon August 8th


INKISH.TV – for- and about the pri...

Please Watch, Like, Share and Subscribe to our channel.

Wed February 14th


Today is a great day for us. We are releasing our first version of our new INKISH.COMPARE app. If you are working as a printer, a project manager or as a brand owner you know how big a jungle paper is. With INKISH.COMPARE you can easily find paper specifications and compare more than 25000 types of paper from our PaperDb. The app is for free and available for both IOS and Android. We hope you like it and will use it in your daily work.

Fri April 13th

INKISH.CALC V4 is ready

Version 4 is a major update and gives you a lot of new great features. Let’s dig into some of them. First we found a few minor bugs that are now fixed but more important is of course some of the great features. Every time you see a paper name you can now swipe the paper name to the left and get some options for that paper depending on where you are in the app. The options are “View PDF” that will take you directly to the paper mill’s specification of the selected paper - really cool and important, so you can double check that our parameters are correct. Another nice option is to add the paper you are swiping to your list of favorite papers - makes it easy to build a list of your mostly used papers. In the calculator many new functions have been added - you can of course still choose between binding methods. When you select a product that CAN have more than 4 pages cover, you can now choose 6 or 8 pages and now specify the flap size accordingly. We have also added a drop down menu with some pre-defined formats making it faster and easier for you to select a format. When you save a calculation you will now also be directly asked if you would like to use your calculation to send an RFQ to one of your favorite printers. The only thing you will have to add is whether you print in color or b&w and if you need varnish, laminations, hot foils etc. It’s SO easy and SO nice to use INKISH.CALC for quotes and in V4 your printer can even send you a quote directly in the app - SO nice and so convenient. The offer will ALSO be send to you per mail. V4 also have a new function where your country’s merchants can be registered. This a paid-for-process and we are working on the merchants to become partners with us - but it’s even more convenient since you can narrow down you selection of papers, to papers actually available in your market. Of course you still have access to almost 30.000 types of paper - just click “All Paper” and you’ll have full access. Finally - wherever you are looking for paper we have now build in a search feature that can help you finding the paper you need. We hope you will enjoy V4.

Mon February 19th


INKISH.CALC Explanation

Another great DAY for INKISH. A couple of weeks ago we released INKISH.CALC - a spine & weight calculation tool for printers, project managers, and brand owners. Never has it been easier to calculate spine and weight using accurate paper data - delivered from the new PaperDb global paper database. This new tool is really simple to use and we truly believe this is just one step in our journey supporting printers the best we can! So today's greatness is just because our explainer video is ready. INKISH.CALC is free and available for both IOS and Android.

Sat February 17th


INKISH.CALC – download App for fre...

INKISH.CALC is a free tool from INKISH that helps you calculating spine size and weight on your printed product. You can even use the app to send RFQ's to your favorite printers. It's very easy to use and we are sure it will save you a lot of time.

Wed September 14th


INKISH Welcome you to LabelExpo 2022 · M...

We are ready to cover LabelExpo Americas in Chicago intensively with interviews, demos, and reporting. Not much more to say but welcome!

Mon August 17th



What is INKISH all about? Well here you'll see a short presentation of our info channel. Really hope you like what you see...

Mon February 19th


INKISH proudly presents: Wim Fransen · M...

In this CONVERSATIONS Managing Director Wim Fransen from Enfocus have a conversation with editor Morten Reitoft. In this 11 minute program, they talk about the DNA of Enfocus, how to remain passionate about your work even when you change position and also about a shared codebase, future development, and expectations in general. Wim Fransen is passionate about his work and it was a truly great pleasure to talk with him at the HQ in Gent, Belgium.

Mon June 26th



In this webinar, Editor Morten B. Reitoft gives you an insight into why we believe there is a need for a new printed magazine in the industry, how it will be made, where it differentiates from existing publications, and why we believe this will be a game-changer. The presentation can be downloaded here:

Wed January 22nd

INKISH at drupa 2020

We are People, and we are for sure also drupa here in 2020. We look very much forward to cover drupa the best possible way we can with more than 55+ hours of LIVE broadcast, visiting more than 150+ booths, and a lot of activities on our booth, on the show floor, and of course with guests, sponsors, friends, and everybody we meet on our way.

Thu February 2nd

Fr En Fr

INKISH agréablement surpris par le salon...

J'ai le plaisir de m'entretenir avec l'un des principaux organisateurs de C!Print. Florent Zucca en est le Directeur Marketing. Il nous raconte l'histoire et nous donne une petite idée de ce qu'est d'organiser un tel événement. Il est impliqué dans l'industrie depuis de nombreuses années et ici à Lyon, ils font leur 10ème édition. Alors, merci de nous avoir invités, et nous espérons pouvoir faire partie de la prochaine édition en France ou en Espagne. Ce n'est donc pas un au revoir, mais plutôt à bientôt. Cheers ! L'équipe INKISH.

Mon December 11th

INKISH 2018 – What to expect from ...

Thank you for your support in 2017. INKISH.TV is still a relatively new channel and our success is based on your support. Your likes, your sharing, your support and the support from our Sponsors are essential for us and our future. In 2018 we are launching some new initiatives and in this little "dramatic" 1.30-minute teaser we share some of them. First and most important is our commitment to making more films. We are planning 40+ - some of the films are "business as usual" and some will be tested in new formats. INKISH.TV will also in 2018 be a partner with Argos Solutions from Belgium in their first ever 'Argos Inspiration Days' in Bruxelles from March 6-8th - which we are very excited about. We have also a partnership with Enfocus - also from Belgium about their truly great X-treme Switchover which will soon be presented on INKISH.TV. In 2018 we will also take some new initiatives - first of all, is the introduction of PaperDb - PaperDb is the world's maybe largest paper database with more than 27.000 types of paper - and all with more than 40+ parameters - so cross-referencing, comparison and other things will be made much easier. We will even offer a free API for software developers to include in their software - like ERP, MIS and, Web-to-Print solutions. To showcase PaperDb we have developed a simple INKISH.CALC App for Android and IOS where you can enter your size and choose your paper to get weight and spine size. Not revolutionary but on steroids compared to many of the current ones out there - and of course free of charge. Both IOS and Android versions should be online when you read this. In 2018 we will also become a book publisher and in Q1 we expect to publish our first book written by your humble editor Morten Reitoft about prices. The title will be - well - easy to remember "Prices". We hope of course for your continuing support and if you would like to use our content - feel free to do so. Finally - once more thank you and of course a very happy holiday season to all our viewers, friends and supporters.

Fri January 6th


Ink is not just ink but part of a bigger...

In this film, Jochen Christiaens explain that ink is not ink - or, to be more precise, that different technologies need different types of ink and that the supply chain or the full package is as, or sometimes, even more important. Interesting to hear from an ink manufacturer, we; unfortunately, don't have many of them on INKISH - but here we go :-) Now Zeller+Gmelin is part of the EcoFlexo group. Each member remains an independent company but can offer end-to-end solutions by working together. EcoFlexo has the following members besides Zeller+Gmelin - Hamillroad, GEW, COE, and MPS We produced a film from each EcoFlexo member while in The Netherlands. For further information, visit the EcoFlexo website:

Sat June 15th


Ingolf Fritzsche & Ron Reddmann · M...

170 m2 is all it takes to have a fully automated book production site based on the latest Müller Martini products. In this Walkthrough, you will see each part of the process, filmed by INKISH and explained by Ingolf Fritzsche and Ron Reddmann—both fun guys and proud of what has been built! We know it's a long Walkthrough, but we also believe it's a complex solution from rolls into finished books delivered! LinkedIn Profiles: Ingolf Fritzsche: Ron Reddmann: